Having seen "Us", would you consider both of them (anti-)villains in different ways?

Having seen "Us", would you consider both of them (anti-)villains in different ways?

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I'm probably never going to see it

Same. I'm tired of seeing that director's name everywhere.

You should see it for the moral question it presents.

Who was ultimately the more evil of the two?

(Seriously, it's a surprisingly difficult question to answer.)

It's a good ass movie dudes, don't be so quick to judge

It really is, first and foremost, a character study/morality play.

Red and Adelaide defy easy labeling of "good and evil".

I mean I'd probably never even think about watching it. Doesn't really seem like something I'd be interested in unless it's filled with violence that is.

i thought Get Out was ok.
nothing special, not scary at all for my tastes.

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Won't watch it, filmmaker says he won't cast White people in leading roles..
Can you imagine how enraged the American monkey people would be if a white filmmaker said that about black people..
Get on a boat back to your motherland Jordan Peele..
And this nigger is married to a white woman!?
Oh America, where we goin'?

i dont watch nigger movies because im not a cuck like op

He's not even funny.

>hurr durr,director wont cast white people in leading roles

meanwhile,if this was a white director who wouldnt cast black people in leading roles.would you give a shit? probably not

>Ask simple question about the morality of a protagonist and antagonist
>Can't get straight answer

This isn't hard guys.

Are they both villains or not?

>monkey people
Caucasians are pink monkeys

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I thought Get Out was okay, it had a lot of subtle clues and symbology that I didn't catch my first watch. I went into it with the expectation of a horror movie and nothing else; in that I would say it was a disappointment. The psychological mindfuckery aspect was interesting and I do enjoy a good trope subversion.

I have yet to see Us, but I am curious about it. I'm concerned with the possibility of his boundary pushing, anti white, racism and sjw tendencies will be so overt that it ruins the movie though. With Get Out i would say that it did, and once you figured out where the story was going the ending was too predictable.

As a white person with generally no interest in black culture; is Us worth seeing in regards to its statement on philosophic morality, does the horror aspect stand on its own, or is it simply an echo chamber circle jerk for BLM proponents?

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I don't think they're both villains. They're both tragic victims of the situation, and the only solution is for each side to kill each other.

The horror aspect is extremely well done, and the strength of the movie lies on the premise of the plot.

That being said jordan peele is never going to get tired of killing off white characters ever. Check your feelings at the door.

What's your point?
Black monkeys, white monkeys.
Which type of monkey is majority in U.S. prison population?
Which has higher death rate from gun violence?
Which is more likely to beat their wives and abandon their baby mama's?
Oh, I don't know, let me see?

From a moral standpoint, one did something terrible and is trying very hard to make up for it. The other has come up with a horrifying scheme for altruistic reasons (they can't live, only exist in a living hell, as long as humans survive).

They were a pretty realistic rich white family.

The wife hated their husband but was very nice to Adelaide. The husband hated his wife and didn't get along with his kinds, but had a teasing brother friendship with Adelaide's husband. The twins were assholes to Adelaide's kids, but more reasonable with their parents.

I don't think she's trying to make up for it. The final scene was a smile. She's free and she's happy. It's not like she's taking care of her shadow's family. That's her family, her husband, and her life. And she wrecked the other's life and set in motion an entire up rising to do it... and that last scene suggests she would do it all again

And also keep in mind Adelaide went to Josh's house instead of throwing the family under the bus.

Or maybe she wanted her son to just know the truth?

She atoned for it through the life she lived. She's a good wife, a loving mother, a reasonable if socially awkward friend. She doesn't even eat meat (as seen at the dinner table, she shuns it).

At every opportunity, she tried to distract Red so she would focus her anger on her.

She didn't even ignore Josh's family and they're all humans.

Did you see that kid's reaction? I wouldn't want him to know.

Psht, you wouldn't eat meat either if you ate raw rabbit everyday.

So why did she blatantly tip him off? If she's so hellbent on keeping her secret, why give it away?

The smile doesn't work either way.

If she's a loving mom, she wouldn't smile at him (it would scare him).

if she was evil and faking it the time, she wouldn't smile (to keep up the act).

It's just a "Muh Scary Moment".

Also, context suggests she didn't know who she was for the entire movie. So, consciously leading a repentant life is out.

That being said, I totally bought the triple combo of the primal scream, the guttural unnatural vocal noises, and finally the laugh.

She was FURIOUS at Red.

Which means her loving mom personality is the sincere result of her upbringing, gradually replacing her far less pleasant original personality.

Yeah. It's funny what not being stuck in hell will do to a person.

It IS filled with funny and interesting violence.

The gap got so massive in fact, she no longer RECOGNIZED herself in her past. Which is why she remembered it wrong. That past person's personality lined up with her current one's, so of course she was the scared kid.

>He thinks that can happen today without country wide chimpouts

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>"I saw a girl in the hall of mirrors. She looked exactly like me. I ran."

The irony is, on a symbolic level, it's true. She HAS been running from the scary smiling girl her whole life.

Why don't you just tell me the moral question?

Both characters did something terrible for different reasons.

But I won't say what it was.

The red chick is clearly the villain though arguably it's a result of her circumstances. The mc clearly just wanted a better life for herself, same as red, so it's kinda hard to blame either of them. You know, aside from the fact that one is the architect of what amounts to genocide of the above ground people.

Red committing genocide is definitely the way bigger sin. Also, was it really so hard to get back to civilization?

Someone had to have found her early on, or she would starved. Sure the tunnels are huge, but they must have labels on them.

Keep in mind, we only have Red's word things were so bad. And I question just how accurate her retelling of events is.

Seriously, all she had to do was find a single escalator, get back to the surface, and say, "I'm lost. Can you help me find my parents? As you can clearly see, I'm an exact match for their daughter."

>Red committing genocide is definitely the way bigger sin.
I'm siding with red on this one. If I was trapped in hell unjustly, and the only way out was a massive escape and brutal mass murder, I'd probably do it. I understand it's immoral, but I'll be damned if my life is going down like that.

As such I have trouble faulting either character for their attempts to leave.

Though she may have just gone nuts before she got loose.

You'd think she'd be able to find a way out at some point, though it's believable that she got lost (she was unconscious when she was dragged in) and was down there for a while before realizing she could leave. Plus the alt versions of her parents were there so maybe she though she was supposed to stay?

Was the only escape genocide? Why would she assume that? More than anything it seems like the whole thing was more vengeance than anything else.

They're tethered together. Remember her story about the C-section? It seems like neither one can actually have freewill until the other is in the place down below, or dead.

I side with Adelaide. Red's revenge went WAY too far. Just kill Adelaide, Red. You don't need to kill a fuckton of people who did nothing to you.

If Adelaide was irreedeemably evil, it would have shown in how she lived her life.

She didn't throw her own family under the bus to save her own ass, she didn't leave Josh's family to die, and she freely told Red "I'm the one you want."

One sin committed as a CHILD versus a grown-up conceiving mass-murder? I can't side with a genocide-plotter.

But it does tie into a hidden theme. It's easy to fault people when they're in hell, and easy to be good when you're in paradise.

TDLR version: the tunnels are a metaphor for inner city poverty-hell, manufacturing nightmares.

>my comedy is no longer relevant, I better start making horror movies in an attempt to get people to take me seriously
>literally everyone who jerks off to his shit films "this is different, there's never been anything else like it, it's a good movie, it has black people in it
>Jordan goes on to say he doesn't want to cast white people, that all movies with whites in it are the same
wew fucking lad, choke down the niggercock harder you fucking mudsharks. seeing you nigger loving sheep defend this trash on here and social media is comedy gold for me.

Again, we only know that because Red told us so. There's clearly some kind of connection there, but we don't know if there wasn't another way because her first idea was genocide. It's also interesting to note that the tethering seemed to work in one direction: what the obove ground people did resonated with the underground, not vice versa. So why did Adelaide have so much control over Red?

Is it mass murder? or mass suicide?

Saw this lemon.black people are spoopy

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Man, jordan peele's last flick fucked with my head. Theres at least 3 people sitting here discussing which character was right, which character was wrong, what would you have done, is free will a thing, nature vs nurture, and the concept of self.

It was quite well done.

I question how much control either of them had over one another.

My impression is that they managed to weaken the connection enough to function as individuals, but not so weak they were not instinctively aware of each other.

Most likely because of where Adelaide resided, like living out of signal range of the internet and trying to get a connection.

It counts as mass-murder. They're still separate individuals, right down to using different names (Red, Abraham, Umbrae, Pluto, etc.).

Unless you warm it with sexual contact.

Some large chick asked me the other day, "Would you feel the same way if a female made a movie with an all female cast?" To which I responded, "Oh, you mean Ghostbusters? Yeah, that movie bombed like a motherfucker. Can't wait to see how the new all female Terminator does."

I have so many questions, I almost want there to be a sequel. Like, did the doppelgangers win? Are they going to be able to reclaim their humanity, or is their lack of it going to ruin the world? Is it the purge now?

niggers gonna nig.

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Itt:: "hurr dburr black man make movie about black people make my tiny brain not work right >:(((("

Since when was terminator about the guys? Arnie is just a background character compared to sarah connor.

Hell, john connor the messiah isn't even shown in the first one.

same here, watched get out and it wasn't nearly as good as everyone was making it out to be

Honestly I would have said to Red, "Please get me out of this hellhole." But in fairness, I'm looking at it from the moral perspective of someone not stuck IN said hellhole.

Adelaide's kid mind did not operate like a normal person's. We still don't know her gears tick as an adult.

We have no reference to compare her to. She's unique in the film.

>3 cucks discussing mainstream garbage because they eat whatever the movie theaters feeds them.
The only thing that's quite well done are those niggers skin due to them being left in the oven for too long.
>ooga booga, black people scary
10/10 movie, Jordan. Bravo.

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Or at least, she's the only one we know of pulling it off. It's possible there are others out there, and likely considered "enemies of the red-clad regime".

This, fuck jew media.

Hell, there's the sequel right there.

To survive the Tethered (it's a long road trip), Adelaide finds the Others. The outcasts like herself.

Ghostbusters did poorly because it was a shit movie. There's plenty of movies with a female main cat that are great. The Hours comes to mind. Also, it's like no one cares that Spike Lee doesn't cast white people in the lead. If Jordan Peele wants to make movies that focus on a black perspective then that's his prerogative. It's not like Hollywood as an industry has a problem with white people in general getting work.

It was always about the Schwartsanegger. Literally the only reason people watched.

>The Hours
>Shit no one has ever heard of
So much coping in this thread.

My personal fav is "Silent Hill". A lot of strong female characters, on both sides.

My only complain was You-Know-Who not coming back to life as an undead and personally killing her murderer.

I mean seriously. It was bad enough she had to burn to death, but she couldn't get revenge beyond the grave?

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No, he's a scary thing the main characters are running from. And reese just functions as guide/protector/love interest. The main character was always sarah.

If you don't know The Hours or Spike Lee then that's on you bud. Those aren't obscure references.

>Jordan Peele cucks ACTUALLY like the mediocre Silent Hil movie adaption
Explains a lot actually. As someone who's played every minor and major Silent Hill installment ever, I can easily and happily say that Silent Hill 1 was nothing at all impressive. It wasn't shit, but it wasn't exactly good.
If you like the hot garbage that is Silent Hill 2 however, then this conversation and thread is officially over.

>Spike Lee
Oh boy, another nigger... Just a second, I'll get the rope.

No, uncanny valley is what's scary. We had a scary black family and a scary white family.

Though I must admit I was amused I was being terrorized by the dude from "Tim And Eric Awesome Show Great Job", lol.

Honestly? It's the best video game adaption by virtue of comparing it to the others out there.

That's why I like it.

That being said, I'll never forgive the movie for killing the hot lesbian.

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Settle down snowflake. There's more to life than getting butthurt over perceived racial injustice.

The acting was terrible in my opinion. I didn't believe they were a family. It felt very artificial. To me a good movie not only has to have good acting, but the story has to be plausible or if they are taking the fantasy route, it better be interesting as fuck. The story this movie tells is fucking stupid. LITERALLY HOLDING HANDS ACROSS AMERICA?? STUPIDEST FUCKING THING I'VE EVER SEEN IN A MOVIE!


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It's mocking the notion by contrasting it against extreme violence.

"Oh sure we'll hold hands....in solidarity against you."

This thread feels fake af.

Honestly? It wasn’t.
Cybil wasn’t supposed to die, Pyramid Head isn’t supposed to be in 1. Harry was supposed to be the main character. There was no kaufman. No Lisa screentime or focus. It was just hollywood garbage. Kinda like the shit you guys are eating up now.

Peele is the only american director that has done true horror in quite some time.

The focus of the movie wasn't really on their family dynamic though so it's not a fatal flaw that the writing was weak in that regard. The dad was fantastic though. Personally, my wife and I both found the movie incredibly engaging even if it had several weaknesses. It was a good movie (especially for the genre) but it wasn't a great movie. I think Get Out was better.

Your wife sounds hot. Post her tits and feet.

I disagree, this was better than Get Out. I didn't sit around in a thread about get out pondering the ramifications of what I just saw.

Doppelganger flick > body snatcher flick.

>Yeah, that movie bombed like a motherfucker.
except it didn't

I would consider it a stupid fucking movie.

Yeah, it might just be a genre thing. I compare Get Out more to Rosemary's Baby with the whole "everyone's playing like they're your friend but they all know something you don't and they're out to get you" vibe. It was a slower burn with a lot of paranoia whereas Us was like a home invasion movie and the danger was right out in the open in the beginning.

Shhhhh. Go shoot up a school and let the grown ups talk.

Hereditary was vastly superior to Us. As was It Comes At Night and A Quiet Place. But Us is still an entertaining movie. Get out was better tho.

This movie had so much potential. What a shame. 3/10, wouldn’t watch again. Get Out was better.

hey the facebook moms are here
tits or gtfo

Fuck that, I might go watch it again. I have so many questions

It works because it didn't take the easy way out and go, "Oh look how evil the mom was this entire time." Because we spent the whole time WITH the "evil mom" and knew who she was an adult in terms of personality, Even feral Adelaide was still grown-up enough not to stay in permanent berserker mode.

We are thus forced to wonder how much of Adelaide we saw is as evil as the grinning child we also saw.

Never saw It Comes At Night, but Hereditary was definitely better. Disagree about A Quiet Place. Once you get past the gimmick it doesn't have a lot going for it.

And on top of that, her foil Red is basically a victim-turned-asshole "messiah" who committed genocide.

I don't understand why people like It Comes At Night. Maybe I need to give it another try, but I thought it was awful. Hereditary is fantastic and A Quiet Place was okay.

The bitch was a tunnel person the whole time

Adelaide wasn't evil. If anything the movie was about how your upbringing has a greater effect on who you are than what you were born as.

>*Makes movies targeted at a primarily black audience*

You're too stupid to even realise you're doing the EXACT thing you probably got upset at black people for doing about a couple years ago.

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I just remembered that I did see It Comes At Night. Personally I'd put it between Hereditary and Us. I loved it but I realize that's a minority opinion. Most people I talked to thought it was way too slow, but I really like that slow building sense of dread.

I'd also throw Annihilation in there as a good recent divisive horror movie.


I think the real take away here is that no matter who/what you are not every movie has to be made for you. No one is forcing you to watch. No one is entitled to being a represented anywhere. None of you are as special as you think.

Correct. Because of her initial upbringing (or complete lack thereof), she did something terrible to escape the hell she was. She acted with the morality she'd been given, which was to say none at all. She probably know even know what right and wrong even were as concepts. She just knew the place was unbearable.

But when she got out, she massively improved to the point she absolutely freaks out whenever her own kids get separated from her.

It's no accident her rare adult moment of rage, malicious triumph, and sadism revolves around one of her kids being taken from her.

Red sunk so low by that point she kidnapped a child and took him into the tunnels.

Symbolically, Adelaide got to brutally murder her past (and by extension, the grinning child that keeps haunting her).

Except it REALLY did.

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Without even intending to, Red actually gave Adelaide a kind of closure (as Red had turned into Past-Adelaide in a way by the ending).

28 but okay.

oh no no no

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Yea annihilation was great too.

youre so fucking edgy bro

>"So you're now the traumatized mom who just wants her child back? How ironic Adelaide. How easy the change must have been for you, living among them and having it all. You didn't even know what a conscience was till they taught you guilt."

I know, right? Thanks for the (You), bruh. You catch that new Jordan Stinkskin Nigger Peele film? I caught it down at the cinema with my fellow Neegroids and we thought it was kentucky fried chicken fo real, yo.

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It just hit me. Part of why she's in so many pain is that she finally knows how that mom felt in full. Guilt, fear, and empathy all raging in Adelaide.

And she ALMOST is ready to tell Red she's sorry. Then Red whistles like a goddamn moron.

THAT sends Adelaide into a terrible rage. Then comes the primal scream of sheer hate, and in that frenzy she regresses to her FIRST language (the unnatural noise repeated again and again). And finally she laughs.

So... what did the bunnies eat?

You had me at “featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series.” Now say the N-word with me.

Christ, france, what happened to you?

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Yeah, I like the free will issue. It's got a very nietzschean angle to it. How would you react to not having free will? And what would you do to attain it?

Except isn't Peele half white? He's not full black

He doesn’t play a role in any of his own movies because he knows nobody can take him seriously.


Fuck no.

Why hate whites though being half? Last og and mad TV was amazing. Key and Peele was good until sjw last season was brutal. His movies are garbage sjw horror

what makes you think he hates white people?


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I actually disagree with the horror aspect being really well done. The horror kept getting ruined by a cheesy joke or trope thrown in just cause.

Its not a horror

I don't consider it horror. I consider it a character study/morality play with suspense elements.

Is this the movie where niggers have an advanced country in the jungle that’s hidden from whitey?

No that’s battle for the planet of the apes

I love Yea Forums.

I put all this thought into analyzing Adelaide and you guys spew Alt-Right shit.


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White people
White People
White People

Haha haha all niggers are evil

Yes. One stole someone's life the other started a murderous uprising.

But the latter is way worse.

both suck but red is better because those tunnels look like a fucking awful place to be in

Carrots from the local farmer's market. Pay attention.

i like his movies because they are neat and have a lot of things to discuss about them. Hes also a huge horror fan and it shows in his films

Is it really a shock Adelaide tried to escape?

Us had a 20 million budget you stupid faggot

Absolutely. Plus it's not like she caused problems once she took her identity. She was a good person that like a previous user said was a good family mom and all that shit.

The overhead shot of the trees and the vehicle (during the "Present Day" scene that introduces Adelaide's family) is a homage to "The Shining".

Red said herself that adelaide could have just taken her with her. Also how secure are the tunnels? if adelaide found a way to escape, she can try to lead the way for everyone else

That to me is telling. She doesn't run wild and do wicked shit like a bat out of hell.

Adelaide had no real upbringing until she even got to the surface. Our morality was alien to her until she was taught it.

It's entirely possible she's not the only one who has. In fact it's incredibly implausible she's the sole non-cultist tunnel person out there.

Yeah that seemed dumb to me as well. If she was trying to escape the tunnels and run away what did it matter if she replaced herself? Was she worried they were gonna chase her down or something? They could have become one of those crazy twin circus acts or some shit.

I would consider both of them KANGZ

Because she wanted the life Red had.

Analyzing Adelaide is extremely difficult because we don't know how her mind works. What is, and isn't, conventional human.