G'day mates, Loli voice thread!
Choo choo~! Hop on the train and post some requestsies!
Sample: vocaroo.com
Ples no lewd the loli, k? >:(
G'day mates, Loli voice thread!
Choo choo~! Hop on the train and post some requestsies!
Sample: vocaroo.com
Ples no lewd the loli, k? >:(
Other urls found in this thread:
can i get a *ting ting* fuck niggers
I once knew this guy, he was a good guy
can you say "i love you chris" in your normal voice
don't have a glass sitting around for foley?
thank you i am slightly less suicidal tonight
I like to smoke a pipe every once a while *couch*
We all have to get through every day, anone... I'm happy, thanks for saying that.
* cough *
"Good morning, Mario! Are you still sleeping? Tsk... that's no good"
The sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side
Oh another loli! HI! ^-^
Can you say "subscribe for more disappointing content" in a monotone voice :)
how the fuck can I become a loli?
oh well...
How did you practice? I've been trying for a while but haven't had any luck, aside from sounding like a tard
the voice acting isnt passable
big cringe
not even at the level of VR Trapman, big dissappoint
get some more glasses of water user
"hey jacob that's a lot of hentai" please
Just speaking like this for quite some time
Dude you sound as much like a woman as that guy sounded when he catfished that pro super smash brothers sperg.
jesus this is hilariously bad.
understood user have a nice day
Never heard of it, link pls!
I want your manvoice to fuck me in the bum
I hate you. I hate these threads. I hate that you come here to lord over us. You only come here to feel superior. Fuck you. Stop mocking us and get a life.
Some person catfished a pro smash brothers player named mewtwoking. The catfish pretended to have huntingtons disease and said "she" was gonna die soon so they could never meet. He made a big statement about huntingtons live on a tournament stream and cried. Almost every video of it has been taken down because it was so sad.
Here's the catfish guy singing a song. It's clearly a guy and this is what OP reminds me of.
No beniz there, sorry.
kill yourself tranny
Now this is just insulting! :o
No you’re fucking not. Also your female voice is terrible. You’re a dude pretending to be a chick mocking us, which is somehow worse,
Such a shame wasting quints on this tranny
How does that make you feel boy?
Makes me hope he dies in a fire
Uh that's rude coming from you towards the person, who just wants to have fun and escape from this shithole life for a sec to do some fun requests on Yea Forums. I mean hey, we can talk about it if u want! :>
Fuck yourself. You know what you are. I honestly hate you.
Well not really, tell me about it user. You are getting quite angry over nothing, I wanna listen to you.
I just hate the feeling of being mocked is all. How is that hard to understand.
Because I'm not mocking You anone
Yes you are. You sure did last time you were here.
Goodbye user. It's ok for you to kill yourself. Hurry up. I love you. Goodbye.
What did I do? Are you sure you don't mean some other loli?
I’m fairly sure it was you. How many fake loli people are on here.
You sound like Stewie Griffin
Several. Also the one in my first post and this are the only images I use for my thread images. You still never said what I did, so I call bs anone.
Hey guys I'm the smash brothers user.
I don't think OP is mocking anyone. I think he's genuinely getting off to the idea that he can make other weirdos happy or horny by pretending to be a girl. He's not making fun of you, he's one OF you.
I could be wrong though. I'm not all that versed in being a weeb faggot.
No there wouldn’t...
Well whatever one of you mocked me talking about suicide. Doesn’t fucking matter. Fuck off anyway.
Ahh, I thought I heard the distinct tone of a feminine benis.
I mean that's not me so... cool?
You talked about suicide and got mocked for it?
Yeah cool great whatever
Don't blame me for someone being stupid, I actually try to help people with their problems, you can hop on my discord and talk about it if you want! :)
Made a request and got mocked yeah
Yeah I only fill out requests and the only exception is when I refuse or say thank You to nice pople. D8tMge Anyway get in here mate!
Are you Swedish? You definitely sound nordic. The accent didn't really come through in the loli voice for some reason
Yeah cuz I totally wanna hash this out in front of your discord friends...
Join me in a private voice chat, if that's okay!
Not even close. Well my voices have different accents I guess.
sweet! :)
say this
warum wurde ich nicht abgetrieben
Why does it matter you just said it wasn’t you...
"I've been busier than a cat loli burying shit on concrete"
Please and thank you!
It doesn’t matter anyway.
Offtopic, but I need to dump this somewhere safe.