drawthread:Blacked edition
Drawthread:Blacked edition
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It's a big one.
Big who am i today
I'm Spartacus.
You're batman. Duh.
Now shut the fuck up Bobby Fischer. We got a mystery to solve!
if we talkin' about REAL cocks, then we're gonna need to see some good ol' fashioned horse pr0n
Stop it.
Get some help.
hows it going?
Requestin Cathyl getting fucked by a horse. Impregnation and overflowing with his cum. X-ray view showing the inside of the womb being filled would be nice. And then also have her sucking the dick of a man who is also cumming inside her mouth, cum flowing out the sides of her mouth.
Will provide more character references if needed
you're an insecure human with a penis that is less than 18 inches long
i'm sure you're a decent guy with a lot of things going for you... but you don't have an 18+" cock
on that basis, your opinion is irrelevant and should be treated as such
Requestin Lilith tied up, bent over a small coffee table, and raped by a large dog while being forced to suck the dick of a man. Have his hand pushing her head down to his dick as he cums inside her mouth, all while the dog cums inside her pussy at the same time, with a little thing to the side showing impregnation. And to give a more rapey feel, if you like, have a gun sitting next to him on the table or pointed towards her head and have her crying.
Will provide more character references if needed.
Requestin Mero sucking off dog and jerking a hot load of dog semen into her open mouth and on her face. Preferably some view where you can see entire face but the dog as well.
Will provide more character references if needed
Requestin Papi bent over a table, being fucked doggystyle by an orc while another one fucks her mouth. Then as the orc fucking her pussy cums inside her and impregnates her, then at the same time the orc fucking her mouth, pulls out, chops her head off, pulls her decapitated head towards his dick, through her mouth and out her neck hole, cumming all the while. Then after, another orc fucks her neck hole on her body and cumming inside that.
Will provide more character references if needed
Much better
how is everyone this morning? am taking requests
I have nothing agains big peens
I just don't like animal peens
And I was just meming dude, you do you
Y'all ever wonder what stars taste like?
G'day friends, taking some reqqus~
What does a jew with an erection say when he walks into the wall?
I heard stars taste like burning death and sunshine cuddles!
Ow, my nose!
>da dum tiss
Draw yourself as a gyaru gal
Obligatory bait post.
This please?
Pretty good, you?
Greetings, gents. I hope you are all well.
I have not, since I'd be dead millions of kilometers before I could get close enough to even taste one! But an interesting thought nontheless. Cheers.
Easy requests?
Dog farts.
Requesting a pic like this, but with a boy. Maybe a furry or a robot boy.
and hello drawfriends who just came online. hope you're doing well.
Draw a cute girl lifting her skirt, showing her pussy to another girl
I'm not into flatulence, per say, but I'd probably let Digby sit on my face and proceed to fart. Good request!
herro anons!!
ill be taking requests
Draw Mettaton EX being FABULOUS
>I'm waiting
Spider farts
For that guy from last thread
I request you learn anatomy
This shit is getting out of hand.
ko oki
they taste like ass probebly
>Sips coffee
Yup. This is goat country.
draw a hrose riding a pony
>Spider shart web launcher
Must have eaten some bad mexican flies.....
Fuk i just wanna go home.
Ur art is so gud yaya.
I suggest more fiber in your diet.
Your stool will stay solid better and therefore not fall out of your hand as easily.
Show belly.
Soon, hombre. Soooon.
Then you can dip your toes into a nice hot coffee bath.
Give yourself a cool coffee enema (with cream and sugar)
and drift off into samurai heaven.
Gals life is the life for me!~
Ah, so lime.
Henlo mom, just because that's your favorite meal doesn't mean everything tastes like that,,
those damn mexicans
u snarky lil brat!!
How's tricks, anons?
But im on lunch.
>samurai heaven
Thats where i send the bois in sekiro.
I am merely a killer.
But what if those mexicans rise up?
>Letting him know that you're filling the belly
Senpai.... you madman....
pretty sure you get killed all the time too. I've seen it happen before!
Gooood afternoon, gentlemen! I'll take some requests.
Thanks Decaf!
I've heard you have a tablet now, so when will you unleash your true skill?
French cigarette smoking robot.
Requesting a pot bellied mommy in a sling bikini getting hit on by a wolfman. Red riding hood reference optional
Arkantos ? What do you think of this ? 5 dread is enough i think, 6 would be too much and would suffocate the draw i think.
Also, are the dread too big to your point ?
And for the chest injury, i don"t know what to add, you have an idea ?
Is looking pretty nice, but I think the dread that is passing through her chest would look better if you put it behind.
Their size if fine, maybe a bit smaller would be ok, like a 0.75 (or 3/4) of their actual size.
Let me find a picture with a chest injury, I'll be back soon.
... only to bosses..
Or bridges with crystal golems.
Shud i stream it?..
Requesting jack o landing that insta.
U finna b underwhelmed huh?
U have a drawing suggestion to throw at me?
Ill give it a shot wen i get home if u do-
Bridges are deadly ass things, mang....
Got turbo too. May he rust in peace....
Thanks man
I imagined it a bit more over the top, but it's good
they will still get killed tho
ama sleep now gudnight thread!!
>U have a drawing suggestion to throw at me?
Hm, what about piccolo, he's cool?
God, that face and that ass are too good to be wasted with fucking ants
Can you draw her being fucked by a regular dude or girl?
Piccolo isn't cool.
Yajirobe is cool.
currently just lurkin doin some draw but in an hour maybe ill be doin reqs here
whatchall up to
At least we can still do ng+ wit em now.
Ur kind for givan me an easy one.
Ill make u a piccolo once i get home.
Pwar is p good too.
That took a while, but here's my idea.
A similar wound like in this image, ignoring the lower injury (the one in the stomach).
Hey, draw the frog girl from My Hero Academia sucking a cock from many meters away with her tongue
Chillin fam.
Waitin on work to end.
So i delete the actual chest injury and draw a kind of hole due to a knife ? color will help it a lot.
Gonna try a first attemp.
You mean the one in the lowe chest? Just make it a bit smaller, there's no need to erase it at all.
Good luck with the attempt
>100k souls gone
i'm a bit sad but it's not 5 mil so it's ok
I trust you, I've never really watched DB
No problem, and yeah sorry I didn't know how you wanted it. Glad you still like it!
Ok sounds fun
Yeaaah thanks dude!
It sounds survivable.
Dont slack too much.
Np yaya.
It look pretty good, i think i will add more injury everywhere. What kind of weapon can shoot her ? laser, bullet, cut ?
oof i see
eatin pretzels.. drawin for a friend.
keep slacking, its good for you
Requesting Kimmy Howell (from the webcomic 'Ozzie the Vampire') playing with a dildo, similar to the reference pic. With the following:
- Sweater & bra lifted, with breasts exposed
- Her pants undone and clinging to one of her legs
- She's wearing one of her flip-flops
In her game there are only laser weapons, but I think normal bullets can hurt her too.
ok so post them horsies or make a HORSED thread
A small detail I noticed, I think you didn't changed the size of that part of the dread
This please? or
yeah lol, i fix problem everytime.
So here is the "final". Tell me everything you need for the last EDIT. i come back in few minutes you got time.
Color is the biggest part.
sup turbo u hype for borderlands 3?
hi puppy hows your eyes?
It only needs the other breast line, everything else is fine.
And holy shit, this will look excellent in color
>keep slacking
>quit slacking
mixed messages
oh dude i'm SO hype
poor anthem is gonna die lol
characters look a little bland so far. though one is a hyuge fuggin' robot and I saw a guy piloting a mech in so i'm excited about that
Imagine if they were posing as pillar men.
That's better
Big dude btw wtf
yeah i got few little stuff to fix.
i said BICH
what is that whatami lookin at
eyes are fine, hope your horn glued back on alright
Alright fella.
This thread needs Zelda fucking a massive BBC to be drawn.
I'll take more requests!
Doneso! Sorry it took a little long, I've never drawn a robot before. Hoo hoo!
Hello, decaf! I'm glad to see you're still around! Sorry though, I don't have any social media.
i've seen from a previous drawthread
but we can get more drawings with
>more horses
>more people
>more positions
>and more settings
let's make it happen drawfags!
Here we go. Look pretty good to me, any suggestion ?
Tell me if you want your name on it
Here you go sir. One dog flatulence.
Any more easy requests?
Awesome, I don't think it needs any other edits, you can move forward to color it.
>Tell me if you want your name on it
Sure, why not, add it on the bottom left corner
dab on anthems grave, im glad i dodged that
>big robot dude
literally already my main he's so cool
idk what that is
yeah nothing a few staples and some tape couldn't fix
Salutations to all, what's everyone's favorite dragon?
>when I forgot to design the rest of Siegmund's family
can anyone draw him in your style?
It might fucked up perspective too
Uhm, so for our first date... what type of food do you like? I heard dragons like fish, and I can get that for you. If... if it's not too weird, do you mind if I hand feed them to you? That'd... would be really cute.
Requesting a Yare Yare Daze
Here you go my man, you can save it.
Look on the gun.
Let's color it now !
forgot pic
That's a very good looking question. What did happen to my hat? I've got no answer for this. Apologies.
I have a 8 inch sausage
send requests
Send picture for the background. I had the idea to use this one
penis in the mornin’
penis in the evenin’
penis at supper time
Hi, i'm completely new to drawthreads and haven't read the thread so far. what do?
Slack a little bit at the right time for jolly murder fests?
8 < 18
also who are you?
also yes please
Take reqs
Pretty good fella.
Alright, hold on.
issabic ass gun.
sorry, i meant the insta-kill that erryone gets.
What do you think?
Just a virgin bull
You don't get much bigger Than this.
>so 6 inch girth when rock hard
Kinda busy sorry, though I do like most kinds of meat.
aight ima take a break and just doodle now..
you can't bring a gun to a fist fight that's just bad manners
well design em chop chop
coloranon back again
survived my first day at a new job
anybody want anyrhing colored?
provide instructions and/or a color palette please
ok... so what should i scribble?
Requesting a conjoinment, like the one in the reference, of Aqua and Tifa.
with the hybrid boob in the middle or with 4 titties?
>do like most kinds of meat
i bet you do :)
What's that suppose to imply?
But I don't eat penises
Any requests?
Eh doing alright. Just got back from eating. You?
good to see you kahl.
i hope you like monstrosities... because that's what i ended up with
Here! Sorry, I couldn't completely fulfill your request. I have no idea how to draw her pants clinging onto one of her leg! But thank you for requesting me.
Hoo hoo! Quite the fearsome tradition you're upholding there, decaf. But surely you could make an exception for a poor old puppet?
draw a haunted suit of leather armor wielding a harpoon gun
Need art of her getting fucked
Draw one o these niggas
would swipe right
Not the same user but
Sometimes you are just really boring to talk to
Ayy! It's alright about the pants bit. This looks nice. Many thanks!
wonder how stronge he is...
hope his ability is good
mmmaybe....switching from 3 to 1 is messing with my head
kinda looks like that chick from cloverfield
oh fine.
oh fine.x2
uv improved.
r u still here yaya?
sekiro to ds1 messes wit me too.
i even made it sort of pov
Eh, true
why is your shade all pixelated?
>r u still here yaya?
Dude, this is so good, you can draw really well when you want! Stop hiding it!
And thank you, he's looking cool just like I wanted
I love the expression you drew her. Thanks, man!
i use medibang for the pc.
(stolen version)
and the tool i use for that has a pixely edge to it.
its not intentional.
thank u man, i appreciate the praise for once.
i can only really draw after i get home from work.
everything before that is me finger doodling on my phone.
its not gud.
Hybrid boob. But any of the two options is good.
oh i'm sure it does even moreso
cuz of the jumping
This is the second monstrosity I got this week. It's a bit rough but really cool. Thanks for your take on my request user :D
she has a nice aesthetic
This please?
This please?
ah right. why not use photoshop since you're stealing anyway?
She shows fanart on her IG story, I wonder how she'd feel about this one.
About to play me some Bingo while drunk off my ass dudes. Wish me luck yeah
Can't stay and talk games starting soon! Phone dying! Be on later probably maybe!
>i can only really draw after i get home from work.
Ah too bad for me I guess, because of timezones it's getting late here... Do you by chance have an art gallery or something?
>finger doodling on my phone
I admire people doing that it looks so annoying
that's a no from me chief
>tfw Turbo has no idea how chill this place has become
something like this?
Here's my mother, Yggdrasil, Loptyr, and Forseti
can i get a coupla requests pleas?
tru man.
overall mobility is strong in it.
still easy toget rekt tho.
u kno me user.
i have.
i dont really like how the lines come out in pshop, even tho i am fluent.
the lines come out jittery in pshop, even if i make swift strokes.
medibang has good enough tools.
Wow! It's been a minute since we've last saw you. Welcome back.
As for requests, wear a sundress with a straw hat.
>Inb4 Go to Hell
draw a lil demon dude with a massive cock
Perhaps a bit, yes! Thank you, my dear. You're still as lovely as ever.
You're very welcome! I'm glad it wasn't too bothersome, hoo hoo!
This please?
draw user hugging binyot(vinny)
BTW, what's your drawfag name?
>when a bitch say she kinky but won't let you lick her feet
how are you guys doing?
you do you man. as long as you're drawin
it was late when i started and now its even later... until next time
take care hec.
thanks m8.
take care.
thanks man, you too
Private investigator, Desmond. I'll be taking a little break and coming back in the next thread for more requests, hoo-hoo!
Good to know. Thanks.
hi posting this again, what's goin on in the thread today
damn son thas t h i c c
This please?
I've been trying to answers since you posted it.. fucking captcha.....
Perfect. I would like to know if her dead is neon fluo ?
Am I ?
well, look pretty good. dont you think ?
nobody wants anything colored?
shut up
Evening my b tards
Pickle rick ? nah
How are you doing brosef?
Oof, captcha can be a bitch sometimes.
> I would like to know if her dead is neon fluo ?
I don't remember, sorry.
Pretty good indeed, can I ask for a transparent version of the full colored pic? Once you have finished, of course.
Don't forget to add the blood-like liquid
Transparent version ? You mean PNG without background or this ?
PNG without background, of course.
all right my man, 2 days of work so. Patience is key.
Indeed fella, don't feel rushed about it, take your time.
This please?
the clap of my asscheeks alerts the whole security force
you give me the need to creat a reaction folder
Is pretty useful is many situations.
>2 days of work
>100 % in project
>hey, look ! a Butterfly
lol. Gonna focus on work man. Cya later !
Alright then fella, see you soon.
GG user
AAAAH! I could never forget this style of art! I don't have tumblr anymore since the purge, do you have twitter?
Who's that pokemon?
Is it digby?
Ok Arkantos, take a save. I stop for today.
look good ?
Are you still here, Yaya?
Draw name?
Well done, it's looking wonderful. I'll see you tomorrow then.
Yeah it gonna be handsome.
have a good night. I'm gonna play some gta.
Just gonna ask again because I'm bored, who's everyone's favorite dragon? I've stated mine before, so I wanna know everyone else's picks.
Which drawanons are here? Any of you lurking?
Not quite.
What fun and quirky shenanigans could arise from this? Find out next week.
Sup drawthread. I drew a Cosmotank.
I'm here, I guess...
I liked your your mother and the one with the collar. I think the last two looked too similar though.
could you take a request?
This please?
Depends on what it is
That’s cool! Is MK your drawname?
Imagine how much it would hurt to get your cock stuck in that
Loptyr and Forseti are twins, so I can see what you mean. Happy you liked my mother and Yggdrasil.
whuddup nerds?
Ah, I see!
What did he do to piss you off?
she just wanted man meat in her mouth
wassup you pint-sized penis licker
This please?
not much you power bottom.
Fuck off bobby
the only race that refuses to be bested by me in Mario Kart is the Japanese
sometimes the Austrians too
requesting you straddling the main cannon of the Cosmotank
>power bottom
bitch you know it
yo lemme get som dick
probably would hurt a lot.
Oh geez will I actually smash alt. universe Sheepie or cuck out like I always do? This sure is suspenseful and unpredictable! Anything could happen! Ooooohhhh...
you won't do it, you're scared
whats good you kinky lasagna fuck
I'm pretty sure you're a faggot, so no
Bigger nigger alpha males dominate beta bitch white boys in any sexual display of dominance. It is always clear that superior mighty ebony members deserve more praise than jealous faggot white beta males. Niggers have more testosterone, and are more suit to breed with women. I, faggot white boy, will forever yearn for bbc in my hungry ass. I, faggot white boy, pledge my soul to serve bbc cum gods for all eternity. Gay for big black nigger dick forever. Gay for big black nigger ding dong for life
As a true faggot beta bitch ass niggerloving inferior white boy, I, faggot white boy, hereby pledge my heart and soul forever to please the mighty ebony member that is a giant big black cock. It haunts my dreams. I worship niggerdick as my true lord and savior, and would gladly slurp up yum yum nigger cum any time any where from any big black penis. I pledge my beta bitch ass to alpha male African black sacred seed semen that the superior BBC cum daddy muscle black man will ejaculate into my inferior bitch ass. Filling my bum with his liquid love. I shall spasm in absolute faggot ecstasy, as I acquire the closest thing to heaven on earth, a huge black ding dong squirting its warm baby batter deep into my desperate hungry faggot ass. All hail big black cock forever. All hail large African nigger doinkie dongs for all eternity. May my wife sister mother and other white females continue to be dominated by the sheer lust that every member of the white race experiences in the presence of a huge masculine black cock. May my girlfriend and my own asses get fucking wrecked by nigger daddy cum BBC lord. White boys are all secretly super gay for the thought of a thick veiny super long juicy black cock that could give our girlfriends way better orgasms than we could ever imagine with our puny pink teeny weenies. All hail mighty African purple penis power. I am gay white ass fucktoy for BBC in heaven worship black cock for eternity be good boy for BBC God
Requesting little Trinket getting into some mischief with her friends
Very unpredictable indeed! Ooohhhh...
Oh come on! Could happen. It's not like I always cuck out in potential sex situations. Sooooo unpredictable.
trinket, how long ago was it that I got you to change your hair to short?
Such suspense. Wow!
Requesting La Muerte with her big, round belly tearing through the front of her dress, an aroused expression on her face.
Seconded. This is my fetish.
whu kinda dick?
many thanks, comrade Trinket
yours, duh
Oh dear.
on it
no clue.
well Trinket dick isnt canon. but whatever floats your boat
>Trinket dick isnt canon
im well aware of that fact
So I've been researching methods. I think I'm going to go for good soon.
Don't be L'Retaurde.
Damn it...now I gotta wank one out...thanks you fucking niggerfaggot
first post in thanks
I got scared and... and my pants slipped down a little...
2nd post in thanks...
Stop being a niggerfaggot and get outta the basement and find a hot ass asian chick to bang
big pee pee
can Yea Forums count to 10?
/r/ fempyro lewds
No promises.
Dang random number generator done messed me up. Now I have to get a 4 to avoid sex. Let's see how good my luck is!
get the fuck outta here and take that shit to a dick rate thread
Slightly altered repost for good luck! ICome on, 2 and 2! Right now!
she looks like the type of girl who would cheat on you with a mortician because she gets off on fucking on cold metal tables in body coolers.
how lewd
...oh right, I always 7 out immediately at the craps table. WELP!
looks bad
here we gooooooooo
Oh man super late, but yes!
you seem to be in a mood~
So uh new thread
now lemme at that big ol honkin 'nanner
english please...
gonna give it some good ol oral servicing
You could suck yourself off with a cock that massive.
...I kinda want to see that now.