Is bisexuality a real thing?

Is bisexuality a real thing?
I'd say the answer is no.
While it is hypothetically possible that a person could experience sexual attraction to both men and women, it's seems hard to believe that they wouldn't have a strong preference for one over the other, especially following real-life sexual experiences.
We can also look at the fact that almost all "bisexuals" end up picking a side eventually.
How many people are "bi" past 30? very few.
The bisexual identity seems to serve mostly as a means for closted gay men to explore their sexuality and for straight women to attract male attention.

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You have strong opinions on this matter.

i mean, it's not like you have to be exactly 50/50 to be bi. i'm bi, i enjoy having sex with both men and women, and i'm willing to date either men or women. pretty simple stuff

You'll pick a side eventually. They always do.

i mean, yeah, but only because i'm not into polyamory or whatever. one day i'll settle down with either a man or a woman, but that doesn't mean i'll stop thinking pussies/dicks are hot. what, like one day i'll wake up and realize i'm not actually attracted to one of the things i've been jerking off to since i was 14? doubt it!


There's a difference between what you're attracted to and being in a monogamous relationship and "picking a side" (relationships isn't high school gym class). Just like how you can like difference races of females, ice cream flavors, Vidya games etc.

I think it is. I became so by watching excessive amounts of porn, in which I eventually started imagining myself in the woman's position. However, those first decades of being a heterosexual will always make me still attracted to females.

No for men. Kinda yes for women.

>I’ve had sex with both men and women.
I think that being bi is real because I’m not totally into the idea of being idea of being in love with a man I’m just a sexual deviant and like the occasional dick.

I like the art of going after girls more though because it’s generally harder to get into their pants so it’s more more “fun” if anyone knows what I mean.


Why not for men? And why are rules always considered to be different for the genders?

I've never wanted to be with a man like I want to be with a woman but I'll still fuck a dude to get off

It's just how it is. Women are more flexible with these things.

No, I think most bisexual men see no point in telling people about their gay side? If you were them, would you?

A faggot is a faggot, doesn't matter their "preferences". They'll hang like the rest of them.

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if it's not a real thing, how come there's a word for it?

I guess dragons are real too because there's a word for it, right?


this nigger gets it

Uh, generally they are called bisexuals even if they DO have a preference for one of the other.

If you think bisexual should only be a term for those with a near-equal preference for both genders, does that mean you think all hetero- and homosexuals have "some" attraction towards the other gender too?

Bumping to see OP's answer for this.

this is a bait thread you mouthbreather

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