SO.... was he right?

SO.... was he right?

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too bad ted was a sociopathic monster, i liked the manifesto

Are you a deep sea fisherman?
Cuz this is some serious bait.

The inane ramblings of an insane mind - and you look there for inspiration ?

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It gets better..

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Guy was a math genius. He just got fed up haha.

He was a well educated man who had become unhinged. Though his ramblings seem "deep" on the surface, the truth is that they're no more accurate or relevant than any other crackpot BS.

Crazy is crazy, and Ted was batshit crazy.

>SO.... was he right?

Yep, he was right to send the bombs too.

>they're no more accurate or relevant than any other crackpot BS.

Crazy is crazy, and Ted was batshit crazy.

clearly you've never been on a college campus. That's every professor who spouts sjw bullshit to a tee.

what fucking planet are you from user

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he's on the money when describing leftists. it's so much more accurate than many psychologists.. but i suppose that's because many of them tend to veer left and are blind.


>than many psychologists.. but i suppose that's because many of them tend to veer left and are blind.
Or they're concerned about the mind and not politics

MKultra pushed him over that fine line between genius and madness. It's actually pretty well documented.

>Or they're concerned about the mind and not politics

Politics is dependent on the mind and how you see yourself and others in the world.

No, its the same kind of deranged crap your brain comes up with when you've been isolated from other people. You start attributing whatever weird bullshit pops into your head to groups you don't like because you don't have any exposure to counter your confirmation bias. Its why half the basement dwellers here think whoever is on the opposite side of the political spectrum to them is an irrational, psychotic NPC.

He is like a guy trapped on an escalator full of people who are in a state of bliss, all believing that once you get to the top of the stairs, paradise awaits. He’s the only one who really knows what really awaits at the pinnacle. And he made his escape, fighting his way back down through the mobs of sheep. His mistake was trying to save us by warning us. As the man said in Apocalypse Now about Kurtz, “ his methods were unsound.” He acknowledges there is no savior, no stopping the inevitable, save for an epic worldwide calamity which wipes out 90% of the global population. He’s one little man screaming into the wind. His bombs were as senseless and useless as Ludd smashing the looms.

He sure had a nice head of hair, didn't he? so full and easy to tame

Everything he stated is observable. It is a checklist of deranged lefties we have today.

Perhaps, but that's the not job of psychologists to draw partisan lines one way or another.

In my own experience, conservatism has an acute disdain with anything that critiques or opens new discussion towards their own incessant drive to preserve "traditional values."
It betrays a very narrow understanding of history, and effectively puts their own vision in a vacuum from which the default is to attack others as if it's the standard, not the idealism for a nation that doesn't really exist.

>Perhaps, but that's the not job of psychologists to draw partisan lines one way or another.

No one said it was. None of this refutes anything old Teddy writes tho. He seems spot on.

Do you think everyone right of center has all the facets of the worst Maga types or would that be looking at them through the same distorted lense?

>None of this refutes anything old Teddy writes tho. He seems spot on
Do you know what confirmation bias is?

>Do you know what confirmation bias is?

Yes. It doesn't apply here though. Ever heard of Dunning-Kruger? That's you.


>Yes. It doesn't apply here though
If you have a predisposition to disregard leftism,, then a deranged terrorist's take on it will seem more valid to you, and you never intended to examine your own position in the first place.
That is confirmation bias.

>lefty snowflakes getting REKT outta shape

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What your experience should tell you is that conservatives, progressives, it’s always the same. All your perfect isms and ologies are simply tools in the hands of lunatics. All roads lead to exploitation and totalitarianism. Liberals, conservatives, popes, emperors, kings, dictators, call them what you will, they all have one thing in common. That will never change. Ted lived in this fantasy world in which all would be made well by simply wiping the slate clean. Sort of like Pol Pot. Humans may attain technological sophistication but will never transcend their nature that compels them to utilize knowledge as a means of exploiting and destroying one another. But hey, if you think the left is any different from the right, stick around and watch since you apparently have no real concept of history.

I consider myself center. Straight down the middle. Live and let live kinda guy. You probably think yourself on the left, kinda morally superior to anyone that isn't. See, I don't hate you. We're all just trying to get along. Can't help noticing that the typical lefty having a fit on tv at orangeman or on campus is exactly what Teddy boy described back then.

Don't think those on the right get off either. To my knowledge Ted never wrote about the right so I don't know.

platitudes, strawman; yawn.

Ted was just sour grapes since a professor played mind games on him for a class. He was so enraged, he went into hiding in the woods and decided to commit horrible things once he finally snapped.
Read about it.

Empty words from an empty mind. When lacking any cogent argument, call names.

>I consider myself center. Straight down the middle. Live and let live kinda guy
Then you have no principles.
>You probably think yourself on the left, kinda morally superior to anyone that isn't
I don't really believe in morals.
Another cheesy line that promotes empty discussion
>Can't help noticing that the typical lefty having a fit on tv at orangeman or on campus is exactly what Teddy boy described back then.
And that's again confirmation bias.
Would you agree that colleges since the 60's have always promoted activism?
If so, why do you think that is?

We're all in the same and in danger of evil is a lame ass platitude that doesn't service a discussion. Thus, you're not entitled to critique of a mliquest truism.


All he did was overgeneralize. He psychoanalyzed a huge population based on political leanings and came to the conclusion that they all had identical psychologies, without every interviewing a single one of them.

Typical mentally ill disassociation. The only reason any person would agree is because they're prejudice.

An excerpt from Wikepedia:

"As a sophomore, Kaczynski participated in a study described by author Alston Chase as a "purposely brutalizing psychological experiment" led by Harvard psychologist Henry Murray. Subjects were told they would be debating personal philosophy with a fellow student, and were asked to write essays detailing their personal beliefs and aspirations. The essays were turned over to an anonymous attorney, who in a later session would confront and belittle the subject – making "vehement, sweeping, and personally abusive" attacks – using the content of the essays as ammunition, while electrodes monitored the subject's physiological reactions. These encounters were filmed, and subjects' expressions of anger and rage were later played back to them repeatedly.[24] The experiment lasted three years, with someone verbally abusing and humiliating Kaczynski each week.[25][26] Kaczynski spent 200 hours as part of the study.[27]

Kaczynski's lawyers later attributed his hostility towards mind control techniques to his participation in Murray's study.[24] Some sources have suggested that Murray's experiments were part of Project MKUltra, the Central Intelligence Agency's research into mind control.[28][29][30] Chase[31][32] and others[33][34] have also suggested that this experience may have motivated Kaczynski's criminal activities."

Where the fuck is 7 and 8?

>Then you have no principles.

I have plenty of principles of which I am proud. You don't know shit about anything so you make up something to get angry about. Funny, Ted mentions lefties doing this. Haha.

>I don't really believe in morals.

Wew lad. Kinda walking straight into this ain't ya?

>Another cheesy line that promotes empty discussion

You haven't added anything besides antagonism. You aren't very charitable in this discussion are you? Ask yourself why.

>And that's again confirmation bias.

I don't think you are using this term correctly. Did you just learn it in psychology 101 recently?

>Would you agree that colleges since the 60's have always promoted activism?

Yes. Activism for activism's sake is kinda stupid yea? It's like people need a problem to protest about. You're kinda fulfilling everything written in here >If so, why do you think that is?

Because little Jimmy and Susie are pissed off that mommy and daddy have a nice house in a safe country where they were raised and now need to rebel against the system because fuck knows.

>Shhhhhh... you just won de interwebs...

You can literally the same thing out of any group you don’t like.

Daily reminder that trump tards are not conservatives, they’re just slightly racist Bernie bros.

Politics is a horseshoe faggots.

Who would have thought it would be this easy...

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savior, of the universe

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this is now a TRUMP THREAD

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>I have plenty of principles of which I am proud
Alright, name some. This is where we can progress
>so you make up something to get angry about.
Who said I was angry? I made an observation that is inherently true of centrism. Being on the fence, live and let live, that is in itself noncommittal, and in effect preserves the status quo.
>Funny, Ted mentions lefties doing this. Haha.
>Assuming leftists to be emotional
There you go.
> Ask yourself why.
Because of shit like above.
>I don't think you are using this term correctly
"Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses."
>Funny, Ted mentions lefties doing this. Haha.

>Because little Jimmy and Susie are pissed off that mommy and daddy have a nice house in a safe country where they were raised and now need to rebel against the system because fuck knows.
So you have an inherent bias against activism, which you associate with leftism, instead of providing examples of which may be valid and which are not.
Explain how my original evaluation is wrong then?

That pic should have added another 80lbs of fat. You’re great leader is obese.

I've read his manifesto twice, and he was spot on with most of his shit. It's no secret that post industrial society strips people of individuality. However, he overestimates people's ability to comprehend his ideas, the way he plans to carry things out would never work. Even with an inner ring, it's just not feasible that it would gain real popularity. Also I'm not sure if pre-industrial society is the answer to all of his woes. I would assume that after destroying the modern world and reverting to nature, things would eventually progress forward again. Without a radical change in the way a majority of the people on this planet think and behave, everything he outlines would be impossible in the short and long term. I'm not sure if that's sad or not.

>University thinkers aren't free thinkers

If you believe this you haven't been to university...
It's cringey when people who haven't set foot in a lecture actually think it's just dictates information you later regurgitate.

They literally teach you to learn and research by yourself then assess you on that ability...
It's also the origin of "Wikipedia isn't a source" and I can assure you Snopes wouldn't be acceptable either.

You also can't use Chinese sources anymore because Chinese education is too hyper competitive and too many rich china parents are buying their kids reports into peer review.. fun side fact.

>Alright, name some. This is where we can progress

No. You have already proven you only want to antagonize so I am giving you nothing to chew.

>I made an observation that is inherently true of centrism. Being on the fence, live and let live, that is in itself noncommittal, and in effect preserves the status quo.

Isn't that your confirmation bias though? Perhaps it is.

See, this is your whole problem. To always be in a constant battle, always on the front line. Never taking stock, never really evaluating a situation; always in constant turmoil.

>Who said I was angry? I made an observation that is inherently true of centrism

I did. I made an observation that is inherently true about lefty-loons and you got angry.

>Assuming leftists to be emotional
Everyone can get emotional.

>Because of shit like above.
Tsk tsk, I know I am the better person here. Not being charitable is looked down on. I guess you don't know any better though.

>So you have an inherent bias against activism

>which you associate with leftism

>instead of providing examples of which may be valid and which are not.

Ever thought you assume so much about people it will lead to you having a stroke?

>teach you to learn
yeah as most would like you to believe, but it really doesn't. all the science done shows no significant/very little difference between people's critical thinking skills before and after graduation.

a lot of classes do just teach you how to regurgitate information. it really depends on the major. the emphasis on problem solving isn't placed on a lot of less rigorous fields or classes.

university has a place, but you're painting the same sweeping generalization as OP, just in reverse.

Jesus he was a real genius. He spoke such deep-felt truth it's really unreal. He had the ability to objectify society and really communicate what truly goes on. I respect him

thnx for the slow roll, better trolling than Yea Forums has done of late.
Well done.

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Haven't done this in a while. Not quite as fun as I remember but still gives a few chuckles.

FUCK he was like a truth machine

I agree with everything he has said. I remember reading this for the first time and suddenly everything that I had been noticing for years finally made sense. It changed my life.

If you are in STEM then you are correct as far as your second point but with STEM you do regurgitate information. That doesn't have as much to do with point of view as much as just learning the basics of a particular field of study.

In large part the Humanities are engaging in groupthink. Many fashion themselves as free thinkers but this is not universally the case. Without going too deep into this, the overton window is too narrow for me to consider these people free thinkers, while at the same time I don't believe it's the case that universities are trying to produce students that come from a singular viewpoint, rather a set of acceptable perspectives which their individual professors endorse.

It's possible to go to uni and not see this, I spent a large amount of time in humanities a decade ago and it wasn't a everyday occurrence and it's not all professors. But it's a mistake to say it doesn't exist.