Democrats: why would you vote for this creep?

Democrats: why would you vote for this creep?

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Other urls found in this thread: Bills/5340.pdf

you really wanna get into this?

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Not orange

At least they were over 18

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you don't say

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>topic unrelated
are you lost child?

Fake news

>Democrats: why would you vote for this creep?

At least he didn't grab her by the pussy- and that is literally the other choice.

ITT we pretend not to be virgins cumming in mom's panties

I’ve consensually “grabbed” plenty of women by the pussy.

What’s your point, faggot?

oh really?

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why can't you just say it's ok when a guy on your team does it?

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I was clearly saying I would vote for the creep trump because he is slaying it economically.

Are you dumb or something?

Trumps an irresponsible sub-adult that grew up with a literal golden spoon in his mouth.
He has no concept of what you even are or what your life might be.
He's in it for the money and personal glory,
Not the country.
Anyone over Trump.

I wouldn't if I could help it. I hope the DNC doesn't choose another unelectable corporatist shill like Hillary. I'm just going to vote Trump out of sheer spite if they pull that shit again like they did with Bernie.

Coming from the side of people that believe “grab her by the pussy” is perfectly OK, cheating on your wife with a paid hooker is perfectly OK and incest with your daughter is perfectly OK. Good try trumptard.

because he promises democrats more welfare goodies.why else?

not that it matters,donald trump isnt any less of a creep

When is the virginia governor going to resign again?

Have any women accused Trump of sexual harassment?

prez chad

Anything a republican disagrees with is fake news apparently

>Record deficits
>"Slaying it economically"
Jesus fucking Christ

If Biden wins do we get a loli first lady?

HAHAHA yea so what about that CNN bitch who got on the air this morning with James Comey and flat-out asked him why he didn’t have anti-Hillary speech shut down and labelled as hate speech?

Sounds like the left is starting to become like communist China these days. It’s pretty fucking scary actually

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when are americans going to realize that trump supporters and republicans are 2 different people

if biden wins americans are 100 percent confirmed retards who never learned anything from obama

>Government spending
>the economy.
So I take it you are retarded.

In 1992, Trump sued ex-wife Ivana Trump for not honoring a gag clause in their divorce agreement by disclosing facts about him in her best-selling book. Trump won the gag order.[43][44][45] The divorce was granted on grounds that Ivana claimed Donald Trump's treatment of her was "cruel and inhuman treatment".[46][47] Years later, Ivana said that she and Donald "are the best of friends".[48]

A sexual assault claim from 1994 for child rape was filed against Trump on October 14, 2016,[49] a case that was dropped and refiled, remaining in suspension as of November 4, 2016.[50]

In April 1997, Jill Harth Houraney filed a $125,000,000 lawsuit against Trump for sexual harassment in 1993, claiming he "'groped' her under her dress and told her he wanted to make her his 'sex slave'". Harth voluntarily withdrew the suit when her husband settled a parallel case. Trump has called the allegations "meritless"

Boris you do very good da

As opposed to removing citizenship for flag burning, spearheading national outrage over a black dude peacefully kneeling during the national anthem, threatening to open libel laws to sue press into oblivion? (remove the extra dot.)) Shitposting Yea Forums autistic server with no rules. Post whatever you want! CP GORE LOLI/SHOTA !!!

Anyone can accuse anyone else of sexual harassment with no proof. It’s been done before, many many times

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yeah, they are trained to ignore the seriousness of it all and instead focus on sharing political anger memes back and forth.

Putin buy me Big Mac after this, but lot of effort put in agreed

these are called whataboutisms kiddos
and they're not a legitimate form of argument

Yes, there was no evidence presented though (to my knowledge). So they could have been making it up or telling the truth. There's no way to know for sure either way and I'm a "innocent until proven guilty" kind of liberal. Unlike many of the retarded regressionists on the left who think a woman's accusation is enough by itself

But pizzagate isn't real, remember?

>with no proof
s e e t h i n g

You act like he’s the only person backstage. There’s a bunch of people running around during these things.

Welcome to the club, faggot.

>hurr durr,me thinks all republicans believe in everything donald trump wants

It's ok when a guy on my team does it.

If you burn the flag or kneel during the anthem you’re a traitorous piece of shit to your country and need to be called out on it. If you spread lies over the news you should be sued in court

Tell me something that Trump wants but his supporters don't.

If Biden has to go, so does Trump.

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there's that stupid conservative knee jerk anger that keeps anyone from having world peace.
Lol, stay mad faggot.

Excellent point! I don't want my president fawning over washed up old hags when there's fine preteen pussy available.

No, they're not "whatabouts", it's "Pot calling the kettle black."

Suck it fag

Q predicted this

Ironically trump's favorite form of "argument".

>If you burn the flag or kneel during the anthem you’re
actually exercising your Constitutional rights

So all the women are lying about a dude that bragged about feeling entitled to grab pussies, "moving on them like a bitch"?
Which is more probable, that at least one of them are telling the truth, or Trump grabbed a few pussies that didn't like it?

So far the argument for the Democrats is having the guy run is he is bad but as bad as the other guy so it is okay? Or because he is as bad he shouldnt be there either. Are you fucking serious? What the fuck is wrong with you people? Is there no one with a shred of humanity left in the Democratic party?

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Bernie is the only sensible choice, but he seems to be out of favor even more this time

So it looks like were fucked either way again this time lads

im still for anyone but trump

>Q predicted this
Trump stepping down, or getting beat because Biden stepped down?

No, but you'll rally behind any piece of shit so long as he rubber stamps some executive orders and appoints shitbag judges

Bernie's raking in shitloads of donations. He's in favor.

You have to be rich to run for president. Presidential salary is chump change to modern presidents, that's why Trump donates his salary. Michelle Obama made more than the president just for being on the hospital board of directors which entailed showing up to monthly meetings. No recent president or senator has a clue how the average person lives. Kerry didn't know how many houses he actually owned. McCain thought that Mexican lettuce pickers scraped by on $50 / hour. Trump is a symptom caused by the left, but instead of learning from 2016 they're going ensure his re-election.

that he actually discussed with Nate Boyer who told him that sitting the anthem out as he had been doing was disrespectful,
but that taking a knee was the honorable way to protest.

>Trump is a symptom caused by the left

> you’re a traitorous piece of shit to your country and need to be called out on it
Fully within his rights, meanwhile Trump will get cozy with any dictator.
> If you spread lies over the news you should be sued in court
If you're President, you have better things to do. Trump could claim anything to be a lie, and still force a news outlet to waste money and time in court. It would serve as a deterrent.

Because he less of a retard and less of a cringelord. I'd vote for Anthony Wiener over Trump just like you'd vote for the likes of Roy Moore.

>Not realizing without a healthy government with adequate funds the economy could essentially spontaneously combust at any moment
If the FDIC doesn't have enough money to insure citizens from financial ruin in the event of a bank going under it will make a full blown depression far more likely.
TL:DR it's really only good in the short term, until the bubble pops like in '08

Don't forget the media already debunked pizzgate.

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>you have to be rich to be president.

And likely have a legal education that makes you fit to understand the contitution, American history, and maybe a little bit of law?

Trump has none of that. Only a shifty real estate business, he has no interest in history or law or human progress.
He only understands money.

they can work it out which is more "appropriate." Both are protected by US Law.

The same reason republicans would vote for trump.

You are an enemy of liberty.

We’re not. Bernie/Tulsi 2020.

I'm actually surprised to see people not of the left-predilection buying into the fifth wave feminist bollocks. They're trying to push hard on the left for a female candidate ONLY so that agenda trumps democratic or republican bias. Hence, they're throwing it around at Biden.

Conservatives don't think it should be,
They think you should be burned/jailed/killed for disrespecting their government song and ignoring their special flag.
They're sucking more government dick than ever this time around, and the government is feeding them at both ends.

Coincidentally, this is why republicans will win again. No one except feminists want a female candidate, and the female candidates available are all fucking terrible.

In truth, all of the current dem candidates are terrible.

gun control,or do you really think that republicans are going to throw 2019 years of gun rights support into the garbage can because some libtard moron wants gun control

consent vs non-consent.

This isn't hard.

That's how individuals grasping for power they once had behave. Their era is fading.

You mean as opposed to voting for this guy, who allegedly has a small penis and paid money to have sex with an aging pornstar who verified he has a small penis.

I don't know.

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Trump doesn't even know how to operate a gun, lol.

Race is over for him. Set aside your self righteousness.

They're fascists. Of course they want to disarm the country.

I am a lifelong Republican voter. Even voted for Trump.

Tulsi is the first Democrat ever that I kinda like and would consider voting for.

But if you pair her with Bernie it's a lost cause. He's done.

*All candidates are terrible

We've hit some sort of political event horizon where the biggest fucking clown wins. Not a one of them is actually looking big-picture or pushing universal agenda items

>Thinks he's being patriotic
>Actively trying to suppress freedom of speech
>Doesn't realize that freedom of speech is one of our country's founding values
You're more out of line with our country's values than people who burn the flag or kneel during football games you un-American piece of shit

Both he and Trump said they could kick each other’s asses. I kinda wanna see this go down. I can’t stand either of them.

I swear, Trump gets away with more shit than Sam Hyde ever did. I fucking love it.

>We get a 445 page report about a blowjob and cries for an impeachment /w Clinton.

>Get get people clutching their pearls and mock fainting over Biden giving hugs.

>but not a word about paying pornstars and playboy bunnies hush money to cover adultery, then lying about it repeatedly.

Fuck off back to Faux News. This is some fucking weak sauce.

Liberals are actually buying it though, along with "Biden's too old/out of touch etc." It's 2016 all over again, especially with Sanders running.

Funny, as a Bernie supporter I'd think the opposite. But she has military experience.

You forgot golden showers.

You forget that Hillary won the vote.

Because paying people to be quiet about fucking them is not a crime dumbass.

Neither is lying to your wife or the public about fucking them.

Unless you're under oath, which Clinton was.

Get a job

Yeah, when Bush went out there was talk of the "republican party dying" because he had made such a mess.
Ruined the Bush name for the foreseeable future.
Now they've run an 8 year long anti-democrat propaganda campaign that has destroyed the perception of millions.
Now they're banding together in unity to try and secure a one party power structure because this will be their last chance to have power.

God bless America.
It was a fun ride for everyone but us, who had to see it turn into a one party dystopia.

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yeah that's not how any of this works

Whataboutisms are a tool to change the topic to something unrelated.
Let's say 2020 comes down to Biden vs. Trump, asking if Trump is up to a specific standard you say Biden does not fulfill, are not a change of topic.

Whataboutisms sound like
>but what about her e-mails
>but what about Benghazi

yeah,laugh now cry's those bump stocks working out for ya.oh wait,there BANNED.dumbass

so much for your loling

Bernie’s not finished. That old dude is scrappy. I think he has plenty of fights left in him.

Hillary didn't win shit except a one way trip into obscurity if you hadn't noticed.

I thought I was getting paid to rustle your jimmies.

Don't mind me. Just watching the goalposts get moved back further and further.

Yea, welfare kids do upset me.

>he thinks republicans will win again

the bump stock ban alone is why republicans are going to lose.shall we remind you retards who the party is that supports gun rights?

Well you voted for Trump. So......

I'd be up for just one term of Sanders if that's all it was. It means we did it, we got a dem socialist in there.

>Implying Bernie Supporters are all unemployed
I think you mean Yang's supporters

The goalposts have never moved.

Lying under oath is a crime, lying for the fuck of it is not.

It's real simple, and always has been.

Can't hear your country from beneath China's thumb with Yang's imposing presidency
From a black to an oompa-loompa to a puppet, you guys are working your presidential variety.

The 1% are the biggest welfare queens in the country, user. People you strive to be.

Based Donald

Bump stocks needed to be banned, they were retarded. We need to ban people who thought they were useful at all.

nobody knows who the fuck Yang is faggot

Even hard core gun owners don't care about the bump stock silliness.

Is that a mistake long term? Maybe, time will tell, but it's done no damage to Trump.

but most firearms are retarded

You dumb faggots have some nerve considering the sentient bag of dementia ridden shit you voted into office.

lrn2Google nigger

Surprisingly still better than Trump.

>Google it
That's not how you win elections user lol

Oh child

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Um, democrat here who supports the 2nd amendment and owns firearms.
Every democrat I personally know supports the 2nd amendment.
The only people I see that don't are internet and TV personalities and a handful of far left retards on tumblr.
So as far as a party that supports the 2nd amendment, fuck you.

Eeww, Biden is gross because he hugs people. We can't have a person in office that looks like he might commit sexual assault.

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The rich don't pay taxes and enjoy fuckloads of subsidies user, please. Don't be a faggot about this.

What a load of bullshit.

That was before the historic tax breaks Trump gave them.
The tax bill sits squarely on the shoulders of working individuals now, corporations pay chump change and we carry their burden.

Funny how they pay all that tax money and stay rich

trumpshits always revert back to 2nd Amendment bullshit when they're cornered

He's usually the only one walking in only because he feels like oogling.

Pelosi’s cock is way bigger than Trump’s. She’s coming for that ass. They will supeona the report and his tax returns. I doubt Trump will run again after he’s exposed.

Hahaha You don't get Trump at all. Enjoy your pedophile molester.

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you being gay

He's a wannabe mob boss. He can cause damage before they take him out.

The funny thing about this, Dems actually believe this.

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Your a fag tho

Well he's better than a limp dick cheeto

this is how stupid donald trump's supporters's a clue kid,2019 years of support for gun rights isnt going to get flushed down the toilet because your new york city libtard wants to ban stuff.republicans already lost house majority because of trump,so have fun if you think the gun owners are gonna vote for cadet bone spurs again.because you already lost the conservative vote,the military vote and now the gun owner vote.good luck in 2020 kid,time to join the real republicans and tell trump to fuck off

I think he’s talking about corporations not individuals.


this,after the bump stock ban and background checks.why bother voting for republicans? there as left wing as the democrats now

Then I'm sure you wouldn't mind spiking the top level to 50+

Why would anyone give a shit about corporate taxes?

They account for damn near nothing.

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The deposition was about Whitewater, and nothing else. Different rules apply to a special prosecutor. Not impeachable, or even criminal.

Plus, Ken Starr's whole investigation was an ongoing criminal conspiracy of its own.

I wouldn't. I'll be voting for President Beto O'Rourke.

Because corporations don't pay them.

>Hahaha You don't get Trump at all.
I can't remember which has at least 23 sexual assault charges against him. Was it Biden or Trump?

Also, girl in lower left has massive head. Makes the photoshop really stand out.

You think it is fair someone should have to give half of their earnings to the government?

Why are you showing tax rates pre-Trump tax bill?

vote Trump you homo.

Because we have, depending on state, the highest corporate taxes in the entire world

Why not? They stay rich.

No because they get to count expenses against income.

People do not.

Because he's got a compacted asshole.

“They’re gonna take our guns!” How long have we been hearing this shit. No one’s coming after your guns moron. Don’t get your panties in a twist.

Corporations do not pay taxes because of loopholes, user. If you're the user posting the charts and shit, this is Strike 3.

because back when America was great, when it was booming,
The corporate tax rate was 75% and workers could afford things and had jobs and infrastructure was flying up everywhere.
You can't make America great again while slashing the treasury that made it great.

They never listen. To them, everything is a Democommunist plot to take their stupid fucking toys.

Maybe that’s exactly why people give a shit about changing the corporate tax rate.

You're too stupid to breathe. Kill yourself.

>theres has never been gun confiscation

The irony is that there was a record number of gun sales under Obama admin.

It's the truth, gun nut.

And everything you don't like is a microaggression or trauma. Pipe down man child.

As a matter of fact no, there hasn't been.

So you agree with me. Perfect.

>man child

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People are too stupid to realize that every presidency is littered with "gun ban" scares because it drives the shit out of gun sales.
That's why the NRA isn't jumping up and dumping millions in "anti-gun grab" ads.
They know wtf is up, all their associates are swimming in cash.

>75% corporate tax rate
lol wut

Name 1

>literally delusional

thats why people dont trust you to make gun policy

You're sheep. The far right uses you, when in reality they're the only ones who've threatened to take away weapons.

People that don't understand that corporations spend 100x their income on salaries.

the irony is that donald trump has passed more gun control in less then 4 years then obama did in 8 years.but hey,its sure nice we dont have "crooked"hillary and the democrats giving us what cadet bone spurs gave us anyway

Is that supposed to make me mad or something? KEK

The NRA is financially bust. They're very likely being pumped full of Russian money laundering cash like Trump's corporations are.

>Hasn't heard of tax havens
>hasn't heard of the many loopholes that corporations use to pay little to no taxes

Who cares about any of this. Let's rollerblade.

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The NRA has to be paying Fox News.

>there hasnt been

>just because it never happened in my hillbilly republican state,means its never happened

They don't listen. They're that brainwashed by the far right.

The rink is now open. Start rollerblading, you twats.

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Just noting the irony. You elected one, dumbass

the nra doesnt actually care about your gun rights,if they did.they'd throw trump out the white house in a second

this actually sounds like undiagnosed paranoia

Now that is just brutal.

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Goddamn but you are fucking retarded kid.

Don't forget to wear a helmet.

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>far right

im sorry,but if you support gun are not part of the right,your a democrat

The NRA got taken over by white supremacists who bend the Constitution to what they want.

No, it doesn't, but it can certainly tell you who the fuck I was talking about nigger

Bullshit charges are bullshit.

gtfo of here with this garbage.
Morons are trying to argue about shit they're far too young to grasp in here.

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not gonna lie, I would vote for him if he would stop apologizing and telling everyone how he would bring the parties together for the good of the nation.

we are way beyond that shit now. time to man up and take the fight to the Turtle and take back America.


your right,there has never been gun control in america, the country a favor dipshit,stay home in rednecks are why donald trump got elected and why america is still the same pile of liberal shit it was when obama was president

What you guys give a shit about this stuff now? You'd think you'd like Joe more now, he's an alpha now or some shit right? It's just locker room touching after all.

Gun nuts don't listen, user. They can't.

oh look yangfag is mad af

>there has never been gun control in america

>gun control
user said "gun confiscation" which sounds like the beginnings of paranoid schizophrenia

People are fucking idiots

Idiots are unstable

Unstable people can't be trusted with weapons that can easily and quickly kill lots of innocent people who did nothing wrong

This really isn't rocket science you retard

KEK its amazing how sharp and deep you retards make assumptions about anybody these days. "Hurr Durr you disagreed so you must be for the party I hate". Stay autistic, you ideologically disingenuous pseudo-intellectual puddle of soy and AIDS.

He lost my vote when he brought up that rule of thumb bullshit and called wife beating white man's culture. Yet another Democrat that hates me for my skin and penis. Trump it is.

>the government isn't comprised of people

A tax haven isn't a loophole.

It is allowed by law.

Try again.

No I didn't, faggot. You put the "ass" in "assumptions".

user you are the party I hate. And you believe the 2nd Amendment is the most important fucking thing and you wave your dick around with that shit every chance you get.

you morons who think the government won't take on the citizenry need to read about the Whiskey Rebellion.

>the redneck doesnt understand that there are plenty of democrat cities and states out there with gun control

including where your donald trump guy came from

Is this bait? I cannot tell.

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Follow the response chain retard, you'll clearly see I don't think much of him

>democrat cities and states

That's what's wrong with our populace. Bullshit lines in the sand like that.
As if a republican can't support universal healthcare and a Democrat can't want a more open 2nd amendment?
Are you fucking stupid or do you really think that's how human beings operate?

Oh, the government is definitely a bunch of idiots for the most part also

>hurr durr, me thinks all democrats believe in everything some stupid bitch on tv says

Keep those assumptions coming you raging brainwashed zombie. KEK

yes you did trumpshit
own it
whatever the fuck you did in 2016 elected this fucking dipshit and I'm sick of hearing fuckers like you deny it. You did this. What's more is you want this.

Are the real republicans telling him to fuck off? It feels more like they’ve been sucking him off.


Bernie way too old

donald trump lost my vote when i saw the "constitiution" supporting republicans not give a shit when some draft dodging asshole shit on the 2nd ammendment.i mean,dodging the draft alone should of been a reason not to elect him,but i guess republicans decided to take everything they stood for before donald drumpf and flush it down the toilet

Then you don't mind adopting some of the Parkland Kids' ideas, like banning some assault rifles and upping background checks.

But what about sloppyjoegate?

>republican supporting welfare queen healthcare

Bernie is 3 years older than Trump. THREE YEARS

gr8 b8, m8

Strike 1Strike 2look at the comments. You got your fucking ass handed to you for your outdated take on the world

Why is this concept so hard for people to understand?

An assault rifle is an automatic weapon, they're already banned unless you have a class III license, and good luck with that as a citizen and who still gets on Yea Forums.

>Not a loophole
>Caused by a flaw in tax legislation
That's literally the definition of a loophole, I don't think the IRS wants people skipping out of paying their taxes and not pulling their weight.

Because they've been taught that paying taxes is "stealing." It's really one of those things that makes our country look stupid as fuck.

So mad. You retards think you have it all figured out. Pshaw. And believe it or not, some us vote for 3rd party. As is my right. Fuck off with your self righteous indignation you stupid child. Your addiction to the false dichotomy of red and blue made this. YOU FUCKING DID THIS.

because they're being used as tools to fight against the rest of us who are trying to get them to pay their share into the nation again.
Literal fucking shills.

yes,they are.just because they arent loud and violent like democrats doesnt mean they support the draft dodging cuck who thinks gun control is better then actually supporting our constitutional rights

im sorry,but after 2019 years.republicans arent going to just give up their gun rights because some new york city(which is a liberal city)idiot says "hey guise,gun control's better.fuck your bumb stocks,fuck your assault rifles.time to become liberals just like me and my family"

people who call themselves trump supporters arent republicans,they are democrats.since they support this piece of shit and find nothing wrong with stuff they'd be outraged if barack obama did

Anyone who says 'pshaw' automatically deserves to have their opinion discredited

What did I just say, brainlet? You follow up with another assumption. That stuff rattling around in your head..... that's not thinking, it's bad brainwashing.

Don't pull this shit, user. We mean weapons like the AR-15 that are used to cause mass shootings. And if you're really not a gun nut as you claim in then you don't mind if we ban some weapons citizens should not be using.

user own it. You even sound like a trumpshit.
You right wing nut jobs are fucking cowards because you can't defend your ideas without threatening violence against people.

No, I refuse to remove the teeth of the constitution because you're too young and dumb to perceive history.
And assault rifles are already banned without a special licence. Parkland did't use an assault rifle or he wouldn't have hit anything.

what exactly about an "assault rifle" do you think makes it bannable, but is different than any other semiautomatic firearm?

this year washington made all magazine fed semi auto rifles "assault rifles". pic related is an assault rifle in washington.

The AWB is never about assault rifles, its about incremental gun control until they can get total gun control

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I don't see you agreeing with my pro-gun control ideas, user, you just sound like an NRA dipshit. It's up to you to clear this up and tell us what a cool dude you really are.

Why do you keep repeating the same shit?

It's not my fault your too basic to understand law, history or economics.

It has nothing to do with winning the election, but it was in response to a post saying no one but feminists wants a female candidate, making it a very relevant point.

The bans would hold up in the Supreme Court user, and you know it.

what do you think makes an AR-15 different? why aren't you asking for a total gun ban?

Ha. What a well reasoned rebuttal. Thanks for capitulating. Stay mad, child.

LMAO 'The Teeth of the Constitution" Right.

The one thing saving our democracy is your right to a surrogate penis enlargement through gun ownership. Thank god we have that right, else the entire thing would collapse overnight.

No, that wasn't my post, but I agree with him. Your assumptions will get you in trouble without wisdom and experience to back them up.

Fanatical gun propaganda nonsense.
All your side does is lie and spread fear to hold power.

There is no rebuttal for blatant idiocy. Stay self-important and attached to your false-entitlement

Not the point I was making. I was responding to with

Lol, I would bet money against that.

All the other user does is keep bringing up the 2nd Amendment when we're talking about other shit. My assumptions are correct.

They are sheep that's why, but hey both Democrats and Republicans are sick perverts.

It certainly isn't your insults and emotional outburts that are going to save us when the wrong people take control our government.

your right,im sure the meth smoking hillbillys who voted for trump do though(sarcasm)

maybe they'll realize that 2019 of what the republican party believes in is more important then there ignorant president and their meth smoking hillbilly ass's when 2020 comes around and guess who isnt in the party anymore? donald trump and the people who support him

I didn't follow it so I won't assume.

Only because conservative Presidents packed the Supreme Court with right wing assholes.
But Constitutionally, yes, the bans would hold up. It is not depriving one of the right to bear arms, it is removing dangerous arms from society.

Then shut up Bills/5340.pdf

thanks for the reminder that most gun control advocates dont know what they are talking about

That’s good pussy

16's legal in most states, dumb shit.

user, all you're doing is pushing the "slippery slope" nonsense and getting other idiots to buy into it. Fuck off.

They're going all in together for an all or nothing one party takeover of the nation.
Don't expect anything less.
They were amazed they got back in after Bush, and are not going to go out willingly.
They've already shown they're ready to burn everything down before losing power forever.

Stop derailing this thread with your stupid gunshit nonsense. Go stick a barrel up your ass.

the wrong people have had control of our government for a while now, and there isn't any boomstick that would save you if they ever decided that you were in the way of the 'best interests of the state'


Attached: KingCarl.jpg (259x194, 13K)

I’m sure many minds were changed itt and both sides will leave with a better understanding and mutual respect for each other.

>We mean weapons like the AR-15
>weapons citizens should not be using

dodge the question, you know you dont have an answer

The people need to vote out the Republicans and tell the Democrats not to work with the remaining Republicans in Congress.

Stop shitting on this thread with your stupid gun faggotry. Put the barrel in your mouth, gunshit.

>stop derailing my gun control demands with facts

never >:3

ah damn what are you talking about joe biden is such a guy

user most people don't own guns

No, because the 2nd amendment goes beyond your fucking ignorant "left vs right" bullshit you're swallowing down like dick.
It goes beyond party and stupid party line ideas.
All the L vs R bullshit is beneath the actual debate that was had by the greatest thinkers of the time who pushed for a 2nd amendment.

Go grow the fuck up and finish history class, then maybe a couple years of law before you come at me about the importance of an amendment when you haven't even been in a proper fist fight yet.
Gtfo and take your dumb friends with you.

No shithead, you realized when anons started dogpiling on Trump instead of Biden you had to derail this thread. Fuck off gunfag.

>pointing out 2019 legislation in the U.S. is a slippery slope argument

Agreed. They are hopeless. Vote blue folks.

Stop imposing false choices on me. I don't have to be for anything you like because you think it's right. Since you're so mad about the 2nd amendment, maybe you should just go to Canada. All this angst you keep dumping is a clear indicator that you're likely to be the next faggot to shoot up a place just to prove "the need for more gun control". We don't need more "gun control", people need more "self control" seeing as how its only in recent times that shootings have become a problem, degenerate little assholes who never learned fuck all about being an adult or even the value of human life snapping and going on a spree is a symptom of our hastening social decay, which means now more than ever, I have incentive to hold onto my 2nd Amendment right in case some unstable chuckle fuck or lawless ass decides to pop shots in my direction. You're either a young dumbass or an insistent shill, either way its pointless to argue with an emotionally unstable person who rages at strangers on the net for not agreeing with their half baked political views. I don't take you seriously. Unaffiliated independent for life though I get along good with Libertarians and Constitutionalists. Faggot.

>someone demands gun control
>post facts about gun control

Attached: FeelsGoodMan.jpg (1920x1080, 73K)

user, it's time for society to evolve. That means curtailing the savage element. Assault weapons like the AR-15s represent that element, and have tragically taken lives.
You conservatives always have difficulty accepting change, but this time, you are not soley in control. Society is progressing with or without your permission.

Greatest anti-American, defeatest statement ever made, and you pieces of shit are still trying to push it.
Gtfo if you're scared of guns, faggot, apparently we're the only place left so why not leave and stop shitting this country up like everyone else.

fuck off gunfag


I dont give a shit about biden, I came to this thread for the tax posts and the gun control demands started

This dear kiddies. This.

This fuckin guy lmao

>Since you're so mad about the 2nd amendmen
I'm fine with it.

You're the one who imagines it to mean something else, and that it supersedes everything else in the Constitution. And we're sick of that shit.



Sorry, society needs to progress. We can't have these school shootings anymore. We've got to take a stronger stand than "wow good thing the guns are safe."

>losing this hard
I can't believe you're still responding to me, here's the first post I replied to

stay mad

Well start your own thread gunshit
this isn't about guns
or taxes

it's about your party's hypocrisy at letting a real sexual predator be President

I'm not a conservative, I'm a democrat. Take your platitudes elsewhere, they're not invited to the adults table.

So you're just proving my point, that all of my assumptions here were correct.

You're a gun nut.

so lets talk about what an assault weapon is :3

Then act like one. Democrats believe in sensible gun control across the spectrum. Gun ownership is not absolute.

No, you just think its a vestige that we don't need anymore because "lol government will take care of us guys for real lol". You're more stupid than you can possibly imagine. Not much else to say, cupcake.

No, you gun nuts always clog the toilet with that shit every time bans are brought up.

If I had a gun, I'd pistolwhip you, disingenuous fuck.

fhis is not even wrong. democrats are running on a platform of nerf-covering society so every dyke nigger bitch feels the safety of a warm swaddler bought with other people's money.. trump won on economics.

it's a double standard, on purpose, because democrats have not standards.

I don't even know who I'm responding to myself,
just looking for the (You)s.

>"lol government will take care of us guys for real lol
user, this is a strawman argument.

You are incapable of discussing actual politics, so you shit on threads with your gun nonsense. Admit it.

Society hasn't been progressing for 40 years. Hence the social decay and increasing violence.

Even if he wasn't smelling women's hair, I wouldn't vote for him anyway.

It's going to be Pete and Trump is going to lose.


You kids just understand the value of having an automatic weapon. It’s my god given right. Maybe when you turn into an old crazy fuck like me you’ll get it.

>every dyke nigger bitch
So you're just a racist homophobic sexist piece of shit. Who knew?

Attached: heres your you.jpg (3840x2160, 1.4M)

At least it wasn't his daughter

Attached: trump ivanka.jpg (308x320, 41K)

Fuck you, I believe we need to roll back gun laws and start addressing the real issue of why people are suddenly devaluing life to the point that they're taking it en masse'.
Gun control isn't going to answer that problem, it's going to push them onto other means of destruction while we passively loose our right to bear arms.
Fucking kids these days.

See you say shit like that but yet every single Republican congressman or senator follows Trump like a puppet.. If Republicans don’t align with Trump why the fuck is he your candidate

There we go.

Because the rich won't share power. Of course that's going to breed violence and resentment.

Get er dunnn


>trump won on economics

he started a trade war with china and is about to close the southern border

get back to me in a year about those economics

user as long as you keep using bullshit slippery slope fallacies, no one can take you seriously.

someone should make an Ivanka kiddie blow up doll

Coal miner here. When’s my job comin?

No slippery slope, that the direct lateral motion of your fucking "plan".
Take away peoples guns and maybe the handful of people that actual use them illegally will stop?
that's a logical fallacy.

Sure, it costs you about 300 bucks to get a machine gun, right? Through an official govt process?

We could do the same thing with assault rifles.

No it just stands to the ethical mentality of republitards

user, yes, "slippery slope." You don't know how to conduct yourself in a logical discussion. Learn how to do it.

>Take away peoples guns and maybe the handful of people that actual use them illegally will stop?
that's actually autism

stop shitting up this thread with your stupid gun faggot bullshit

it's about BIDEN asshole



Yeah, and least we forget who doubled our deficit in his measly 8 years in office?

This is by far the dumbest thing I’ve read in this entire thread.

it doesn't have to be smart to get replies tho

Bush, so badly that the next president spent 8 years failing to repair it, then comes Trump create a trade war and shutdown borders to put the nail in the coffin.

You just described yourself. That bullshit you call politics is called "brainwashing" by those that are actually using a brain. Guns aren't the issue. Stupid, degenerate people popping up in droves is a symptom of the real issue. You know, the ones doing the shootings. Social decay, folks. You can't legislate your way out of social decay and the consequences it brings. Keep yelling and screaming about the guns. You're focused on the wrong problem, asking all the wrong questions. Stop trying to police other people's lives and rights to make yourself feel safer and "righteous". Fascist nonsense by the true definition of the word, not the misnomer everyone has been using since 2010. You should be asking why this suddenly became an issue in the past 25 years and go from there, but would take REAL thinking, REAL research. Easier to just restrain the rights of people, right?

>Guns aren't the issue.
Good. Then you won't mind it we ban some of them.

>clog the toilet with the actual text of proposed bans


So what sense then does it make to lobby for MORE gun control? You all will likely need some guns for yourselves in the not so distant future.

>Stop trying to police other people's lives and rights to make yourself feel safer and "righteous".
You're doing that by insisting that we abide with a minority who is obsessed with firearms.

>gays aren't the problem
>then you wont mind if we ban them

this thread is enormously entertaining

Guns aren't the issue, ergo, no need for further gun control you deliberately obtuse rapscallion.

user, why do you have to interject your stupid faggot fetish into every discussion?

Why don’t you take your guns and fuck yourself up the ass with them old man. Nobody cares.

You're making guns to be a very big issue, though.


Most dems and reps agree on gun control, that's why anyone, dem or rep, who even mentions a ban or regulation is immediately dropped and never makes it to nomination.

He is. Shiny blue barrel covered with burrito shit.

Sanders could well get the nomination though.

only when people ask to ban them

>you're making gays out to be a big issue

Uh no retard. You have this very much inverted, much like your penis. And gun owners aren't this tiny minority you've envisioned in your Spongebob-tier imagination.

Welcome to the political process in america son! That shit happens on both sides.

gays are a big issue

>And gun owners aren't this tiny minority
Yeah you actually are. Most Americans don't own guns, user. You are literally striving to be Tyranny of the Majority.

Only when idiots want to infringe on the right. Not my fault you despise your own right to the armed defense of your life, limb and property.

United States of America accounts for over 40% of total gun ownership WORLDWIDE. You couldn't be more wrong you erroneous oaf.