What's you're favourite quote?

What's you're favourite quote?

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wow that's a pretty dumb fucking quote

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I hate that bitch more and more every day. Thanks OP.

I remember that I thought I knew everything when I was a teenager. I later realized that I didn't know shit.

nice quads, but she's a teen who appeals to teens. I remember when I was a teen I thought I knew everything too. I don't think it's a bad message, else we will create another generation of uncaring irresponsible idiots.

what a fucking waste of digits

Who is billie eilish and why is she suddenly being posted every 14 seconds? Wasnt that the name of the blonde on dr. who?

>why is she suddenly being posted every 14 seconds?
her alt hair and DSLs

do you have amnesia? her name was billie piper faggot.

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Simply the best


I knew it was billie something.


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The dead eyes of bored youth.

You never get dressed quicker than when you wake up next to a naked dead chick.

those wild hairs in her eyebrow give me an uneasy feeling

This would have made a much better quote.

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"That eilish skank had a decent song then turned into a nigger"
-Nelson mandela

Pathetic shill attempt isn't going to save her shit sales

I wondered if that's what was happening here. Never heard of the bitch, suddenly threads start popping up. Figured money was involved somehow.

Yeah I know for a fact she's panicking because her sales flopped when she started doing these duo tracks with niggers

She should try being prettier. Or smarter. Or act less like george soros and anita sarkeesian's love child.

She was on Ellen yesterday, so now all the basement dwellers know who she is.


That's when you know your career is fucked.

How exactly, she's about as mainstream as you can't get and stay. She's trendy as fuck.

I found out about her from Hot Ones. She was one of the worst guests they've had. Typical annoying teenager who has gotten too much approval.

are you implying she has feminine bepis?

"Religion is not a disease, but it is communicable and it kills a lot of people."

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That's about the stupidest Shit I've ever read

>What's you're favourite quote?

"Ordinary morality is only for ordinary people." - Aleister Crowley

"Be true to your nature, just don't let others see it." - user

>Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.

>If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.

>The victor will never be asked if he told the truth.

>-Adolf Hitler

i couldnt just choose one, hes such an inspiring and thoughtful man.

I think she is really pretty, but she dresses like a hood rat from 2003.

Thanks for the input fucking boomer. It’s time for your kind to get the fuck out of the way

Not that guy, but I'm 24 and you're retarded.

>Not that guy
Then shut the fuck up. You’re practically a boomer too

Stop posting this bitch you fucking zilcher...

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nice dubs you faggot

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"Might makes right"


u mite be rong
party wolf '18

What a retard. No, teenagers dont know jack shit about anything.

Billie Eilish is sexually attractive.


Who would ever know? She dresses like a more retarded lil john

So much fucking edge ffs

quads checked

Lmao quoting a 20yearold pop artist
L m a o

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"a loveless world is a dead world, and always there comes an hour when one is weary of prisons, of one's work, and of devotion to duty, and all one craves for is a loved face, the warmth and wonder of a loving heart.”
A. Camus, The plague

“Facts don’t care about your feelings”- Ben shaperio

she is THICC

she's 17 you unread zilch


even worse
hokay, buddy

>mfw I'm 22, definitely not a boomer

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"A time comes when there are no secrets. The only secrets are made up by the police."

L.-F. Céline

(That's how it really goes. Anyone who's been set-up/busted knows it is true)

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Fuck off you teen cunt

Yea you’re practically a boomer and you don’t realize that the young people are taking over this country so sit down

Why does this sound so much like the gamer's rise up crap?

WTF I uploaded a Pepe not ass
You must be 5 years old, cause you apparently dont know what a boomer is. Shouldn't you be in school?

"Myself, I firmly refuse, in any circumstances whatsoever, to join the herd. I far prefer the margins. I am as wary of the social organizations of my peers as of the plague and I am skeptical of any changes or comforts brought about in the struggle for life by events of whatever magnitude."

-Céline from Africa to his parents 1/11/1917

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LMAO... You think today's kids with today's public education system know jack shit about our Republic and how it works?

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Sorry you don’t understand oh wait I’m not sorry

I skipped school today. It’s something I can do because I’m not a fucking ree ree boomer like you drumpf faggots


But she’s original.

>skipped school
We got a certified badass here.

Does mom know about this!?

Just like every other snowflake that no one gives a shit about.

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"I am 35...I am divorced...and I live in a van, DOWN BY THE RIVER!
Now you kids are probably saying to yourselves, 'HEY I'm gonna go out and GET the world by the tail! And I'm gonna WRAP it around, pull it down and put it in my pocket!'
Well I'm here to tell you that AS you go out there, what you'll probably find is that you're NOT GOING to amount to JACK SQUAT!"

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Why are her lips so big? Are ethose natural or injects.

Yes yes, but right now is your nappie time, you're missing it, and you're gonna get grouchy later.
>ree ree boomer
damn, again you still don't know what a boomer is
>drumpf faggots
why are you bringing politics into this? BTW I didn't vote for Trump.

Niggers are terribly stupid

"Now you see that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb." -Rick Moranis

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U not real

BASED back when SNL was funny ;D

probably not naturally she's mostly irish and scottish according to wikipedia

reminds me of some of these transgender or metal health mouthpieces,
"no one has more insight into me, who I am, what I'm feeling, than me!"
fucking rofl

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>metal health

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Bahahaahhaa I love how boomer’s only thing to say is to make fun of people for being younger then them. Fuck yuh old idiots go to your jobs stupid duckers

I don’t care who you voted for it’s an insult you just don’t know because you’re. A. Fucking. Boomer.

Ok, whatever. Why am I still here trying to feed the swine my pearl beads?

"It's nothing to them, those villains! They will inform on me! They will give away all the details of a man's private life for a brass copeck; they hold nothing sacred."

--Fyodor Dostoyevsky (•Poor Folk•)

>thinks boomers are on Yea Forums
You're literally a cringy child

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Who is she?

Gtfo of here Russian bot

Gtfo of here boomer you’re not welcome

What? Fyodor Dostoyevsky...I'm a "Russian bot" cuz I like Russian literature? Classic literature.

Geez you ppl are fuckin uneducated as hell.

Dostoyevsky...a "Russian bot". God when did Americans get so stupid? Damn man...you're wrong

Jesus Christ you sound like you're 25. Old man

...I'm 33 yrs old u pycho retard

Kids like you wouldn’t survive the draft or Nam.

this is a nice post. thanks for sharing.

>posts Russian shit
Enjoy your Russia brainwashing I guess idiot bot.

>33 fucking years old
>doesn’t realize he’s part of the problem
>massive boomerest

I’m not a kid for one and for two “kids” like me would never do something so stupid like a draft or fight over some dumb Asian country for no fuckin reason and also militaries are literally pointless

Sure kid

The only good commie is a dead commie.

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Dostoyevsky was a fucking hack. That would be obvious to you if you actually read some of his shit instead of repeating quotes from Jordan peterstein

too young 4 boomer

I know you wouldn’t fight snowflake

Ya cuz we aren’t dumb boomers who can only settle things with violence. Don’t worry your kind is on it’s way out the door.

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"Fill me up, please. My husband's rich, if I get pregnant he'll just think it's his." -this milf

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>”Just be yourself, bro.”

Never gets old.

Never put off till tommorow something you can do the day after. Gotta stop living by this motto, seriously....

>Niggers are terribly stupid
This is my favourite quote

The last words from my grandfather: I'm not going to the hospital again.

>We are all our own devil, and we make this world our hell.
Oscar Wilde

lol, boomers came in droves from reddit in 2016. We had fucking forwards from grandma on /pol/.

What problem am I a part of? Americans reading classic world literature?

Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Gogol, Pushkin, Chekhov, Gorky...I'm uneducated?

What books should I read to become educated like YOU?

Plus so u even kno what the "Baby Boom" was? Cuz those ppl are my parents. Dumbass

(for that faggot calling me a Russian bot + uneducated

not either of these but I am 19 and I have to agree
fuck that industry plant

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I see what she's saying though. The economy that boomers inherited is not even comparable to the economy that gen z will inherit. Your grandpa and even your dad could leave high school and raise a middle class family on an entry level job. With wage stagnation and automation, a gen z high school graduate couldn't even afford their own place in most cities.

We have boomers telling millennials and gen z that they're just not working hard enough but the truth is that productivity is way up but standard of living and life expectancy is declining.

It's not the same country, and the young people know that. The old people don't because they got theirs and they don't care if anyone else has what they need.

who cares what she says... she is fat

You see son; there was a thing called "World War 2". Afterwards in America, everybody was having babies.

And those kids were mainly the hippies. They didn't all love fighting in Vietnam. Some of em even protested the war! Have you heard of it?

I know for a fact the top 2 are both Goebbels.

Ocean eyes?
Also Drudge report linked her last week so boomers are aware

Boy with large tits.
She tries to hide them with loose clothes but fails.

Remember that when you cowards can’t sit in starbucks drinking your latte and uploading your youtube of you playing a kids game. When I was young we didn’t sit behind a keyboard stirring up trouble, we went out and found it.

yea.. that's what she meant

"I FUCK THE MUSIC!!! I MAKE IT CUM!!! I FUCK THE MUSIC WITH MY SERPENT TONGUE!!!" - homeless black guy at subway

had that Album as a kid, good stuff

Billie Eilish says her fans “make her feel more at home” with Tourette’s Syndrome


"Since the beginning of time 'twas written in the stones that one day a band would come. Well that band has come and now they are here to cum again in your ear pussies."

Tenacious D

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Bruh you can leave high school and learn any number of trades and raise a family on that don’t be a fucking retard

>classic world literature
There’s one of your problems right fucking there. “Classic. Who gives a fuck!?

>Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Gogol, Pushkin, Chekhov, Gorky...I'm uneducated
Lmao Russians. Don’t know don’t care TLDR etc get with the times retard there are tons of blogs and vlogs available online by real people (ie not boomers like you) who live in the actual modern YOUNG world.

Your kind has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel and we can’t wait for you and your institutions to die out!

>when I was young
Stopped reading right there. Go read a newspaper and get off the internet boomer

This is pretty false. You can live on minimum wage pretty much anywhere. People just think cable and internet are necessities.

Lazy young fucks like you are the real reason nothing gets done. Probably wanted your siri to read it to you.

>thinks making fun of someone using technology he can’t even understand is somehow an insult
Boomer confirmed

Yea Forums incels get triggered when girls/women say something they don't agree with. Standard procedure.

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Imagine being so stupid that you get trolled this fucking easily. Holy shit

In New York minimum wage in the state is 11.10. If you work 40 hours a week that's 1776 a month. Then taxes makes it closer to 1300. A basic studio apartment comes out to the cheapest 1000 a month in a bad area. Leaving you 300 dollars a month for food water transportation to your place of work toiletries and hygiene products. Not enough

oh is she the new flavor of the month? cool, I like pistachio

Cool, Keep on thinking that Child..the adults have real work to do.

Dur that’s why you have roommates and a family and it’s also why you don’t stay at a minimum wage job forever

Unless of course you’re incompetent


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"Hey the car didn't hit no motherfuckin' bump."

I rather enjoy this little ditty.

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"Well Brian from what I hear you've been using your paper not for writin', but for rolling doobies. Well you're gonna be doing plenty of doobie rollin, when YOU'RE LIVIN IN A VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER!"

Probably because its harder to carry 100 mil when running from the cops. Clever nigger

Well, isnt this just one huge oxymoron

Faggot with no skills who wants to live in an expensive ass city like NYC or San Francisco but cant so he blames it on the economy not offering him a chance to succeed detected.

But isnt the point of minimum wage to be the minimum wage someone needs to earn to live where they work?

If you want to formally reduce it just to it's contradictory element, you're free to do so ... but wouldn't it be more of a paradoxon then?


No the point of it is to build a society around doing work and being compensated

Then why does the rate change based on location and not the work being done?

22 and practically a boomer? If you're 18 you're still a god damn boomer shut the fuck up faggot KYS

To help people buy shit

-Norville Rogers

Heh, yeah. I suppose so

Right....so you can afford to buy stuff where you live/work

reminder that Billie started out as a generic cute popstar/industry plant and then went edgy only after that first single flopped. now everybody loves her goth mumblecore music

what a dumb cunt

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Gen Z master race

That’s correct

Her music is trash for normie kids.

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You fucking boomers are absolutely seething right now