Greentext stories about being an autist

Greentext stories about being an autist

>Be me
>A NEET that is entered apprenticeship on a vessel
>first day, people showed basic kindness and attention ( few of them)
>Due to my deep voice and naturally menacing eyes I am regarded as a conceited person
>stoic quiet introverted person who is basically an NPC
>Whamen showed interest in me and even my superior that is gey
>Nodded at their initiatives and be done with it
>1 week after my first day
>people barely talk to me
>I am a great observer as I used all of my time analyzing people’s behavior rather than talking to them
>They are all shallow, easy to manipulate, they would force themselves to the norm of the ship, and sometimes regardless of how immoral it is.
>I have no chance of befriending someone who isn’t a robot, their jokes are transparent shit that I don’t find funny at all, small talks that I truly hate.
>bothering me when I am minding my own business as I am reading my book
>2 weeks of work, I have just given up making friends. It affected my behavior and I showed who truly am I ( a bit)
>A new onboard was given under my wing, cleaning the upper deck every hour isn’t necessary as no one really comes there. So whenever the new guy asks about it, I would lazily just say it is alright.
>The new guy is a potential sociopath, the first conversation was him praising about our superior being kind and all, then after that praising, he began talking about himself being good at work. (because we only need to clean the deck he compared it to like how he always does the house chores.)
>never ending of talking about himself and all like desperately wanting recognition to the thing she said to himself without doing anything to prove it before me.

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>He was immediately placed on the lower decks
>was good at reading the atmosphere and friendly with people, would show kindness and all but the emotion through those words are devoid
>my towel was lost when I was preparing it so I have to wander to the lower deck to find it, the guy gave warm words about taking care of my things yet his voice is shallow. After nodding at his unnecessary advice I left. Few cadets approached him and talked about something that I can’t hear as I was about to go upstairs, he once called me and said something again. Sociopaths piss me off subconsciously because it takes one to know one.
>My rep was degraded by the people who have free to times to their selves and talked behind my back.
>When people don’t have any information about someone, they would just create one.
>ffw 3 weeks
>that guys reputation to the officers became bad as he was wandering on every deck when he is not supposed to be like helping the lowest deck with their work even he is not to be there at that time. But he gained rep to the older cadets as he licked their toes by praising and such


>in psychology there is a study of how you can create friends, if you did even just one of them then people would open to you even just a bit. Forgot about the title though.
>As I was bored to death by dealing with people I planned something.
>whoever who is an outcast to the norm will be bullied is a common thing.
>Someone stole my jacket that was provided by the company.
>I immediately falsely accused that guy. If you want to know someone’s true self, then you should piss them off first.
>He confronted me after that but he gave empathy and forgive me with his words
>I was dying inside preventing myself to laugh on how shallow his words are.
>and it began, my rep became worse as I was being talked constantly on the lower decks by the seniors who unsuspiciously listened to the whisper of the devil.
>Even if the rumors that were spread weren’t true, if there was a little bit of evidence then people would believe it. (Watch the manipulation and deception documentary)
>They would act nice in front of me and shout indirect things at me but it never really bothered me.
>When studying, reading an interesting topic is very fun, but seeing it personally is a euphoric thing. ( I like social psychology)


this reads like a fucking onision book. are you a fucking idiot? some guy was nice to you and you gave him shit for no reason and you consider it euphoric now that people hate you for that?
you also say you're a sociopath even though you clearly have social desire, and you say the other guy is a sociopath because he's polite?
am i falling into a copypasta right now?

>it is a common knowledge that someone is stealing foods in the mess hall, and ofc, people knew who it is but they would just keep it to their selves because they don’t want trouble but would complain when the topic arises.
>I caught one of my seniors before red-handedly stealing one, I wouldn’t really care but he gestured to be quiet about it.
>my meal was missing one time, and I deducted I was already in the list that can be bullied because of how I accused someone, and doing that is a good chance for immoral people to be in the side of justice and be assholes while people thinking it is the right thing.
>my meal is often stolen, there is always a pattern of stealing. Especially when it is pork. Multiple meals would disappear.
>Rats who lives in the quarry are like mutants on how big they are when the vessel is on seaside rats would just enter it casually. And that is the reason why there are pellets of shit scattered on the decks.
>you guys are not retarded enough to not realize what can I do with it when there is a pest-eating my own meal.
>Apparently that person has a high position in the society. Would boast about his background and all.
>But when you think about his actions, stealing a meal and talking back to people. I deeply pity such people.

very interesting i hope this thread lives to see another day

This isn’t greentext, this is just the mad delusions of a rambling nignog

>Greentext stories being an autist

sadly to say I'm not the only idiot here, I don't trust people who boast about themselves too much. due to my mental deterioration which worsened, yeah even basic grammar is forgotten too. that person would highly talk about things yet his action contradicts his words.

Yeah dude. This is like a car crash. I wanna look away, but I can't.

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Op if english is your first language, i will be amazed

You read a study and watched a documentery and now you spend time "studying people" and you 'like psychology"? Fucking embarassment. You are socially inept and your writing skills suck. Is english your naitive tongue? You seem incapable of perceiving the social obligation of politeness.

Your 'friend' needs to keep his job. Everyone wants to make work easier. Thats they ACT polite and their words are shallow. Thats why when you accued him of stealing your coat, he wanted to say "fuck you man". But its not because he's a sociopath that he didnt, he just doesnt want to cause drama and a fuss and loose his job/create tension at work.

Keep "studying people" and maybe one day you might not be so bitter and socially retarded op

let me see if i got this right, i'm so fucking confused

>be op
>sigh everyone but me is so shallow no one understands me
>i'm too deep for smalltalk
>they are trying to befriend me while i'm reading a book (how dare they) but i don't want to bother making friends
>having no friends is kind of fucking with me fuck
>some guy starts talking about himself and being respectful, he must be a sociopath
>rep degrades because of anti-social tendencies
>fucking people
>guy starts giving me advice and helping others out
>fucking sociopath
>heres an idea lets fuck the guy over
>he forgave me. what a shallow sociopath.
>everyone hates me now
>it's so nice to see a plan come together
>some higher up is stealing food, mostly pork
>why would he stoop so low and be so pathetic? he couldn't possibly just want some fucking pork
>also rats are big

Yep, sounds about right
Christ on a fucking bike OP tell me you're making this shit up

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Bless this thread and the people.

Nah, he has no fucking clue what a sociopath is.
Despite that, sociopaths have an intense desire for social acceptance and bonding.
They're basically always alone because they can't be with people like themselves because of the intense power struggle and they can't be by themselves because of the desire to be with people but they fucking hate those people because it's boring.
They have an amazing ability to hold strong af cognitive dissonance, that's why you get some that are both narcissistic and sociopath.

What the hell man

Quality thread m8

Cmon OP I want to see the finale of your story

i didn't know that, thanks user. that it?


>those group of people would indirectly threaten me but they haven’t done any physical contact
>actually the tallest guy and have a decent body
>seniors disembarked because their contract has ended
>His circle of friends disappeared, I never mentioned this but a lot of people hated this person too
>Can not find people who will deal with him he tried to be with the people I am with.
>The atmosphere of awkwardness is there but the guy never gave up.
>He likes to make fun of people greatly but would be picking a fight if he was targeted.
>He never made any noticeable moves because no one would actually protect him.
>Due to my past actions that I never mentioned, I was made fun of by my circle.
>When people doesn’t see anything that prevents them, they would dig deeper.
>it became worst as the time goes by, their ego and self-esteem skyrocketed.
>even the people who are passive bootlickers became aggressive.
>It is fun to see these passive people change their ways.
>I decided to court this whamen
>due to my past actions it is retarded to think I have a chance but what made me decide to court this woman because she is good at hiding her anger
>the behavior of the people who are around me changed, they opened their selves to me as I stupidly asked them about her.
>Acted like I am an innocent shit and talked highly what I wanted to be, got their little trust and all.
>my circle helped me and their behavior towards me softened
>when people are ignorant who you are, they would be naturally wary of you.
>after our contract ended we meet up again to work on our papers with the guy who likes to whisper to people
>one of the men of circles came and talked to me while tapping my shoulder.
>I hate physical contact but I controlled myself and didn’t slug him


>when we were working on our papers busily, the two barged on the room and started announcing that he is a spawn of a high standing man in the society while his companion sat in front of me where he can see my face
>I controlled myself to laugh out loud
>after that the guy I am with began licking the guy's foot even he announced himself before he doesn’t like the guy
>it is better to make friends rather than make enemies who you don’t benefit from doing so.
>it is understandable but the guy was some kind of toxic
>we drank together one night
>and this guy started flapping his wallet shouting how wealthy they are. He initiated the conversation by saying good points to himself and praising the guy I am with.
>I was clearly belittled by them on how they raised their tones and how they looked at me
>I never talked about myself nor my family background, I kept it as a secret but it is nothing to be kept about. I just don’t like sharing it.


>people would belittle you automatically if they don’t know about you at all, moreover when they think highly of themselves.
>the started to pick a fight to me indirectly by saying he is protected by his connections even if I fight back, he pushed the idea but no one actually touched me, we and my circle just smiling at him as we walked back to the vessel.
>But regardless of what happened, the guy didn’t confront me when he is clearly displeased at me. He would raise his voice but when I am there but he would bow his head avoiding eye contact
>would whisper shit to my circle and would clearly say some indirect threatening to me
>but he never actually did anything.
>when my circle left I visited the two in the waiting station.
>they showed no hostility and acted friendly as shit.
>I clearly announced that we would see each other again. ( they live far from the capital so they have to go there to apply in known companies )
It is understandable when someone would show hostility to someone when they are with someone, but I never took them seriously as they would only lightly attack me when we are in groups but not when face to face.
It is good to be hearing people’s opinion about my actions. I learned a lot of things.