This country fucking sucks

This country fucking sucks.

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_Canada.svg.png (1280x640, 10K)

Blow me

go leafs go

Seriously though. What's there to like about Canada?

Government's gonna give me beer money if I don't drive as much so that's cool.

Canadian here
Government's fucked. Policies are made to convert population into easily controlled cucks.
Some people here are still decent though. We have some cool landmarks and a very beautiful country.

Less niggers. Practically no Hispanics.

Safe country, beautiful landmarks, around the globe everyone knows that we are friendly! Personaly I think its the best place to live

but waaaaay too many sand niggers and natives

Same thing with the US. this place isn't any better

Not outside the big cities. I dont even consider Ontario or Vancouver part Canada since the immigrants took over

I call IT ! Next Canadian federal election not a liberal one will win!

Seconded. Fucking sand niggers.

Fuck Tavaras

click bait copypasta says what?

Im with you Yea Forumsrotha, i just wanna at least see them pass the first round and beat boston, they will win a cup at least once in their next 5 seasons, probably not this season tho

Nothings wrong with natives

Having a career year now that hes finally on a good team

Hey! South american here (not spic, i swear)!
I lived in Vancouver for 4 years - graduated there and worked for a while.

As an immigrant, i gotta say, the place was very welcoming, cuz of the easy-going laws and all...

But let me tell you - the economy is FUCKED... i rented a studio in downtown, the size of a fucking bathroom - i payed 1100 dollars a month. Fuck that. I know the chinese are to blame, but still, i can't help but to imagine how a middle/low class white canadian with a family would survive.

Anyways - it's not perfect, but at least there are lots of foreign women and drugs... Better than the US

Anyways, the idea is - if you're outgoing and have a little bit of social skills (i know, i'm on Yea Forums) you're gonna have a good time... Good luck getting a decent job tho, even if you have a work permit.

legal weed tho. thank u justin turdeau.

yeah probably not this season. beating Boston would be sweet tho. we’ closer than we’ve been in a long time.

>Canadian here
sure, kid

You guys have maple syrup how bad can it be?

Doesn't change the fact that he can eat a fucking dick. Leafs will get a first round elimination anyway.

Ahaha, what do you know about bad countries?

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No one asked you dimitri

Everytime it’s the same fucking bullshit
Do you remember during Harper’s time what everyone was chanting?
>people vote for Justin Trudeau
>next election people will vote for another conservative
>then it just keeps repeating

it was a shame