Minimum education

>Minimum education
>Minimum effort
>Minimum skills
>"We DoNt DeSerVe MinIMuM WaGe''

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No one is saying they don't deserve minimum wage. They are saying the minimum wage should be higher.

>Self determination
>Self sufficience

Respect the ancients.

Minimum effort? Have you WORKED in food service? That shit is fucking hard. Do not recommend.

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Personally, I don't think there should even be a minimum wage, that way McDonald's could pay the high school first-timers $5/hr and have a little more to spend on down-on-their-lucks who need more to pay rent and try to better themselves.

That's not what would happen. They'd just pay everyone less and pocket the profit.

If you think that's bait, you've never worked in food service.

Mmh, I have a combined 4-years experience. It's not hard, just ridiculously rushed and easy to fuck up because they want you to go so fast you can't pay attention to detail.

Oh, look at you, Mr. Fortune Teller. People are able to quit working if they're being terribly underpaid. Sure, strike laws aren't what they used to be, but the market would settle on an equilibrium wage and people could negotiate higher wages if they had just the slightest modicum of ambition.

I have. But you're responding to a bait thread.

Might just be running on different definitions here. If something is stupidly fast paced, easy to fuck up, stressful, I consider it hard. Especially when you have people who think they are better than you screaming at you all day.

Yeah, they did that recently, and everyone called them socialists for it. Face it, your a slave to the oligarchy.

Maybe so. It's made harder than it's meant to be. Coloring in a coloring book page inside the lines isn't hard, but if you're required to do it super fast, you're gonna mess up and feel stressed about what could be a relaxing and easy activity.

Slave to the oligarchy because I have a different opinion than you. Why do I get the feeling you're a leftie?

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False, because the west brings in so many immigrants that will work for anything. Every job would be undercut by a Habeeb.

>oh look typical bait thread

Kys retard

Min-wage was made for useless idiots that are 18 and need to get somewhere before they can move on in life. People in uni working part time to make a bit of coin for example. Not to sustain a family.

If you honestly think they deserve more than min-wage, you might be fucking retarded.
And this is coming from a europoor. Even I know better than you, bernie faggot supporter.

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Its for students, not to sustain familes. You FUCKING retard. Kill yourself.

>t.student loan saleskike

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We tried not having a minimum wage

The rich fucked it up with rampant greed

So now we have a minimum wage deal with it

Also min wage should be $12 an hr

Not a leftie, not a righty. Just wanna burn this mother down.

""""The West""""

>People are able to quit working if they're being terribly underpaid
Oh really? What are they going to live on? (Hard mode: make sure it's something everyone can access with 100% probability)
Kill yourself for being a neoliberal jew.

If the money that is pouring into socialism was reduced to a certain amount then minimum wage could be raised.

Minimum wage should be a sliding scale based upon location. It should be significantly higher in areas with larger populations, but lower in areas with smaller populations. I live in a small city in wisconsin and pay about 700 bucks for rent, electricity, gas, garbage and internet. Its a 1 bed apartment, decent size. I cover that with a job that pays 15 bucks per hour and still have 850 coming home every check after insurance and taxes. i can comfortably afford to live at that price. It should be much higher in a large city.

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who lead the creation of the damn thing, would strongly disagree with you.

“No business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country... By living wages, I mean more than a bare subsistence level — I mean the wages of a decent living.”

The minimum wage is too low to do what it was designed to fucking do. Our economy depends on the workers in these positions.

This. At this point, many workers aren't even fighting for a "raise". they are fighting for a damn cost of living adjustment.

>anything the government does is socialism