What the fuck happened to the boycott??

what the fuck happened to the boycott??

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Other urls found in this thread:


The big companies inflating the numbers. They are fixing it the way they did rotten tomatoes.

how does that work? wouldn't they just fix every movie?

Not every movie has the "strong woman" agenda behind it. They NEED this to be successful.

Ok so explain Alita

you can't fix the figures. that's the whole point of them. they're independently collected and verified.
shitloads of people went to see the movie. just deal with it.

Even if the American audience all neglected to see it, World wide it would have still topped 1 billion. Just how it is.

and Ghostbusters.

Disney bought a bunch of tickets to boost sales

the domestic take is a bigger percentage than Infinity War. It's a domestic success for sure.

99% of people never even agreed to the boycott in the first place you fag

Turns out incels aren't that big a demographic.


yeah, imagine not targeting your movie at dudes who never leave the basement and never go on dates.

Yea Forums doesn't matter in real life, is what happened.

That's the problem with echo chambers son - they warp your view of reality. The vast majority of people are normies who don't give a shit about identity politics. Don't forget that the highest grossing movie of all time is basically Dances with Wolves featuring giant blue smurfs. Bright lights and pretty colors, it's all people want.

Lol when you trying to make Avatar sound like shit by comparing it to an outstanding classic movie.

The plot beats were near identical. What's your point?

Yea i know, just saying that in todays market movie companies no longer rely on the US to make there shekels, so even if we boycott a movie, that wont make them change shit.

>they're independently collected and verified.
Care to give some details on this claim?

Dances with wolves is a national treasure you dumbass nigger. Did my first comment really not spell it out for you dipshit? I'll be sure to not infer around you since it's basically like speaking another language to you.

Because we'd be seeing theater chains being fined for fraud shithead.

People don't care about your agenda when the movie is actually fucking good.

Disney bought out tons of theaters to do this. They are about to kill off all their main characters and need this movie to succeed.

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It wasn't a good movie.

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That's an assumption, not a verifiable fact.
Car dealerships sell cars to themselves to reach the targets, nobody bats an eye.

This is a more fitting image of a “strong woman”

>implying that kevin costner ever did something that wasn't complete shit
he's like a jabroni michael keaton

Well, to get 1 bi moneys so soon must be for some reason and I don't think feminism is this fun of a topic.

So maybe for you it wasn't.

Oh I get it, I'm being trolled

>Car dealerships sell cars to themselves to reach the targets, nobody bats an eye.
You realize we are not talking about car dealerships itt right?

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What about the thousands of unclaimed tickets that were purchased all over America?
Theater managers said they've never seen so many tickets bought online and nobody came to pick them up or bother to get a refund.

I just saw your post now, I'm not the other user, but that argument of yours could be for so many reasons it hardly can be an argument for anything.

>More assumptions

>be d list actress
>have zero main roles in successful movies
>finally land a lead
>make a statement about not liking old white dudes and caring about lgbt representation
>manchildren around the globe begin to REEEEEEEE
>insecure autistic white people literally giving this movie free publicity and strengthening her career without realizing it
>incels don't realize this just makes more people go see the movie
>d list actress now getting tons of interviews, endorsements/sponsors, and support

You retards really don't get it do you? They are manipulating you predictable permavirgins and making you do exactly what they want.

You insecure losers flip out at the drop of a hat on anyone that says a controversial statement which gives them an automatic fanbase of the LGBTQ+ Faggots along with other people who just don't want to be called biggots, as well as free advertising from incel spergs.

Gillette did this and stock rose. The Key and Peele guy did this to get attention for his new movie.

It's rage bating retards like you to generate attention, and thus, net them more money. If you truly wanna hurt their cause, ignore them, you autistic retards.

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My point was that there's already established methods to do the deed in other industries. No one calls it fraud, strangely.

Alita isn't a woke feminist movie owned by Disney.
And the lead actress didn't go out of her way to talk shit about half the population a couple weeks before it was released.
If Captain Marvel failed it would have just proven that social justice is bullshit.

>suddenly no market research in history is reliable

Man you faggots are so easily triggered. Grow up.

Most of us aren't pee-bottling autists.

The time Yea Forums became Tumblr.

Some theater managers said the would consistently have 25 tickets for each screening that nobody claimed or got refunded.
And it wasn't just one guy saying it.

>D list
She won academy award for best actress

the movie is garbage but obviously it being a marvel movie coming out after infinity war/before endgame its going to make at least 600 million regardless of being boring trash. my question is do they control the critics who may say Captain Marvel is pretty good in order to convince people to go see it vs a movie like BVS that critics tore apart seemingly attempting to persuade people against seeing it.

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And the reason for that could be because of anyone.
Could be Disney? Yes.
Could be a group of fanatic [insert group of retards]? Yes.

My point is, without further investigation, this is pointless.

It was meh, about as meh as the second and third Iron Man. Captain marvel was still more enjoyable than any of the Thor movies however.

it's a good movie, and /pol/ can fuck themselves.

Doesn't it have one of the lowest audience rating out of all 21 Marvel movies?

All the pictures all over the internet of empty theaters. Movie theater management reporting that the overwhelming majority of Captain Marvel online ticket sales never actually show up to watch the movie. A reported 80% drop in ticket sales by week 2, one of the largest drops in ticket sales ever.

The movie bombed big time. Mainly because it’s a character no one likes played by an actress no one likes. Disney’s problem is that they bet the farm on this character being the face of phase 4 of the marvel franchise and panicked when Brie Larson couldn’t shut her dumb mouth up.

Disney put a shitload of money into the box office to inflate the numbers, they reshot Endgame to push Captain Marvel to the back and pretend they’re focusing on the original characters but it’s a way to continue to try to sell her to you. Hence why the fucking movies trailer has Thor not so subtlety go “I like her!”

This is the death of the MCU. It was a fun (kind of) ride while it lasted, but phase 4 is going to be a lot of shit tier characters led by an actress that doesn’t know how to make more then one facial expression and act like a cunt.

have you seen the hulk movies?

That just another assurance that the conservatives lost the culture war. If only any of them could be funny, obviously not counting pee bottling autists who think anyone gives a fuck what they think.

Jesus chris did you actually watch any of these movies? Thor has actual humor. Iron Man 3 is epic if you are an actual fan. Read a comic book faggot

Could also be because at this point people are already expecting great thing from the Marvel Franchise and this movie's success is a reflection of that.

Either way, the film did as well as it did due to the merits of the studio. Having feminist topics or not is just a side note.

then howcome the new Ghost Busters tanked like a brick?

Disney started doing this during solo and will most likely continue doing this. Watch captain marvel for yourself, it sucked. No little girls want to watch it, no grown men black or white want to watch it and no female wants to watch it.

>If Captain Marvel failed it would have just proven that social justice is bullshit.
but it didn't fail lol

Because Sony

>actual fan
Yeah I loved what they did with the mandarin

Did you watch it?

Nah. Ragnarok was decent, the rest were garbage. Iron Man was the only decent one, the rest were boring as shit, Mickey Rourke was the worst thing ever. And you're a fucking dipshit for enjoying them just cause they're sorta close to the comics.

because it was poorly written unfunny garbage that would've done equally bad if all the actors were men.


Lol they obviously did dumbass. Hahaha how far in your echo chamber are you son? Read the first fucking post kek

i'm a comic book fan and can confirm that iron man 3 is one of the worst marvel movies ever made.

woah, powerful stuff.. you got sources to back this up, right?

you virgins failed.

>but it didn't fail lol
Because Disney wouldn't let it.
Why do you think theaters were half empty after 2 or 3 weeks yet sales were still so high? I wonder who bought those.

This. how do people not understand that.

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Lol, do you autists actually believe this shit? This is fucking hilarious. Go take your meds.

>take the actual mandarin out of the mcu completely
>have tony stark cry about what happened to him in a DIFFERENT MOVIE for 80% of the film

that's what us real fans wanted!

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>Don't forget that the highest grossing movie of all time is basically Dances with Wolves featuring giant blue smurfs
true.. except,.. ackzuallyyyyh.. it's Gone With The Wind, if you adjust for inflation.

I shit you not, but then again.. it's a great movie.

idk man I went on a monday morning a week after it came out is the theater was the second fullest I'd ever seen (the first being Inglourious Basterds opening night).

boycotts much like protests rarely accomplish anything.

Those theatre managers are probably here onthis board.

Take the word of a random shit bag who still works at a movie theatre in his 40s over market research results. Sounds about right.

Lol, do you autists actually believe this? This is fucking hilarious. Go take your meds man

well, yes.. it actually is.

Garbage ass movie

It was always theoretically possible to lie about how much your movie was making, and some people certainly have, but this is the case that has absolutely destroyed the reliability of box office numbers for me. There is no possible way that this movie has made this much money. There has been absolutely no hype for this film. Nobody I know is talking about it. Almost nobody I know has seen it. Online reception has been completely underwhelming. Back when Black Panther and Infinity War was blowing it up, I could 100% see it happening. There's none of that for Captain Marvel. I don't believe that Disney is lying only to save their social justice agenda, I think they're just lying to keep hype intact as they transition from one Marvel era to the next. Either way, I'm seeing simply no evidence whatsoever that this movie's success isn't just one big lie.

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>What about the thousands of unclaimed tickets that were purchased all over America?
what about your source for this claim?

They pre brought 25 seats at every showing ....youtube it

Because there aren't hundreds of pictures that were trending on twitter a few weeks after it was released showing half empty theaters.

tell this to /pol/, report back here how it went.

Ya got a whopper button ya gotta push it.

aslo Avatar only did so "well" because they pushed 3D so much which inflated the numbers since the tickets cost so much more.

Lol, the movie is absolutely crushing the box office. Take a break from filling up piss bottles and snap back to reality. Nobody is having an x files style conspiracy over a fucking movie. Nobody is out to get you you fucking autist. The movie was baller even if it might not win an oscar like how Black panther did. Another great movie that you couldn't stop lol.

>Because Disney wouldn't let it.
no, because people went to see it.

>Some theater managers said
oh, right.. those guys. What the fuck I totally believe your bullshit now.

>Disney started doing this during solo
uwotm8.. Solo tanked lol

this is not widely known?

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idunno him, sorry.

In a movie that generated 14 million dollars domestic.

I said successful movies, user. 14 million domestic on a movie that cost 14 million (not including advertising budget) to make is not successful.


exactly, that's my fucking point. People didn't go to see it, and thus it tanked. People went to see Spt. Marvel, therefore it didn't tank.

Occam up in this motherfucker already.

You aren't the person they made the movie for faggot. Go watch fast and the furious or some bullahit. Why are you crying about other people enjoying their own art. Nobody cares you are an autistic edge lord, they could give a fuck less. Extend to them the same courtesy. You already lost the culture war accept it. Or contine yo make up another reality where you believe in flat earth style conspiracy about a fucking kids movie. Btw live it college town, it's a hit here. Maybe not in sisterfuck, Alabama where you are from but still.

valid point.



There were hundreds of social media posts of completely empty theaters which also happened to have all their tickets sold out or nearly sold out. See but there were HUNDREDS of these photos and posts.

What happened? They kiked it up from behind the scenes.

Sexually repressed theatre workers that hate women for not fucking them cant fake pictures on the internet?

Four of them couldn’t have gotten together to force a conspiracy meme on the internet and duped a bunch of like minded faggots into believing?

it wasn’t a bad movie but it wasn’t a great Marvel movie. It clearly had some fem power and plot was close enough for a lgtb scene with her friend. But other than that, and the fact that she is missing butt, she has a great personality and caught my atention.

/pol/ ain't happy.. go tell 'em what you think.

But he is a 200 IQ genius. Who needs data gathered by reliable 3rd parties when yiu have Instagram detectives lol

Just google Captain Marvel empty theaters.
It'll take you 5 seconds to find pictures and video of empty seats in a supposedly sold out screening.

>t-the dirty jooz are lying reeee
oh the sheer anal anguish, it's hilarious.


She’s not a D list actress if she got an Oscar for best actress. It also made 36 million overall so not unsuccessful at all

>Four of them couldn’t have gotten together to force a conspiracy meme on the internet and duped a bunch of like minded faggots into believing?
they did, as was evidenced on /pol/ in those days.. it was a great, coordinated effort and it flunked.


>Just google Captain Marvel empty theaters.
yeah, sure.. right after I've googled "the earth is flat".

sure kid.

Hahahahaha that is awesome

That's not successful at all. The advertising budget is usually matched with the production budget. They made maybe 8 million dollars. Only a literal retard would call that successful.

You also seem to be confused on how the actor tiers work. Here are some other nominees from the same year. Saoirse Ronanm and Charlotte Rampling. There are not A-list actresses simply because they were nominated for an oscar. Nobody knows who the hell they are. The tier is based on fame. Kobe Bryant is not an A-list actor just because he has won an oscar.

ever since Pepe degenerated into Honk Honkler, it's been going steadily down hill for the poor /pol/cels.

It's more than that. She's the new leader of the new Avengers after they kill the old ones off in Infinity Wars. These numbers are obviously rigged. The film was shit. It damaged the franchise.

the hulk movies aren't part of it. it started with "iron man".

Going to jump on here. An oscar is pretty fucking successful. You are trying to fight semantics when the whole point is its recognizable skill. You going to say winning a gold medal doesn't mean shit unless you are a household name. Also it's always the neckbeards who haven't dknt ahit in their life trying to shit talk people actually doing things. Get over yourself my guy

kek at the delusion of "about half the population" being old white men.

This is 100% dead on. I love the denial, but it doesn't get more real than this.

Get your autism checked son.

cope harder lol


Hahaha, ez win. That's all you have? Better luck next time kid. I hope you learned something.

0 doubt. Sad Disney went this far to fail. More incoming.

I missed that one, nice catch. This thread is hilarious. Its like performance art.

Kobe won it for an animated short not film acting, so no. But if he won best actor then yeah he’s an A list actor even if he’s primarily know for basketball. Everyone knows who saoirse Ronan is you just live under a rock. It wasn’t wildly successful but it profited so wasn’t unsuccessful.

Yes that's my point. A-list is recognizable skill.

She went from very obviously not A-list, to being the daily talk of every news outlet.

I guess I should've clarified that I was talking about finances when I used the term successful, although it should've been pretty clear. Winning an Oscar isn't easy, but getting one absolutely does not make you A-list.

I liked Avatar. The story was shit, but at the time the visuals were amazing. Captain Marvel had neither. Just a cat, and it was only remarkable because the rest of the film was so bad.

Yeah I’m sure NO ONE is going to see endgame. Dipshit.

Are you retarded son? Did you not read the numbers. Let me break it down 1 billion lot money, they good job.

Lol, you think he actually believes that. I'm dying

Profiting 1 dollar in the film industry doesn't qualify as "successful". Literally every major production studio will consider 8 million dollars as unsuccessful with the only silver lining being the oscar win.

Kobe Bryant was an example. There are countless actors and actresses who win oscars in different categories and are FAR from A-list and not being able to admit this makes you look ignorant. I guess I'll go start composing a list of a few of these actors and actresses right now as you'll probably try to challenge this unarguable fact.

That's not me, idiot.

Yep name one actor or actress that won best actor or actress that isn’t A list.

nah brah I ain't him either

Most likely it's both. I mean, if Disney doesn't have to spend the money, it's better. If they can spend $1 million inciting retards to dump $100 million buying tickets they don't use, it's better for them.

>I'm dying
go back to facebook

HaHahaha, ez win. That's all you have? Better luck next time kid. I hope you learned something.

Actually I don't even have to really look. Frances McDormand 2017 isn't A-list. Her wikipedia page isn't even half a mouse scroll long.

Very cringe.

Lol, I've been here since 2008. You get back to The_Donald

It was worse than the Third Iron Man, but the Third Iron Man was horrific. I wouldn't say it was better than any of the Thor movies. Even the last Thor movie was a LOT better than CM. There were aspects of it I hated, but it was fun overall.

Francis mcdormand from Fargo and three billboards isn’t a-list Jesus Christ you’re an idiot


Have sex, incel.

You're an actual retard if you think 2 movies, 1 from a million years ago, makes you A-list.

Congratulations on being this stupid. I supposed everyone who made good movies in the 90s is still A-list to this very day.

What happened? You guys didn't spread my videos enough. I only made like 20 videos about how terrible Captain Marvel is. But don't worry guys, we can still make an impact on the dvd sales. Also keep watching my videos n don't forget to smash the like and subscribe button!

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>durrrr fargo
you realize a-listers can lose popularity and status over the span of 20 years right?


>old white men
Nice caveat. She said white men weren't allowed to review her movies. Which is hilarious since she should have said Jews. Fuck off SJW retard.

Francis mcdormand is one of the most famous actresses ever one of few who got the triple crown of acting and you don’t even know her you’re an idiot

>You get back to The_Donald
oh, my sweet summer child..

Sadly, a real $1 billion grossing movie wouldn't have THIS many haters in a Yea Forums thread, or anywhere else. A couple sort of haters who liked it in spite of whatever they didn't like, a lot of support, and a huge number of fans. Wonder Woman didn't gross that much, and more people agree that was a decent film. This was shit.

go back to facebook

Obviously she didn’t because 3 billboards made over 150 million dumb ass

oh wow.. you're actually retarded.

>x files conspiracy
>hey we make most of the box office money
>and we re-shot avengers based on this unproven movie
>maybe we should pre buy a fuck load of tickets so we can make it look better than it is
>because white people apparently don't like being shit on by a dumb white bitch
>tons of empty "sold out" screenings
>this is a super complex conspiracy on the par with alien invasions.

no u hahahahahahahah


But either way, from that information alone to "Disney made this" there's a huge assumption there to make those two points meet.

Investigation is needed.

None of these sentences are true.

Yeah, but most of it they spent themselves. It's not profit if you bought all the tickets.

Western men are so fucking emasculated they don't even remember women are beneath them and being called an incel for legitimate criticisms is white noise. Just waiting for the imminent collapse so the natural order is reestablished. Let the cucks have their fake success. We all know it's smoke and mirrors

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i literally lolled


Yikes we have someone completely missing the point over here

It was more like Fern Gully than Dances with Wolves


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incel, the post.

Endgame is the endgame. For the MCU. Sadly.

thnx brahirrim

If you think Disney shareholders where unaware of the cost of something like that you are straight up retarded.

pretty much yea. why do you think they just happened to hire james gunn back right around opening weekend? they knew this shit was gonna tank and they needed something to fall back on.

I do know her, idiot. She's nowhere near the most famous actress, you sad loser. Googling her name gets mostly old results. She isn't talked about daily. If she walked into most restaurants, nobody would instantly know it was her. That's A-list status. You're upset because you're wrong.

Tom Green must be A-list because he was popular once.

Yeah you sure are Share Blue Media LLC employee 101193.

Movies are money laundering.

They're simply pumping all their drug money into this movie.

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coping, the post.

It only made 300 million domestic. That's a big fail under normal conditions. Asians can't get enough of blonde women and china is where it made most of it's money.

Sure, investigate. The big point being here that this is a very logical assumption. Disney rigged this, or Feminazis went nuts and broke their bank accounts on it. I think that there's enough here that someone should investigate. Hell, if we had real reporters out there, they already would have.

Hahahahaha, nice

??? Speak english

What bullet point in the manual are you on fellow white?

Disney shareholders are looking at their flagship tanking. What about the cost of something like that? You're retarted, lol. Fucking Summerfags in April.

>you’re upset because you’re wrong
Not an actual argument.
Not upset because I’m obviously winning the argument.
She would definitely be recognized everybody knows her.
You seriously think that the academy doesn’t nominate famous people for the awards what would be the point no one would want to watch a show about a bunch of actors they never heard of lol almost all of them are inherently a list.
Try again with a different actor or actress.

>Tom Green
>Frances McDormand
next up, we compare little league baseball with the NBA.


Anyone would know Tom Green if he walked into a restaurant. And, yeah, I still wouldn't recognize what's her name. I can't even remember her name. Brie? Like the cheese?


You're upset because you're an idiot.

Ever heard of The Force Awakens? That movie made shitloads of money and /pol/acks and /r/the-donald faggots came here bitching it was about "white genocide". Get real faggot.

But it didnt tank dumbass. Ops post is showing their massive success. Unless you are a pee bottle that seriously thinks there is a massive conspiracy over a children's movie?

>m-muh share blooo
damn, that's one old horse you dragged out the stable there, son. Fun revisting and all, but you consider putting it down.

Lol no more arguments can’t find a single actor or actress who isn’t a list go to bed

>Disney shareholders are looking at their flagship tanking
no, no they aren't.. that's just you dreaming out loud.

>Anyone would know Tom Green if he walked into a restaurant
lol no

>Not an actual argument
I made my actual argument literally before closing with the observation that you're being a mad retard who doesn't know what A-list means. Good job deflecting
>She would definitely be recognized by everybody
Irrefutably wrong. Good job lying.
>The academy only nominates famous people
Yalitza_Aparicio from Roma 2018 called and says you're wrong yet again. Whoa nvm she must be an A-lister based on your shit tier logic.
>Try again
I don't need to try again, you've responded only with deflection and lies. How about you successfully prove me wrong and then I'll "try again".

Drew Barrymore was A-list at one point. Now she's not. That's how it works, little idiot. You seem to think once someone makes a good movie they are A-list forever, which is autistic and wrong.

You don't recognize her so much you spent all this time to refute that the movie isnt popular. Ot obviously is, they won the second you couldn't shut the fuck up about it lol

yes, "brie" is also the name of certain, French cheese. I'm surprised you knew this.

One company rigging their numbers to falsely support a product they have billions invested in, is not a massive conspiracy.

>Drew Barrymore was A-list at one point. Now she's not
well, that was the point all along Captain Obviously Retarded.. jesus christ you're shit4brainz supreme edition.

>Disney shareholders are looking at their flagship tanking
Seeing as how they have 36% of the marketshare, I don't think they're going anywhere. Even if the Marvel movies quit making money.

>a movie can't possibly be succesful is Yea Forums says it sucks!
dude srsl gtfo lol

Are you stupid? My argument from the start is that winning/being nominated for an Oscar does NOT and will NEVER automatically make you an A-list actor, as it is not based on talent, but on current day popularity.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is a child-brain moron.

>what the fuck happened to the boycott??

a few hundred incels screaming on an imageboard hardly makes a dent on reality, even though it sounds loud in the echo chamber.

or, if you believe the idiots here, its a conspiracy.

She would be recognized not a lie you just think everyone is as ignorant as you

Never said they only nominate famous people just mostly nominate famous people they throw in a wildcard once in a while but they never W I N the award which was the argument to begin with.

Everything I have said is true you can not cope with being so wrong on an anonymous board because of your ridiculous ego go to sleep no one will know how hard you failed tonight

Have you ever read about actual professional documented criminal conspiracy? This shit is mad retarded. Yhey dont happen like this man. It's like a kids show trying to show a conspiracy for laughs. Real ones are boring money shifts, not buying out theatres that any minimum wage worker can expose. Get back on them meds

>Unless you are a pee bottle that seriously thinks there is a massive conspiracy over a children's movie
>One company rigging their numbers to falsely support a product they have billions invested in
turns out he was, indeed, a pee bottle that seriously thinks there is a massive conspiracy over a children's movie.

court is ajourned.

No one but you claimed a nomination matters I said from the beginning that non a list celebrities don’t win academy awards and if they do the winning of the award makes them an a list celebrity

Thank you your honor

I'm pretty sure thats an insult to piss bottles. Piss bottles have at least one use more than this guy.

>She would be recognized by everybody
That is what you said
>She would be recognized
This is what you're now changing your claim to?

Jesus kid please get your argument straight before posting.

Yea Forums doesn't work.
We get worked up about shit and say "LET'S FUCK THIS SHIT UP"... but the opposite happens because no matter how right we think we are, we're always wrong.

>Implying Academy Awards aren't a rigged popularity contest.

omg.. I'm conversing a sub-Saharan African, that's the only possible explanation for your thunderous low IQ

Non A-listers DO win academy awards. That black guy from Green Book won an oscar and I guarantee nobody routinely talks about him and he's absolutely not A-list after winning.

The main operator here is the fame not the relative fame distinguished by everybody or somebody. If you get recognized by even 1 person everywhere you go, you are pretty fuckong famous. Please stop with you dumbass semantic arguements. Nobody thinks your smart.

Oh no I used hyperbole in an argument it all must be invalid now!!! Shut up you know she would be recognized. I’ll make an addendum for you NEARLY everyone knows her


this nigga gets it

look at this retard watching judge dredd like its a power fantasy and not a callout of facist police states

valid point.

people are sheep and deserve the impending gynocentric rule


Sorry if you just came in this you’re right but when it’s a lead actor academy award they are most likely if not definitely A list he won for supporting but even still he’s been in a lot of successful shit think he was in moonlight and the new true detective

I'm down, sounds hot

Never implied that actually the fact that they are a popularity contest supports my argument that they are a famous a list celebrity which is why they win

Imagine arguing that Frances McDormand isn't A-List. Yikes

Would have done WORSE if the actors were men because it would not of had that small pack of feminist loons going to see it 5 times because wimmins stronk!

Srsly what the fuck

So if you're recognized by 1 person you're A-list.

Got it OK. Paulie Shore is an A-list actor. Got it. Jesus you kids are amazingly stupid.

>gets caught

I'm done checkmating this retard over and over. Have fun thinking everyone who see's an oscar is automatically A-list. Your autistic basement definition was definitely worth a laugh at least.

who the fuck is francis mcdormand?

I hope you are done you are embarrassing yourself

He said if you get recognized by one person EVERYWHERE YOU GO

Not a lie there isn’t anyone on earth is known by everybody it’s an obvious hyperbole that you are trying to harp on as your only “argument” and saying checkmate doesn’t make you look any smarter

I guarantee Paulie Shore would get recognized by more people than Frances Mcdormand. He must be A-list I guess!

You're an idiot kid. Rethink what you're saying.

Anyway name any actor or actress that won an academy award for best lead that isn’t A list Francis mcdormand is A list

the cop lady from the original "fargo". i had to look it up. i don't think she's really "famous" for anything else. she probably did made for cable crap. i've never seen her in anything else.

Blah blah blah subjective bullshit.

Had to google Paulie shore so I doubt it

You sure you're old enough to be here?

no, i think it means you are considered classic coke compared to pepsi, and lower generic brands. harrison ford is a-list but will smith isn't even if people think he is. i'm afraid bruce willis is too. these are people that can just wake up and land a million dollar job by late afternoon if they want one. they call their agent and within 3 hours they hear they're doing a cute bit part in some new thriller. jodie foster is c-list.

She’s in a couple other successful movies

No she isn't, idiot, but here:
Jean Dujardin. Wins in 2012. Bit parts ever since. Never blew up or gained fame. We got an A-lister in the house, Boys wow!
No, no, no. Some autistic basement virgins here remember fargo meaning that she's A-list forever.

Marvel movies will always suck! End of story.

this here nigga gets it too



Look at this retard literally pulling shit from his ass like a chihuahua that swallowed yarn.

They're just making it seem like they had a large profit. The movie was a success, but they wanna make it seem like the biggest success because
>muh representation

That about the level of intelligence I expected from your response. Carry on my mongoloid son.

If that’s your definition of a list then I guess but I’m pretty sure will Smith and Jodie foster can still do that though and pretty much everyone knows them too so not really sure what you mean. Plus Jodie was definitely A list the years around when she won the awards

Newfag spotted.

>Denzel Washington: 30Million+ results
>Frances Mcdormand: LESS THAN PAULIE SHORE

A-lister actress, boys wow.

Attached: ahahahaha.png (844x723, 123K)

you really do not understand how business works, do you? you have clearly never been near the top echelon of corporate america either. it's about the money you stupid fucking ignorant asshole. they care nothing - and I mean nothing - about your or anyone else's value system other than what makes money. They are far better at knowing what will make them money than you know of anything - and your social construct complaints are of especially limited knowledge. If the majority of entertainment buyers loved blue giraffes, you would see nothing but blue giraffes. These fuckers do not care about social issues at all, they care about making money.

Now that you know their motivation and know that any "boycott" or social media "movement" will have already been considered, rated, and an appropriate response readied if and when that threatened the revenue stream.

Attached: sadness-513527_960_720.jpg (960x614, 126K)


Yeah he’s not A list in America he’s a French actor he’s prolly A list over there


Dumbass doesn't live on this planet. They sell us propaganda. That's all they do.

Never claimed google search results were a criteria of a list actor????

Accept he isn't.

She won Best Actress in 2017 you child. She's been nominated for an Oscar 5 fucking times and won twice.

I realize you're under 18 and probably haven't heard of Meryl Streep either.

Except when money and marching orders are being given by another source. Media turns to propaganda in a culture heading towards police statehood.

>You already lost the culture war accept it
>contine yo make up another reality where you believe in flat earth style conspiracy

So you admit that there is indeed a culture war going on but to believe that people in said culture war would make moves that benefit their side is "crazy conspiracy shit." Yeah that makes total sense you fucking imbecile.

not to urinate on either of your two legs but, Avatar is a ripoff of Pocahontas quora.com/What-are-the-differences-and-similarities-between-Avatar-and-Pocahontas

Why is someone who's so amazing not getting searched for or talked about at all then, little user? When actual A-listers are in the 30+mils? Come on, little user? Where's your basement virgin logic I want to hear your explanation. Please try!
You're responding to the wrong person, you literal retard. I never said she didn't win an Oscar.

No he actually is pretty famous in france



love you daddy


She doesn’t do many interviews and is a pretty private person she can still get a role whenever she wants I’m sure and most non retarded people would recognize her

Also lmao you said virgin and basement dweller lololol just the pinnacle of comedy you are WOW


>pretty famous
Nice, prove it? Is "pretty famous" synonymous with a-list over in france too?

>Google results determine if you're A-List

Go to bed you have school tomorrow.

It was more watchable than the Thor movies, mainly cause Natalie Portman was phoning that shit in so hard. Thor himself wasn't too bad once he actually gotten written with a personality.

Oh fuck off you crazy idiot.

>Doesn't do interviews
Neither does Daniel Day-Lewis, yet he has 173million searches. He and Frances Mcdormand are on the same level clearly. Your logic is amazing I love how sad this is.

>Popularity isn't a factor
I love it. You little retarded kids probably shit your pants when I showed you Frances Mcdormand was less know than Paulie Shore.
170+mil Dandiel Day-Lewis
60+mil Leonardo Dicaprio
6mil Paulie Shore
5mil Frances

THEY ARE ALL A-LISTERS ON THE SAME TIER I GUESS BOYS! Someone get paulie shore an oscar.

> This doesn't fit my conspiracy theory so it must be fake

Don’t know anything about france it’s an annoying country filled with garbage people and I wouldn’t even attempt to learn or argue anything about it. But after winning the award he was bumped up on the quality of movie he was being cast in like wolf of Wall Street and monuments men so that’s an indication that winning the award definitely bumps you up a few grades

It definitely bumps you up and France definitely sucks ass, so I agree with everything about your post.

My point, as it has been from the start, is that literally doesn't have shit to do with being an A-list actor, which he is not.

No Daniel Day Lewis is beyond A list he’s a fucking legend but Francis mcdorman is A list still and google search results don’t equate being more well known most of those results are probably from the millions of fucking mtv and tmz articles that get written about people who arent really that famous

It’s at least a very strong indicator and to say a winner of one is D list just isn’t true Brie Larson prolly not A list after room but definitely not D

France's McDormand is the highest paid actress in the world in 2019.


>b-but I've never heard of her because I'm a child who watches superhero movies!!

You lost little boy. Now GO TO FUCKING BED you're under age.

This. Fucking this so much.

>tfw I went and saw this on a 3rd date with a girl

Attached: Shit.jpg (300x300, 15K)

>Dances with wolves is a national treasure
>national treasure
Are you a sixty five year old white woman?

I love you too you retarded little faggot.

Popularity is directly related to someone's status. It makes absolutely zero sense why an A-list actress who's been acting for decades would have such a massively low number of requests and you 100% wouldn't find such low numbers for any other ACTUAL A-lister. This is a fact.

>zero movies in production for Frances Mcdormand in all of 2019
ahahahaahaha Good one, sperg. I wish the other people were as lazy with their lies as you were. They're funnier that way.


Except not true?

$358,151,774 is the gross from Captain Marvel.

>you have clearly never been near the top echelon of corporate america either
>Michael Eisner is a Yea Forumstard
God you’re pathetic and your life is a delusional fantasy.

Why would we be boycotting it? Looks like a cool movie.

How do you know? Did you take your mom's adding machine into the theater?


that would be domestic, little user. now take a look at the foreign gross and put those 2 numbers together.

i'm happy to help.

Since we’re using google as justification

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Also check the top left of that picture lmao

That proves the other user's point that the movies's domestic gross is average for a marvel film. Chinks with vanilla fever made Disney the bulk of their bread this time around.

Huh. Fair enough. I wonder what country went apeshit for it.


"Disney's 'Dumbo' Flies to #1 While 'Captain Marvel' Nears $1 Billion Worldwide"


>stupid white people like me didn't see it

>posting a list that has dead people on it
>being this retarded
Look guys, we have some dead A-list actresses in the building! What an absolute retard this one is. If you're gonna use google, try using it correctly like I did.

20 people on Yea Forums refusing to see it =/= a boycott

s e e t h i n g

fucking fake news of course

Also check that bottom two black and white pictures. Instantly disproves your point and you're too retarded to even realize it lmao, unless you actually think these dead/100+ year old women are still A-list actresses.

Holy shit you're so stupid you're actually helping me.

>You already lost the culture war accept it.
We lost the culture war.
>Or contine yo make up another reality where you believe in flat earth style conspiracy about a fucking kids movie.
Or we didn’t because their isn’t one being waged....
>Btw live it college town, it's a hit here.
One culture.
>Maybe not in sisterfuck, Alabama where you are from but still.
Another culture.

Whoever is selling you your “education” should be sued for malpractice. You’re a duplicitous moron who is being outwitted by a culture you’ve been told is regressive. Keep telling yourselves that.

Attached: 3A179EAF-E46F-4789-A94B-0C2E7B7F1280.png (225x225, 28K)

So stating that the movie faired average triggered you? You're a special kind of retard.

Faggot you moved goalpost after goalpost lol

They are dead so? They were a list when they lived and would be today f they were alive I’m sure you can lose a list status like Halle berry but immediately after she won her best actress in 2001 she was in multiple X-men movies bond and catwoman all of those sucked and so does she but still a list got fucking payed huge

From the people that still buy the Russia meme.

Attached: 0C05FCDE-4A57-4012-8ABE-D9A6E8583F9D.jpg (609x345, 71K)

>You're a special kind of retard.
like losing your shit when the lead in a movie is a strong female?

Do you print that out and shove your greasy dick through the center?

How? My argument is academy award best actor a list for at least a couple of years everyone on that list that won an award was a list after and or before getting it for at least 5-10 years

I only made 2 comments retard. What goalposts? You went full retard.

>putting the "ass" in "assumptions"
I literally never said a fucking thing about the "StRoNg FeMaLe LeAd" you autistic schmuck.

Haha is it profit?

And congratulations. You're a retard. Being an A-list Actress once means you're 1 forever according to you, which is fucking stupid and fucking wrong.

The only part you got right is where you then CONTRADICT YOURSELF by saying "I'm sure you can lose a list status like Halle berry" and then explain exactly how it's possible to lose a-list status.
That's not true at all and you're talking out of your ass with this 5-10 years bullshit. Explain to me why a 100 year old retired woman is still an A-list actress

Melissa Mcarthy is an A-lister, but she's awful and will never win an Oscar, but she's popular and everyone knows who she is. The A-list isn't given out on acting talent...

Threads going to close so I’ll say one more thing. Never claimed a list is forever most of the women on there who won an academy award were a list for a bit after receiving it if they weren’t before. Earlier you claimed Brie Larson was fucking d list which is in no way true at all and the trend that all those women who won the Oscar are or were considered a list including her backs that up faggot

No shit

Then why post a list with people who are no longer A-listers, like Frances McDormand and Oliva de Havilland?

You're a retarded dipshit and have been one from the start. Enjoy thinking that 5mil+ searches on people nobody recognizes or talks about makes you an A-list actress, just because you used to be one in the past. Your basement logic makes zero sense to anyone but you.

Congrats on being the biggest dipshit I've seen in the last 2 days.