Yea Forums, redpill me on this guy

Yea Forums, redpill me on this guy.

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Slumping sales, nigger lover who flushed her career and now resorts to shilling here via a lower-tier shit marketing firm staffed by tranny faggots.

>makes good songs
>not a guy

seething andy sixx poster

>Flushed her career

She's been highly popular since 2014 and she's continuing to grow more, how did she "flush her career"

Radio 1's all over this mumbling nobody. She's got another month or two before she goes the way of Jepsen

You're a fucking idiot if you think she's going to dissipate anytime soon.

I’m pretty sure that’s Ray-Pist without his signature swastika tattoo

Oh dear angry shills got insulted lol low wage faggots with no real skills resorting to spamming this sad washed out cunt

god damn get that disgusting nose out of here

he has one good song the rest are edgy zoomer shite
video unrelated

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>Seething autist who gets upset when asked a question

This zilch is in utter shambles

Not good enough to save her from having to resort to marketing in an ocean of piss.

Holy fuckin' tryhards, Batman!

this really is a guy? I didn't even know who he was until today. with all the threads made about him, I watched him get interviewed on youtube. I though it was a girl but I knew his voice was too deep to be female

billie and eilishpilled

Wow just stick to pretending you want to jerk it to her.

But I already do.

billie delish eilish


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Industry plant, should have stayed unsigned. Feel sorry for her tho. Thot wasted her golden years of youth to fame and money.

he's not a bad looking dude, no homo

this reminds me, I bought some Piccalilli Relish at walmart. never had it before and it's not too bad