Currently the world is facing three problems with our population

Currently the world is facing three problems with our population
>The global population is growing rapidly and will reach carrying capacity in the next few years
>most of the population growth is in less developed countries resulting in more people being born into poverty as well as a larger gap between rich and poor countries
>More developed countries are facing low birth and death rates resulting in an aging population that needs support from younger ones
How do we fix it Yea Forums?

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nuke the whole world. solves each issue you described.

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Stop giving shit to poor people.

Let nature take its course. (remove the extra dot.)) Shitposting Yea Forums autistic server with no rules. Post whatever you want! CP GORE LOLI/SHOTA !!!

We don’t, everything you just said is the same bullshit I’ve heard for 30 years. The world will be fine, go and start a vegan/circumcision/atheist thread instead.

4th problem
>1 child policy causing an overabundance of chinese men who can't find women so they're starting to find wives in africa

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Educated people produce less children, because they know they won't need to make 10 just to have 1 alive.

By helping the 3rd world countries develop and get richer, you'll solve the overpopulation problem.

You'll also help yourself by helping those niggers. A dumb cunt with flies in his eyes won't do shit for you. If he gets richer and educated, he'll work on the same problems you face (Cancer research, new tech, etc.). I hate it, but it's the facts.

Or you can read "Enlightenment Now" to see a fuckload of stats about the world as it is.

Stop all immigration and aid. Let them die in place as Darwin intended.

Afro-asians are a plague to the world

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colonize the various planets of our solar system and organize them by social class

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The whole world is gradually becoming interracial

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Or we could not help niggers, create a disease to kill them all, and then create more white people to populate Africa. Really there is nothing better than more white people, because at the end of the day, non-whites don't have the same morals we have, and if we help them, we're growing future enemies.

dude, what the fuck do you mean how do we fix it?
we invented nukes a long damn time ago

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Vlad, get the nukes

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>why don't we create a disease to wipe out billions? Nobody more moral than whites lel

Poorer less educated people tend to have the most kids the quickest

>>most of the population growth is in less developed countries resulting in more people being born into poverty as well as a larger gap between rich and poor countries
Biological warfare
>>More developed countries are facing low birth and death rates resulting in an aging population that needs support from younger ones
Automation, then after all the old are dead we reach paradise

Whats wrong with that?

1 white person on Yea Forums says something immoral. Must be all white people. That's the reason people like you could never have your opinions respected in an area like politics.

Yu mad waiyt boi?

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Genocided people have no problems and cause no problems. This is why it's been so popular over the millenia.


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Problem 2 isn't a problem. When they run out of food divide them into two piles, the strong and the weak. Kill the weak and feed them to the strong. After a few cycles of this the problem solves itself for good.

They're giving their problem to someone else. Less African women for African men.

>Less African women for African men.

Doesn't this result in less africans? I am not seeing the issue.

>>The global population is growing rapidly and will reach carrying capacity in the next few years
Only in shithole countries. First step is cut off immigration to 3rd world shitholes that are having too many children. Then cut off all aid funding to these places. Let them sort their shit out and evolve a little bit so they realize they shouldn't have 10 fucking kids per person.
>>most of the population growth is in less developed countries resulting in more people being born into poverty as well as a larger gap between rich and poor countries
The wealth gap in the world is irrelevant. The solution I proposed to the first problem also solves this.
>>More developed countries are facing low birth and death rates resulting in an aging population that needs support from younger ones
Take foreign aid funding and focus it on elevating the standard of living of people in developed countries. Reward families who have two children. Stop encouraging gay culture and the destruction of the family unit.

we stop artificially propping up failing races/cultures
and we stop trying to keep the peace in 3rd world shitholes

Yeah the alternative is to have them fester like a sore wound, as the west morally degrades, and eventually you have shit like californians letting beaners hop the fence for free. They're a danger because they are just smart enough for their very brightest to on par with the dumbest of our society, then suddenly they deserve rights.

Less 100% africans but more mixed people with african in them. Half african is still nigger

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>Half african is still nigger
Yeah, but it's all the way over there in china, so that's a start. Also, africans will crank out like 30 niglets when in africa, but one in chongpongland. That's a marked improvement.

The world population is projected to begin actually declining around the turn of the century. Don't panic faggot.

Cut off all foreign aid to Africa and a lot of the problem will take care of itself.

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Promote sterilization as a kind of sexual liberation. Get leftists to demand it. Get them saying it's racist that rich whites can afford it but poor minorities can't. Make it not only free, but actually pay anyone $500 to get a vasectomy/tubal ligation. The low iq masses will line up for the free cash like they do for EBT cards.