I know nothing about him or his policies. People don't like. Can you guys enlighten me on why people hate him?

I know nothing about him or his policies. People don't like. Can you guys enlighten me on why people hate him?

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Other urls found in this thread:


because my tv tells me to

Seems reasonable

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Because I welcome the destruction of the white race, and the reign of communism, and he is standing in my way.

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He's hurt the drug import business, and child trafficking industry.
Its like fucking prohibition now!

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Mob mentality.

He’s Putin’s Bitch

He cucks black men often. That I saw it on tv he's a racist with a bigger than average penis

Because he's more interested in enriching himself, his family, and friends than he is helping his country.

This:among being a well-known douche for decades, that his supporters suddenly forgot in 2016.

Please elaborate? That's a shitty thing to do but I need examples.

Can you explain?

>why people hate him

Oh, how retarded . . . yet another thread where op larps then poses a question with a loaded false premise (people hate him).

Fact: President Trump has the HIGHEST approval rating in the Republican Party (you know, half the entire Nation of the U.S.) of any President, ever, since such statistics have been taken.

Fact: His approval rating is actually on the rise even amongst Democrats (i.e., retards, those with a mental illness) and has risen nearly 4% in the past two months alone (since the retards keep opposing his wall and everyone sees it is an emergency).

Fact: the fake news pretends nobody likes him. This is the same fake news that comprises all the country and all such media said he had less than a 1% chance of winning the Presidency and it was a foregone conclusion that Hillary would win. Conclusion: NEVER, EVER, EVER believe what the 'media' (i.e., the Democratic Propaganda Machine, dealing in exclusively in lies) tell you.


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Thanks for clearing that up Sean.

fuck off libtard

That's true of every politician who has ever lived.

this another demotard propagandist thread, yawn


Sure. The mother fucker is compromised by the Russians through his past business dealings. Tried to strike a deal with Russia to build a tower in Russia. He lied about it all through the 2016 campaign. Not to mention tons of other shit!

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Alright thanks.

Democrats and republicans are both retarded and only exist to sabotage the other side simply because they belong to a different 'team'. The people think they have a choice is governing their country and are appeased while the jews do whatever they want. Last good presidents were jfk and nixon

Fuck off with your conspiracy theories.

So anyone that has done any business with Russia at any point in history is a spy?

Here's the truth you dumb lefty conspiracy-theorist:
1. There was NO collusion with Russia during the election, the left however did commit several counts of voter fraud, having both dead people voting and having people vote multiple times.
2. Trump has openly opposed Russia multiple times since his election, just look at how he backed off Russia in regardless of Venezuela.
3. There has already BEEN an investigation proving you wrong, and yet you still go on about it.

I know you hate Trump, I know you didn't get exactly what you wanted after the election and now you're crying about it, but you don't get to make up history because of it.
There's plenty of valid reasons to vote for Trump, first and foremost he's not trying to limit free speech or ban information or thoughts, that's strictly leftist politics.

Or are you just spouting programmed statements like a NPC?

Hahahahahaha your lecturing me about conspiracies? Hahahahaha. Show me evidence he’s not compromised.

I like him because of his hypocrisy. He wants closer connections to russia, but tried to sue my country for building a gas pipeline to russia and developing new trade opportunities.


Get your heads out of the sand. Trump lied cheated and stole his whole life. Why do u think that would change now?

That’s all u got?

>evidence he's not compromised
Is the most thorough investigation in US history enough for you? Mueller found no collusion. Is Mueller a Russian too?

I guess Germany? Yeah, he started sanctions because he wants to send US gas with freighter to germany like it has been in the past. He fears an economic impact with the new pipeline. Funny though, he despises bad trade deals for his own country

We haven’t seen full report dumbass

Wait, lets not get overboard. Trump didn't collude. His team did. But that is not really shocking. A group of manager tends to try to make as much money as possible.

You are accusing someone of doing something that you have no evidence of them doing.

righteous trips of truth

because the media and most leftists value
personality > policy. trump is an egomaniac and a bit of a dick.

Plenty of circumstantial evidence tho

mfw people respond to this bait
the absolute state of this board

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Yeah, a huge shitshow. He is threatening us with sanctions. On top Trump now wants us to up our military while we also have a still valid treaty with the US that we are not allowed to spend more than 1% of our gdp for military. If we spend more, we are legally allowed to be occupuied again.


I will admit I support Trump more but I really don't know much about him. I only support him because I don't have a reason to hate him. That's why I made this thread so people will explain why they oppose him.

By definition if he is giving another country a bad deal, he is giving his country a good deal.

Ivanka and Jared Kushner got top White House positions with zero political experience or merit. Current reports suggest both are working private deals with China and Israel respectively, and that both were granted security clearances after initial denial.
As for Trump enriching himself, his inaugural committee had record fundraising, and current investigations are looking into straw payments by middle eastern and ukrainian donors.
He opened one of his hotels in DC right before election, and a Judge greenlighted a lawsuit against him for violating the emoluments clause based on middle eastern diplomats bragging on social media that they book the hotel in hope of gaining favor with the President.
For personal travel, Trump has golfed more in 2 years than previous presidents have done in 8, and it has *EXCLUSIVELY* patronised his own resorts and businesses.
The taxpayer pays for his security and entourage to sleep at these places and eat at his own restaurants.
While running for President, he was hoping to build the tallest building in Europe with Trump Tower Moscow, and part of the deal was offering Putin the penthouse at the top as a gift.
That's just scratching the surface, but he quite obviously self interested, and his refusal to disclose his tax papers destroys tranishes his credibility as someone who was previously a corporate businessman involved in thousands of lawsuits.

>being this triggered

Thanks I'm gonna look into this.

People hate him only because he won the election. The Dems also claim victimhood while they are lighting peoples hair on fire and attacking anyone who disagrees with them

Everyone knows that.

New York billionaire who has a long history of being a piece of shit, if he couldn't file for bankruptcy he'd be living in a cardboard box in a piss stained alley

>long history of being a piece of shit,
Stop listening to the Staten Island Fairy

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Yeah, but trump is a capitalist and he should know no company accepts a pricy supplier, because he says he won't deliver anything to that country. In the end he stands for free markets and capitalism, but with shit like this he shows some markets (USA) are freer and ex allies don't mean shit.


You hate successful people. Haters going to hate. Also wife is hot.

Every one can use bankruptcy protection user, even you.

Omg an HC supporter crying still.

>obvious paid, fake story.
Trump is a coward.
>'" Donald said in an interview with the Daily News last week. Asked whether he thought cutting their coverage could appear cold-hearted, given the baby's medical condition, Donald made no apologies. "I can't help that," he said. "It's cold when someone sues my father. Had he come to see me, things could very possibly have been much different for them.

assuming you're willing to do some research on your own, this chain of logic is a pretty decent way to show why

he doesn't admit to his mistakes, which is the easiest thing to prove

from there you'll realize he makes a lot of mistakes

you don't have to look this up but he hypes himself up as infallible

but he does make mistakes, and he doesn't fess up to them, so he isn't infallible, his whole schtick is a lie
he's heavily rumored to be a racist sexist and that's bad sure but the worst thing about him is that his entire reason for being the president is a lie

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Why make bread about it then you stupid chub

So you can elighten me on why people hate him.

Trump hired the cheapest contracter he could find, who's laborers we undocumented and asked to work without helmets or other protective gear while demolishing a building full of asbestos.


>Fact: President Trump has the HIGHEST approval rating in the Republican Party (you know, half the entire Nation of the U.S.) of any President, ever, since such statistics have been taken.

Nice lies, he's still behind Reagan. Besides, even with a 90+ percent approval rating from the repubes he's still stuck just over 50% overall. Fantastic numbers there, eh?

1. Most of the world was ruled by white people. Although, a majority of the world is not white. This guy wants to return things to the way they were where white people were in charge, hence, "Make America Great Again."
2. He made a lot of huge promises on the campaign and still does today; but goes back on his word whenever he fucking feels like it.
3. Lies upon lies, upon lies.
A. Healthcare for all; except he wants to get rid of it completely.
B. Tax cuts for everyone. Except after a few years, it goes away and only stays for the rich.
4. The guy does not know how to fucking talk. He sounds like a kid doing a book report on a book he didn't even read the backflap of.
5. His wife obviously married him for his money and even though he cheats like a madman, she just sticks with him.
The list goes on, but I'm going to bed.

i don't know how black people were instantly against him for being "racist". i read every stupid story on yahoo and it made no sense. he was against illegals, said people from mexico are criminals, and was scared of muslims. none of that has anything to do with race.

he loves mcdonald's. in big cities, mcdonald's is prepared by a fully black staff. black people touching and breathing on all of his food. he's reportedly almost scared of being poisoned but... if he was racist, like me, he'd never want to go into a mcdonald's, let alone eat food made by black people. it's as if black people don't understand that real racism is like... i don't even want to breathe the same air as you. you make me want to puke. they're so stupid.


Don't forget the superstar of bad presidents. Nixon had a higher approval rating than trump..

His support of Stop and Frisk, him being sued for violating the Fair Housing act, pretending to not know David Duke after previously condemning him, him making pocahontas jokes in front of natives, and claiming all illegals as drug dealers and rapists makes him a racist.
Cohen in his testimony claimed that while driving through Chicago, Trump would point to bad neighborhoods and say "only blacks live that way", and "if blacks ran everything, everything would look like that.

The fact he's made immigration such a central issue of his platform and the litany of human rights abuses that are currently being committed is of great endearment to open racists in this country and antithetical to any notion that he is "colorblind". As with the muslim ban, he's obsessed with fear mongering over brown people.

Don't get me wrong, I hate the dude, too, but you gotta admit brown "people" are the worst people.

No collusion doesn't mean no meetings. Trump's people still had tons of meetings with Russians and they all lied about them.

lol reads like something off of facebook. who takes this shit seriously?

You weren't even born when that happened were you?
See user, we've followed him our whole lives. You just take every trump haters word for everything now.
A serious Mandella effect might help you though.

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You ever meet a Russian or a pole? Absolute shit tier humans.

No, but by any metric Trump acts as much of a nigger as anyone I've ever seen.

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He did spend the entirety of the 1980s fucking over niggers. A pretty niggerish move.

we went from the first black president to the first nigger president

I imagine other real estate developers used the same outfit too, if not you'd be crying about how come they weren't hired by other developers. So.....
He's damned if he hires them
He's damned if he didn't hire them.

You argue like a little bitch, hmm

There's only so many times a man can lie about literally everything then play victim to unfair press before he starts to lose credibility, then a decades long trend of many allegations regarding crime and unethical behavior seem more plausible.

>I imagine other real estate developers used the same outfit too
So based on nothing.

>There's only so many times a man can lie about literally everything
And yet, you have no examples

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>He's damned if he hires them
>He's damned if he didn't hire them.
Funny though, I am an fullstack dev specialised on real estate agents. He is in crossfire, because he wants to ban external contractors while also happily using them.

If you don't think Obongo was a grade a turbonigger you're fucking stupid. His nigrosity set race relations back 50 years.

kek, don't you just love cherry picking statistics?

>The Special Counsel states that 'while this report does not conclude that the President commited a crime, it also doesn't exonerate him".

>Refuses to disclose his finances, claims to be worth from 3 to 5 to 10 billion

>immediately blames democrats

Here he is on tape, imploding on a lie within 10 minutes after attempting to throw one of his most loyal staff under the bus

I'll be completely honest and admit that I voted for this retard because I hate spicks with a passion. So why the fuck not? Get a guy in office to fuck with the border and rip illegals away from our land.

Regardless of how herp derp he is on social media at least this dumb fucker knows illegals should be dealt with.

Laws were never changed even when your nigger hero was in charge with his own and his phone.

You answer (orange man bad)

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Why do I have to click on shit? Can't you just tell me what the "lie" is?

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You have to be 18 to vote user

nope, you're a shill

trolls trolling trolls in a sea of trolls

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i didn't even vote for him, knew he was an idiot, but also knew he would win. i ignored all the media and i read yahoo 20 times a day. i get ALL the liberal media. i saw the "80% chance" hillary victory stories. the thing is, i knew that even if there were women ruling other nations, the secret government would never elect hillary. MAYBE a woman but not hillary. she'd never get any respect from world leaders. they'd also know that she was just a puppet so it wouldn't really matter for the most part, but they would disrespect her--and by extension, the US and even hurt us economically and socially--just because she's a piece of shit.

>Laws were never changed even when your nigger hero was in charge with his own and his phone.
How is that even related to my post? He wants to ban(or tax into oblivion) foreign companies. That is a fact. Meanwhile he likes to hire asian and mexican countries, also a fact. I am not angry at him, I am happy for it, because I can temporarily demand my customers to pay 40$ an hour without indians interfering with 5$/hour. But my clients are extremely pissed, because they have to move the price to their customer

31, own a house, wife, kids, union job. Yep.

They should let guys like me only able to vote, spicker.

Considering how meetings without collusion means nothing illegal went down. Stop being a lil bitch.

I thought the race was going to go the other way, with donny dump winning the popular vote, but losing.

Orange man not bad. Orange man retard, you fucking nigger.

Dumb dumb dumb dumb, dumb

FACT Trump is a rapist. Ever hear if Paula Jones retard.
FACT Trump scamed people out of millions on bogus property deals. Heard of white water you uneducated fuck.
FACT his party during the election committed voter fraud having dead people's votes cast for him
FACT he has did every thing to keep people off wall street and never invested a dime in black businesses

It kills me how informed people are check the facts.

I think we should protest

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> /x


that's all that is needed u fuckin autist

Not one president ever has released his tax papers, so why should he? Im much more interrested in obamas tax papers since that guy went up about 40 million while being President.
People need to stop with the double standards already.....

I love how you can just say “FACT” in front of stuff to imply it’s true. Being an npc looks fun I wish I could relate

Imagine if Goering huffed all the paint in Germany and deposed Hitler before becoming a reality TV star. That's Trump.

Actually, Obama said that those jobs would never come back under anybody, including himself. He stated that entire industries were lost to America forever when he pushed them out, and wrecked the U.S. economy in the process, building China from a third world country to the top superpower.

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Well didn't he rape Paula Jones? It was all over the news her and that Lewinsky chick he had killed. Can't trust that Trump

Literally anyone that doesn’t like Trump are losers who don’t have a real job. But ORANGE MAN BAD should help you feel better about your personal shortcomings. Fucking poor people man. Lol

get triggered much alt right snowflake

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Well most of the bullshit you wrote aint true.... And the rest was what the democrats did....
Plz research yourself.....

No actually. There is no evidence or even charges to indicate he ever sexually assaulted anyone. He hadn’t one claim of sexual assault until he ran for president. But I mean you’re entitled to be stupid enough to believe whatever or whoever you want I guess. I mean there are Muslims in the world so I’m not surprised by how retarded and easily convinced people are.

Alot of the initial outrage and a decent chunk of the continued outrage is from him having a rather shit personality, lying often, making grandiose anti-scientific claims about climate change, renewable energy and made tons of personal insults toward politicians and celebrities and being a self-absorbed corporate businessman. Then came accusations of voter fraud with collusion with Russia, documented fraud through his personal businesses and exploiting tax payer money to constantly go on golfing trips and the like at his own resorts. Turns out he cheated on his wife with a porn star, had his lawyer cover it up with hush money and threaten her when she brought it to court. He, FCC chairman Ajit Pai and the Sinclaire media group had under the table deals to remove FCC regulations to allow Sinclaire to buyout the news broadcasting stations all over the country (didn't fall through b/c Pai was being investigated and covered his own ass). Gave the rich more tax cuts and completely neutered the affordable care act, that required income based health insurance plans to be available, without replacing it with any means of healthcare. He took the US out of the only international program to reduce global warming and has interfered with the national academy's attempts to publicize their reports on climate change. His (former) lawyer Cohen testified to congress before being incarcerated about the fraud, sex scandel, collusions with Russia and how he never intended to become president but to instead promote his businesses from the publicity.

Once the Meuller report is made public we'll find out how much of the collusion, voter fraud, money laundering and impeachment worthy crimes have actually been committed.

Got me. Not like you’re just a loser who lives with your parents going to community college and working part time at target. But ok

He was not that wrong. Trump brought back those jobs under one of the biggest socialist campaigns in the existence of the US, not to mention the biggest debt burden. What I find interesting is that Trump is more socialist than Obama..

I waiting for some one to fact check my facts to see to whome I was actually referring...you know irony.

/facepalm you totally missed the joke Google Paula Jones please

>The lies. The constant fucking lies. I'd make a list of all of them but I'd be dead before I finished. Google should provide plenty of examples if you need them.
>He sucks at being president. Doesn't know anything about the world and doesn't care to, doesn't pay attention to his daily briefings, doesnt listen to our intel agencies. He would rather sit on his ass all day watching Fox News and shit-tweeting celebrities than doing his fucking job.
>He's everything the right accused Obama and Hillary of. Compromised by foreign governments, careless with government information (uses private email server, unsecured iPhone, unsecured networks at Mar-a-lago), wants to be a dictator, doesn't give a fuck about the lower and middle classes.
>Oh, btw, yes, he definitely colluded with Russia. Brainwashed faggots will tell you it's not true, but none of them will be able to explain why so many of his people are in prison for lying to Congress and the FBI about meetings with Russian spies, or why he said he never met Putin when he did, or why he said he didn't have business dealings in Russia when he did, or why he consistently changes US foreign policy to accommodate Putin's wishes, or why he won't just release his fucking taxes.

>He hadn’t one claim of sexual assault until he ran for president.
A sexual assault claim from 1994 for child rape was filed against Trump on October 14, 2016,[49] a case that was dropped and refiled, remaining in suspension as of November 4, 2016.[50]

In April 1997, Jill Harth Houraney filed a $125,000,000 lawsuit against Trump for sexual harassment in 1993, claiming he "'groped' her under her dress and told her he wanted to make her his 'sex slave'". Harth voluntarily withdrew the suit when her husband settled a parallel case. Trump has called the allegations "meritless".
According to Lost Tycoon, Ms Trump accused him of rape after he allegedly attacked her in a "violent assault".

He is alleged to have ripped off her clothes to have sex with her.

The book claims she told her friends: "He raped me."

Do all Trumptards pretend he popped out of vaccum in 2012?

Every president since Nixon has released his taxes, dumbass.

And yet if it had been a white Republican who took out bin laden and ended the recession, you faggots would be lined up around the block to suck his dick

every candidate at that.

Kek, says the shill

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Shit was legal at the time. Cry harder

No migrants living with you huh?

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But trump wants to ban it, reading the convo would have helped..

>Once the Meuller report is made public we'll find out
Be careful what you with for

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Just because its legal, don't make it right. Nigger left it go, now you mad because Trump is changing it.

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Please read the convo, I told why the ban is bad, but I profit high dollar..

Why, do you think I give a flying fuck about politicians? The report will be released, it's already caused such a huge shitstorm because people are trying to withhold it. Anyone and everyone fucking over the majority of this country should be held accountable you partisan cock sucker.

Who cares about any of this. Let's rollerblade.

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The rink is now open. Start rollerblading, you twats.

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Now that is just brutal.

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That's gotta hurt.

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Don't forget to wear a helmet.

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No doubt niggers hate him.

>Why, do you think I give a flying fuck about
what you think, say, do, or shit out?

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Niggers hate all whites. Either consciously or subconsciously.

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Only the Jammers wear helmets in roller derby

Every celebrity who became a president did terribly just look at Reagan he was a piece of shit when will people learn from that

Everything he does follows two steps:

>Bellow like a mental patient
>Threaten to do something stupid and mean if he doesn't get his way

People don't like him because he's an unstable idiot.

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>libtard mad

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Example of lies plz?
Its fun how dems can never name like 5 or something

People hate him cuz they are uninformed sheeps controlled by the media

You're all just a bunch of faggots.

They can't see what they don't want to see.

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This guy has no friends


Lol. I actually mentioned 2 in my post (I never met Putin, I have no deals in Russia). You want 5 more? Here's 10:
>I was exonerated by the Mueller report
>My tax plan will mostly help the middle class, and totally won't be a blowjob for the 1%
>Mexico will pay for the wall
>Global warming is a hoax invented by the Chinese
>I didn't know about the Stormy Daniels payment
>I didn't know about the Trump Tower meeting
>The Trump Tower meeting was about adoption
>I invented the phrase "priming the pump"
>I fired Comey because he was mean to muh Hillary
>I have a healthcare plan that will cover everyone for much cheaper

Attached: !crywithtrump2019.jpg (900x900, 219K)

>be me
>asked for facts
>post actual facts
>"hurr durr, cry harder libtard"
Gosh, you're right. I guess I'm a stupid libtard for not wanting a president who's a proven pathological liar. Seems like you're fine with it though. I'm sure you'd be just as forgiving of Hillary if she did the same shit.

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i think the percentage of people who genuinely dont like trump are very small and the people who do vote democrats and dont hate trump are doing so just because of their general political beliefs.

I think that number of people is shrinking faster than people are hating trump.

All the people that I know that hate trump are;
no hobbies
no life acheivements
no significant work accomplishments
no significant life goals achieved or planned
can barely keep their life strung together from one day to the next.

make something easier, they will make a better idiot. One party is dedicated to making things easier for people with other peoples money.
Hoping for idiot votes.

One is "the long game" making a society prosperous so that the idiots will find support somehow outside the system in a more efficient means.

Are you currently spending 1% though

The biggest vote in the US is the stupid vote.
Stupid people far outnumber non-stupid people.
Whoever can con and corner the stupid vote has a much better chance at winning and doing what they want.
People hate Trump because he did just that.
And now he's doing whatever he wants.

Don't waste your time arguing actual facts, they don't like that.
Just make up whatever and call their argument fake news.
They are literally incapable of critical thought, trying to force them is an effort in futility.

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Figure it out yourself Ivan

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He also knows nothing about his policies.
But his ego and mafia life style forces him to push it as hard as possible.

awful late in china isn't it

Bc CNN said so duh

Most don't. The majority of the Press are lying.