I nonironically hate black people because they consistently reinforce stereotypes without hesitation...

I nonironically hate black people because they consistently reinforce stereotypes without hesitation. Why shouldn’t I be racist?

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Because why not?

And trump supporters consistent'y reinforce the stereotype about republicans being unintelligent and intolerant bigots. Why shouldn't I hate them?

All of them do? Are you willing to bet your life on it?

I’m not saying all do but almost every time I have to run their credit, they have to make a huge down payment on a phone, or every fraud case, it’s a black person.

A common misconception about the left is that we all want to 'cure' racism somehow. but thats not exactly true. You can continue to be racist if you want, that's your choice (in America) but there is a widely held belief among the worlds most educated people that societies that foster racism and strip away public welfare, become fallen empires quickly. The only physical, real-world function Racism has ever played is mobilizing and manipulating poor people to kill on behalf of the rich.
You can say 'Nigger' all you want, but that's exactly what rich people call you.

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Are you wrong though?

Complete balderdash
2/10 I replied

I dislike welfare services to no end. Not because minorities use them but because they’re funded by extortion.

And you don’t reinforce any stereotypes about your race, nationality, religion, etc.?

Oh I do, I reinforce my stereotypes.

I do too for reasons

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I kinda think it’s ok to subscribe to stereotypes ... to an extent. Like when I see a black person on the street wearing ratty clothes I’m avoiding him and thinking ‘nigger’. However I treat the black guy at work who tests my code like a human being cause I have no reason to put those stereotypes on him, even tho he can be obnoxious in black ways. Like laughs too hard at stuff socializing. But I don’t really think or treat him any different for being black, just am vaguely annoyed by this person that is a little too extroverted for my tastes.

Racism becomes a problem when you are too stupid to actually judge people by their character and you just assume all stereotypes are true. It’s a fine starting point for looking at someone tho, again so long as you aren’t retarded enough to insist everyone fits your preconceived notions of them when they show characteristics that don’t fit your stereotype

fake and gay

How could this be fake? Lol

weak and predictable

Spam is Spam

weak and predictable

weak and predictable

and who's the racist in your view?

go ask the mods then retard

You're all faggots shilling for (((them)))

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ever heard of prosthetics dumb fuck?

It's funny because here on my country black people do act actually normal when compared to white people of their respective class (even with the iq differences). I got really impressed when I first found out how Black americans behave so differently to White americans (who I don't idolize that much either, ngl). 13% doing 50%? That's fucked, and I hate when a stormfag tries to associate me with them.

weak and predictable

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There is not a single intelligent white racist on Yea Forums.

I dislike that they think it's political to simply be difficult. It does seem "produced" somehow because it's seemingly not to their benefit in a lot of situations. Like I dunno why you'd badmouth a cop, you might as well be jerking him off. Whites just put up a wall of politeness and false sincerity with cops to the point they can't tell who's a criminal anyway. It blows me away that blacks actively agitate the only people with the authority to haul them off to jail, it seems so foolish that I think it must be artificially induced somehow to the benefit of someone, presumably, other than them.

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>Why shouldn’t I be racist?
You don't find that the pieces of shit in every racial category don't adhere to certain sets of stereotypes?

This is exactly why blacks memeing about their criminal nature en-masse is weird. It's political, they're tools somehow.

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Of course they're tools. Dude, black people in the 50s were awesome. We were the assholes then. The culture that developed was designed to keep them stupid, on drugs, and on welfare. This creates a built in electorate for the Democrats that fund the welfare state. Read old LBJ quotes, dude. The guy was a real deal racist.

but that's the point of stereotypes.
make up a lie about a huge group of people so that whenever it gets exemplified in that group, which it often does when referring to a popular stereotype, the lie is reinforced regardless of whether or not it happens more with that particular group of people than others. the same thing being exhibited outside of that group goes entirely unnoticed. that's how stereotypes work, it's pretty insidious.
>"dude, black people love chicken"
>*black person eats chicken*
>"see what I mean?"
>*asians incorporate chicken into every-fucking-thing*
>*no one notices or even cares*

also, look up baader-meinhof phenomenon.

I'm cool with people being racist, you can gold whatever view you wish. I just draw the line when people start calling for violence as well as discriminatory laws on any basis. So go ahead and be racist just don't start fucking with people.

here's some juicy shit OP

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childish and immature

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But what are the Oranges of your racism.

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define who you think is racist


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"Race" doesn't actually make sense
Just hate Black culture.

There, problem solved.

How does being racist benefit you?

why not join up and find out for yourself?

Why can't you tell me?

I'm not a member

How old is she?!