About to try this for first time, any tips for taking it first time, and suggestions for fun things to do?

About to try this for first time, any tips for taking it first time, and suggestions for fun things to do?

Attached: medical-marijuana-dispensary.jpg (2645x1982, 752K)

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Watch movies or play some co-op games

this drug is evil

I don't mind that honestly, can't go lower than I'm now lol

Put on a movie before you smoke, it will keep you distracted and calm for your first time.

Smoke in a safe, private place to avoid paranoia. Get snacks because munchies but, most importantly, make sure to have plenty of liquid nearby.

Watch movies, play video games, listen to music. Basically, just do something that you think is fun.


smoke outside and walk around
get a coffee or someshit

also smoke a joint or hit a pipe
desktop vape or bong will fuck you up too much

if you arent used to it, try smoking with active coal filters (if you mix with tabacco) and small breathes. in general, give it time.

things i recommend doing: movies, games, just do shit youre having fun with

youll get more kooked smoking in a house cuz they'll think it reeks
seshing outside is much better

I have basically full apathy diagnosed by psychiatrist so I don't think I'll freak out, also having DP/DR girlfriend so I know the risks

I think I'll go for bong anyway, too lazy to make joints out of this

if you're using one of those giant bongs, don't inhale too much smoke at once

listen to dan carlin's hardcore history and go to the gym

This, otherwise you gonna be wasted as fuck

Don't be stupid and smoke too much the first time, first timers get impatient and smoke more than they can handle and regret it when the spins kick in. So take it slow. And enjoy

lmao pack a good sized rip n make sure its clean
I used to smoke mole and the difference from a clean bong to a greasy one is a million fold

watch the big lebowsky

drink some water
the paranoia is gonna manifest itself in your life
this is normal with weed
eating sugar candy or soda is also pro
go watch porn is also good

Attached: danishfriends.jpg (535x422, 41K)

Wim Hof + Weed = god

Play Rez

Going for a walk, either in nature ornjust down the street. Drawing is fun. If you have any instruments improvising tunes is fun too.
But also as stated many times before, can't go wrong with the three m's. Music, movies, munchies.

Thanks guys, much appreciated

Let us know how it goes.

>make sure to have plenty of liquid

Fucking this. Honestly, I have no idea where the liquid goes, but when I smoke I feel I can't drink enough to stay hydrated, even while chugging down 2-3x the amount I normally drink.
Also: Water. Sweet stuff is nice, but real thirst calls for water.

listen to some howard stern
bigfoot, beetlejuice, high pitch erik

Don't do it

Sure thing man, I'll make a thread in few days as well, maybe 'about' was too fast in this case, I'll reference this one somehow



I learned this the hard way a few weeks ago because I'm a sheltered naive faggot
it was at work too

Start filling out an application for the Wal-mart janitor position. That's where you'll be at age 30 if you use this nigger-tier amotivational drug.

first time?
just fucking do it, preferrably on a cosy place.
and that's all. Anything else is just gay.

cop-games, movies, music, take a walk in a foresty area if you can, get some snacky foods, DRINK WATER

what is worse, this drug or suicide?

Projecting friend?

idk in what time it is in your country but go to a shop and buy food high thats cool

Elon Musk smokes weed, so your logic is a little flawed

>the paranoia is gonna manifest itself in your life

Wtf dude... so your saying its normal to get a chronic psychological illness?

jokes on you im a programmer and work more when stoned

Trade it for heroin

if you are doing it stealth mode basically get some food and enough water and do the same shit you'd do without smoking... watch movies, games whatever..
if you are don't need to hide just do it you'll be fine. just don't smoke too much at once it will ruin the experience...

>just don't smoke too much at once it will ruin the experience...
Good advice here bros

Prepare to disappointed, eat all your food and prob sleep the rest of the day.

I research weed a ton so I have some knowledge.

Pretips: Mangoes can help with your high if it's too much. Use an indica if you can because while I do enjoy sativas, going too all in on a sativa right away can be more unpleasant than pleasant. If you get paranoid know you can always sleep it off and you'll be fine later (maybe with a bud hangover, but your life is not at risk at all)

Step 1: Inhale correctly. If you're using a dab pen or a blunt or something, make sure you pull into your lungs. Don't pull all too hard, don't go all in. After you fill your lungs to the point you want, move the blunt away from your face and take a gasp of sorts to pull in anything that was sitting in your mouth or throat. Not pulling in a little fresh air afterwards is a common mistake.
Step 2: Hack out your lungs. If you have lungs of steel you'll be fine, but if you're new to smoking in general, make sure you have a cough drop, some water, or some tea with honey to sooth your throat afterwards. Honey is particularly effective at soothing the throat.
Step 3: Have fun. Watch a movie or listen to music. Just relax and enjoy yourself. I like listening to cream and janis joplin while high personally. If you play vidja I think it's fun to play fighting games. SF3 Third strike netplay might be worth looking into. You could get couchlock and not feel like moving, so if your plan is video games make sure you have a movie or music you can put on with one touch so it's ezpz. Also make sure you have food nearby because once you get the munchies, you will need food. If you're really using medical than most strains are super strong so limit yourself. If you want advice on edibles I gotchu covered too but I wouldn't recommend for a first timer

Anyone around Columbia SC know a dealer? Mine moved away and it is hard to find dealer once you get over 30.

Bro if its indica you best Jack off it's an experience you wont ever forget.

America seems to have shit ass weed other than the west coast