Why does the majority of Americans look like this?

Why does the majority of Americans look like this?

Attached: fat-guy-with-ar.jpg (432x324, 37K)

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Thats not true. The other half are either picking cotton or still complaining about picking cotton 300 years later

Because it's a first world country. 50% of all first world countries populations are overweight. Literally all of them. It's kind of what happens when you're not starving to death.

That’s a German kid btw

Historically, being overweight has been associated with idle wealth. People with lots of time and resources and nothing to do


Because America is full of hills and planes. For them it's easier to roll than to walk. It's just evolution

last time i was in a walmart it was 90% beaners and niggers. got to the point i couldn't go in the place without coming home sick for 3 days. so i started ordering everything online. haven't had a cold or flu since.

Recoil reduction

They don't.

Stay mad, yurocuck.

Enjoy your muslims.

Why do most yurocucks look like this?

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Why does the majority of Europeans look like this?

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actually 32.2%

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Feel the same. Except im a legal bean boy. I was in austin visiting sis in law, shes married to a white dude. Anyways, walmart was nigger infested, yell talk, arguing, smell, fuck that. How do ppl deal with such nuisance

Because niggers

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As someone who is obese but currently in the process of losing weight (down 77 lbs): It's because America makes things like Kale, Spinach, leafy greens, and things that cater to low carb stuff stupid expensive, and things like candy, cookies, pizza, fried chicken, sandwiches and fast food stupid cheap.

I feel personally attacked

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>every first world country

Kek, you have never been on europe, have you fatso?

Thats because you are a basement faggot bitch, get out more often, maybe you wont have to die so soon

Look it up. Literally every first world country is over 50% overweight. Even Israel. Hell 79% of German men are overweight.

They don't

soo yeah .. you are right the guy on the pic is obese .. but i think to elaborate the problem you have to look at the whole problem ..

Percent of adults aged 20 and over with obesity: 39.8% (2015-2016)
Percent of adults aged 20 and over with overweight, including obesity: 71.6% (2015-2016)


oh and yeah EU isn't much better .. sady cant find a newe study right now..

The proportion of overweight adults in the EU varied in 2014 between 36 % in Italy and 55 % in Malta for women, and between 54 % in the Netherlands and 68 % in Croatia for men.

I've seen lots of Americans thru the years and I'm damn sure I'm right.

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Hey murrifat. Shouldnt you cry yourself into sleep by now???

Because MGTOW Men Growing Their Own Weight

nigga u talking out of ur ass

I prefer a 10/22 Ruger with 50. Round banana clips

That's funny, because I am American and I've only seen a handful of people who look like that

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Can confirm am european and fat af

So you say you never went outside in your whole life and still live with family?

They're fun to shoot, but .22LR is a shit round for defence.

It's not like you can run away from bad guys if you're that fat

American here..... Can confirm

Top kek!

This is when you not starve. Im sorry skinny subhumans but i can afford it, you not. Now go starve somewhere else

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Well shit if we are talking fuck you guns
I'll take my 300 win mag