hey there Yea Forums
I need to 2 dollars per month. That's it.
I don't have a car so most simple craigslist jobs are off the count immediately and I rarely take public transit unless absolutely necessary. how do I do this
Hey there Yea Forums
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Go to your local park and scout the walkways and park benches. If youre lucky, you will find 2 quid in less than an hour
>need to 2 dollars per month
Collect empty recyclable cans. You'll need to find 40 cans in 2 months. That's about empty 10 cans a week.
Go around the neighborhood asking if you can wash their car or mow their lawn like all the other kids do
What do you need $2 for? Who pays for your food/rent? If it's your parents, surely they could spot you $2 in exchange for doing some work for them.
Also where do you live? This is important. Rural? City? USA? UK?
I would do this but the closest park is small and shit. The only good park I know is around 10 km away. All the other ones are small
What am I supposed to do with these cans? dumbfag here please explain
Where are you located?
I live up north in Canada. My parents are only paying the bare minimum to keep me alive at this point. I spent most of my life doing religious studies because they wanted me to become their little saint so I skipped school where I could to pursue what they wanted me to do. Talk about living your failed dreams through your kid, eh? Most of high school I just did online and some courses I just couldn't do because I didn't have the prior knowledge. Mathematics is one of them. I'm a disappointment in their eyes and there's nothing I can do. All i have is a fucking OSSC. They don't trust me enough to let me go around town on my own and I'm too fucking retarded to even be allowed to drive. I do know how to, though. At this point Idk what to even do with my life anymore. Pretty typical doomer iguess kek
Canada, Toronto.
Buy stuff on Craigslist / Facebook marketplace and sell for slightly higher prices. Should be incredibly easy if you're just trying to get 2$ profit lol. To find an accurate measure of what items are worth, look up the item on eBay and check "sold listings".
got to labour ready or whatever the fuck its called now, unless your under 18 in that case your banned.