Why are liberals so fucking stupid?

Why are liberals so fucking stupid?

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Because they believe emotions make more sense than logic

Liberals are more worried about looking like they're a better person than they actually are.

Liberals are pretty stupid but have you ever met a conservative? Most of them blubbering subhuman retards compared to liberals. It's time to gas the maganiggers.

Because they go to fancy colleges and get education. Waste of time if ya ask me.

They prioritize feelings over facts.

They've been sucking down the propaganda since they were little kids.

you do realize your soylent bottles will be no match for conservatives ar 15's?



choose one

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public education system

When I was in high school I doubt anyone knew the definition of misogyny. The fact that almost every kid today does just shows the depth of the brainwashing. It's disgusting.

but of course, you, you've never sucked on a single piece of propaganda. you're "woke", right?

Kill one toothless redneck and all of a sudden you can arm 30 soyboys with his arsenal. Hell, just flood a trailer park with fentanyl and wait a week for all of them to OD and then walk in and take all the guns.

Goddamn right. Fancy pants liberal professors poisoning our children’s minds.



Why were republicans retarded enough to vote for trump?

I see what they're doing from 15 miles away.

Leftist here. I also have an AR so come try me fag.


It smells like /pol/ in this thread

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>with his arsenal

yeah,so they can shoot themselves with it.there's a difference between a responsible gun owner,and an idiot with a gun.liberal's who own guns are people who shouldnt own them

cause they dont think logically, they think emotionally, im pretty sure at this point they have a fetish for oppression.
Cant wait to vote for Preside Trump again in 2020

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Do you know how to use it?

>hurr durr leftist here

implying your dumbass would get it out of your gun safe before i smash your face in with a brick or shoot you with my gun

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I wonder why kids keep shooting up schools?


refugees from /pol/.. can't really blame 'em, the board is a shitfest right now because the autist majority over there cannot handle the whole "like and get perks" prank pulled by the admins.

it's hilarious.

>people who shouldnt own them
man its almost like we have gun laws that make sure people can buy guns

Occasional Cortex

how dare they teach people to read and think critically.

Ah yes, the conservative christian right of Yea Forums. Clearly the future

you can always find a retarded trump cuck they forget how to find /pol/ and end up on Yea Forums.
they really all belong on /r9k/ with the autists

At least conservatives know what bathroom to use.

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wrong, they are indoctrinated

fucking kek, good for you user thats really cute

>Cant wait to vote for Preside Trump again in 2020

found the retard republicuck cant even president without fucking it up

>Yea Forums

>conservative christian

Yea Forums is a cesspool of liberalism,thats why you see a thousand posts a day about that dumb socialist cunt

Trips of truth

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>using a picture of a movie with a libtard in it


>b...b..but arnold is right wing

guy is as liberal as anyone else who lives in california

Damn right. I sent my boy to college for a half a semester and he came back with a boyfriend.

What I don't understand is that on average Democrats achieve higher levels of education than Republicans. However I think this has more to do with nearly all liberal arts degrees and especially social sciences have a distinct liberal bias, and are awarded at much higher rates than engineering or other STEM degrees.

If you want to really know how useless 'liberal' colleges are guess what kind of degree AOC has......wait for it.......economics. She has a fucking degree in economics and yet she proposed the Green New Deal. Whatever college she went to should be sued for malpractice.

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This shit is so fucking predictable. Let's flip society upside down and then wonder why everything is fucked up.

Why are liberals dumb? I don't understand the question, can you please elaborate?

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>hurr durr AOC

who cares about that dumb beaner,she's not going to amount to anything more then just a congresswomen from some liberal state anyway

Why are conservatives so fucking evil and hateful?

>I wonder why kids keep shooting up schools?
And they don't let boys fight anymore. Fighting is just a normal part of growing up for boys.

>blame the millenials

typical old fag response to every problem in america

I think she went to some Boston hippie school or some shit like that. She ain’t got no idea what it’s like in a he real world.

I don't blame the kids, I blame the people that poisoned their minds.

because the jews in the media only want to you see the schools in white areas that get shot up

nevermind all the gang violence and bullshit that happens in inner city schools.we gotta show you how bad the white people are

Basing someone's intelligence off not type last two letter in a word obviously by a typing error while calling me a republicuck. kek ya got me fagit!

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i consider millennials a bit older then just kids libtard


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Good for you, Jethro Bodine, Jr.

>how bad the white people are
And the kids eat this shit up. Go on the reddit, those fuckers are sorry they were born.

AOC is the vanguard of the Justice Democrats. They are the standard bearers of the identity politics of the left. I wouldn't dismiss her just yet.

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>at Thanksgiving dinner
>I'm like fuck the Indians
>my nephew is all like "but what we did to the Indians!"
>I'm like, motherfucker, WE? I didn't do shit to them

I don’t think liberals are dumb as in have a low IQ, but they do seem to be easily indoctrinated, and are guided more by their feelings than the facts.

Sorry for making weed legal and ending segregation.

>this thread

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If you are a white male you must cut off your penis.

How can we even compete?

muh misogyny

teh white peoples ruined everything

racism against whites is okay:

Why is Fox News the liberal default setting? Are they not capable of seeing how shiteous CNN and MSNBC are?

It's okay to be white.


have sex

What we did to the Indians 250~150 years ago was considered fairly humane and even generous. At that period of human history outright genocide was an acceptable practice.

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Well this kid feels totally guilty for what happened to the fucking Indians and he isn't even 100% white, wtf?

I’ll agree with this. It gonna lie, when someone said “I’m call you out after school”
Sure as fuck I went. Got my ass beat 9/10 back then, but it also kept me from being a trap loving pussy kawaii faggot

Subscribe to Pewdiepie!

Well one of these is acceptable

whites bad

men bad

wanting to fuck bitches is bad

There may be something to this. There is a growing body of research that suggests that boys who don't learn to deal with losing and being bullied occasionally become more violent as adults when they feel insulted or disrespected.

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If you’re afraid of a black dude stealing your bitch maybe you should hit the gym or do something to better yourself like college instead of being a sore loser with your Mountain Dew, Doritos, and hentai porn.

They're not the ones calling education "liberal brainwashing". Something tells me, only fucking retards do that.

Definition of horse face.

cut off your penis, it's the right thing to do

because people in general are stupid no one ideology has a monopoly on it even people who reject ideology aren't immune to it. It's why we live in a representative democracy that dosen't force people to vote. The problem with this system its easier to get a posistion through posturing and emotional appeals than it is through being a big brained and dispassionate. Something about smart people turns voters off. God forbid someone cares about the quality of the drinking water and not queer right or tax cuts for people already dodging taxes.

Also allow me to play devil's advocate. Conservatives always go on a "we gonna win cause we got guns", but they don't do shit.
When it comes to mass shootings, all the most deadly and most successful ones were purpotrated by liberals, why is that?

Bruce Jenner did it because he's so brave!


It's okay to be white.

Ummm. Nope. Not gonna happen.
I. White, and I’m in the under 20% of the population. Niggers are even less.

(Where I live)

It’s okay to be white.

Getting you ass handed to me has thought me a lot more than a participation trophy has.

My ass handed to me.... unless you wanna hand me yours.....

It's okay to be Jewish

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Lol this comment is pretty gay

Not as gay as a participation trophy is. Which is the norm anymore.

the same is was true of what was called "honor cultures" I think both theories are just shit and making connections that aren't really there.

Let's raise our boys like bitches. What could possibly go wrong?

Or better yet,
Let’s create a venue when someone just has to say #metoo and someone life and career is destroyed forever even if it’s a false claim

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Lol nice sentence ass handler

Jealous your ass isn’t betting handled?

Fisticuffs are so 1990.

I feel guilty for everything.

Why do conservatives always start with name calling and made up shit they heard from Fox Noise?


Low IQs and gender studies degree thats why.

Ok don’t do anything to better yourself. It’s your life, cuck.

is that a real question?

Maybe, just maybe it's not all made up. Some of it could be true but utterly ignored by most of the media so it sounds made up to you.

How long could a republican act this way before the witch hunt started;

Creepy Uncle Joe

I still don't understand why liberals are dumb OP

She's in congress at 29. You're posting on Yea Forums. Just saying.

ooooh. a real win.
i bet your all for her and her getting rid of "corporate cuckism", when she's cucked the most working for the government she hates so much

Fucking conservatives are the biggest cucks there are. Election cycles bring all the GOP promises about making America work for the working class, but when it’s over they go right back to grabbing as much cash as they can and blaming it on liberals. Conservatives regularly take it up the ass for that Republican Party and don’t even seem to know it.

Only if you're female

its still preferred to literally taking it up the ass from you folks.
she won't be there in 2020

and theres plenty of liberals that made far more change in the US than she will as a representative.
>who is Jane Wade
>who is James Obergefell
don't have to be elected to make change you dumbass

Here’s an example for you. Robert Mueller’s report said there wasn’t enough evidence to show Trump and his cronies worked with the Russians. It also said there wasn’t enough evidence to exonerate him either. If you watch Fox, all you see is his parade of ass-kissing so-called journalists crowing about him being completely innocent.

so there wasn't enough evidence?

I think the damn Sneetches with Stars oughta get a pounding!

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Move out of your mom's basement OP

More evidence for Hillary collaborating with the Russkis, and nothing will happen until we purge the fucking FBI...

face it, the game you made on the muller report failed. most of it is still gonna come out, but you'll never get the whole thing due to the legals of it.

Conservatives will be remembered like the confederacy is remembered. Progressives are the future and there’s not a goddamn thing you dipshits can do to stop it. Your fascist ideals are dying with your racist parents that raised you to be retarded.

>lets get rid of police
ok. sure. how is that gonna help again?

I’m going to make this easy for you by using small words. You have a constant fear that you might be gay, so you accuse others of wanting to fuck you in your ass. You are secretly afraid you’ll like it.

Way to keep it creepy and gay

i'll use less words. No.

AAAND every person who breathes has enough evidence against Hillary for improper handling of classified document to get a felony conviction. There isn't even a doubt about whether or not she is innocent.

News for you. There isn't enough evidence to exonerate anyone of anything. It's called proving a negative. It's why we use 'innocent till proven guilty' as our standard of justice.

There were 36 indictments that came from the Mueller investigation. Exactly ZERO of them had anything to do with Russians colluding with the Trump campaign.

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This pic is close enough to be related to go here.

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AOC ain't no stinkin liberal - she a socialist!

Just pathetic when americans don't even know the difference between ideologies.

everyone knows she's a socialist. but you have to register in 1 of the 2 parties to get attention. independents, tea party, all that crap, ....no attention
thus she's a liberal/democrat

Hah nobody knows more about capitalism and fascism than socialists. Those are both our sworn enemies, and they are closely linked to each other.
Btw, tell me why that ball is red and black. My guess: You haven't got the slightest clue.

Also socialism is not communism

not your user, but antifa?

Get rid of the Politicals infesting the bureaucracy and preventing justice being done...


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I’m sure Mueller’s report won’t be the last word on the issue. We’ll only see what Trump’s boy Barr decides we should see. Besides all of the redactions for various reasons, there will also be omissions in favor of the GOP. After all there’s another election coming.

opinions are facts.
emotions are logic.
freedom is slavery.

...almost starts to sound like a certain book i know taking place in 1984 .......

"war is peace
freedom is slavery
ignorance is strength"

while much bad can be said about the right, especially in character attacks, ... and a lot of it sticks ... it still doesnt hold a torch to the liberal/extreme leftist folks.

one side just righteous and passionate, the other side is righteous and fuckin brainwashed.

reminds me of something from another book, a book by robert anton wilson:
(paraphrasing this one)
"the difference we found between the left and the right, is the right thought everybody was corruptible, the left thought everybody was corruptible except themselves."

Liberal=ideological affiliation
Democrat=party affiliation

Those two are very different. She's also a DSA member.

But sure, we can have the discussion about whether DemSoc is in fact a liberal ideology or not.

Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber, different spots on the same road to the Gulag...

so who takes over?
cmon...lets do this...

FBI is gone tomorrow. who's filling the void? and how?
and are you limiting it to the FBI? cause thats fucking dumb. a park ranger in the US has just as much power as an FBI agent. so wanna get rid of them too?

you have an idea but no solution, cause thats what happens these days. its all about the initial ideal, and no back plan if the ideal doesnt' work out

Wtf is that the unedited picture

you can call yourself whatever.
you aren't getting on a primary ballot if you aren't 1 of the 2 parties

It's one of the anarchists factions flags....anarcho capitalists probably.

However you did just confirm that you don't understand what either of the forms of fascism are.

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The proud flag of Fascist Action, denial isn't just a river in Egypt...

Every redneck conservative is so triggered by The Notorious AOC haha it’s hilarious

and also not being able to vote crossplatorm on a primary ballot is upsetting to me.
i should be able to vote for whomever
(and it woudlnt be AOC regardless of party affiliation)

no one is triggered. they all know she isnt gonna last. its more like they look at her like a political embarrassment. she just won a rage vote in nyc due to trump winning

Red for socialism and black for anarchism. Typically the colors associated with Anarcho Syndicalism - the radical movement that the workers should own their workplace, and run it according to a non-hierarchical structure. (Which is something like 90% of labourers agree with, when you talk to them about practical policies!)

But nowadays, people just lump all socialist/communist/anarachist groups into one, and call it "antifa" since it's the only label media uses. And while many in the antifa movement ARE anarcho syndicalists, not all antifa activists are A-S.

There are plenty of Feebs actually doing their jobs who never participated in the attempted coup, just turn loose about half a dozen Special Prosecutors to root out the Deep State types.

but you want to get rid fo the depot.
how are you restructuring it?
you just gonna keep it the same with the people you deem good/on your side?
you said DISMANTLE IT. whats next?

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No, and that's the problem with the mock democracy of the US!
But - you can still be a socialist on the dem ballot, and a fucking nazi on the rep dito.

antifa s a meme
i have yet to see an antifa person real life, and mostly cause their ashamed of the fuckwads with lvl 8 bike locks
antifa exists online, but not on a street corner

‘Deep State’ is a conspiracy theory made up by people who need more reasons to be afraid of The Government.

We must not watch as much Rick and Morty as conservatives do

Statistically, lefties are smarter. Sorry man.

so anyone can run?
you have to understand youre better off running under 1 of 2 labels

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>states something
>states 'sorry'
sounds like an op-ed piece


nope. shitty ideas are bad. if trump said the same thing, they would be just as retarded. this is where you get confused.

Oh she’s going to last. She’s made a name for herself and has a bigger following than any member of the house already. Not only that but she’s intelligent, charismatic, and articulate. She’s gonna buttfuck the republicans in front of the whole country.

Addendum: The problem with having to conform to the 2-party system means that any TRUE radical reforms in any direction (be it progressive socialism or reactionary, conservative isolationism) the party machine will grind that shit down. Just look at what happened to Trump, and his swamp-draining. He's just as owned by the party "apparatchiks" as any other politician.

AOC (and Omar, for that matter) is still resisting, but they will be absorbed aswell, in time.

Not to spoil your fun, but Nazi is a contraction of National Socialist. So any actual Nazi would probably appear on the Dems ticket.

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the census is gonna fuck her district. she better run for senator or something

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you live in the wrong part of town then. antifa action is very real, but people usually don't wear their black-block outfit to work.

>I trained her well.
>Vote for Democrats.
>Republicans are autists.

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>to work
like they go there

Sorry, when david duke ran, what party did he say he was?

Nice goalpost move...
Leave the gray paper pushers who Stay Out Of Politics in place to Do Their Jobs, eliminate the Deep State conspirators.

so sick of these crybaby zoomer libs

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Technically, anyone of legal age can run on any party platform they want. It’s just that all of the money used to get the name out there is with the big two. It costs to much to run as an off-brand candidate, especially if he or she expects to win.

Keep drinking the KoolAide, Stooge...

>Implying Trump doesn't say retarded things every day

You don’t want that. She’d win.

Considering how badly she buttfucked her own district this early in her first term, and the inane shit she keeps yammering...
You're going to be disappointed.

SNL is pretty funny. I do agree that they're too political but that's one in every 5 skits or so

Are you going to tell us the Earth is flat, too?

he does. doesnt mean i have to agree with it.

good thing communists are too malnourished to shoot a gun accurately.

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SNL is fucking trash.

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It's round, and it includes lots people with opinions you're programmed to consider 'badthink'.
You're entitled to your own opinion, you're not entitled to your own facts.

you specifically said in
will happen until we purge the fucking FBI...

im not moving goalposts, youre refusing to put up a solution to dismantling the FBI
what will take its place
and dont say all that other bullshit you said like "theres better people"

So your point is?

Sorry to tell you, but David Duke began his political career as a Democrat. He did later change to Republican but that was more an act of opportunism than ideology.

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literal boomer humor

She hasn’t buttfucked her district. That’s fake news.

Because while you were being taught they were sucking plums

Dont even fib yourself dude

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Why were Democrats retarded enough to vote for Hillary Clinton?

this is bait

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yeah no

Oh yeah

well for one it pisses off conservatives. do you really need any other reasons?

Ok boomer

Found the Zoomer.

lol umad


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could you be more of a lib


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Who is we? You gotta mouse in your pocket, and lived to the ripe old age of 300 years old you dumb motherfucker?

Dont like trolling? Try I'll shoot you! Leftist all the way

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They all think with their vaginas... Even the men

You realize when people use the word boomer, you’re
1) shitting on your parents
2) not old enough to vote or be posting here
3) both 1 and 2

my post would've been dubs but the bank foreclosed on my roll and donated them to the Clinton Foundation

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user, there's no point in pointing out their flawed logic. they don't realize. that's the problem. they dont realize everything they've been told is a lie.

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You're moving the goalposts or you're so deluded that you think 100% of the agency were party to the attempted coup. Remember, we're talking about an agency with zero scruples killing unarmed pregnant women and turning religious dissidents into crispy critters to make a fucking example.
If the agency is that far gone why isn't Trump in chains?

Imagine being such a tribalfag that you deny something is funny because you feel threatened by it

Why don’t you retards all go start your own trailer park country in Charlottesville or Alabama. You aren’t good enough to live amongst intelligent, empathetic people.

Did you read Atlas Shrugged?

Whatever the book may have got wrong, this type of social cannibalism was portrayed expertly in the novel and you nailed it.

Fake facts as well?

Yeah ok boomer

because the FBI isn't the CIA. The FBI investigates crimes. The CIA kills niggers and overthrows foreign governments.
The FBI is headed by Deep State cronies who take their orders from Hill-dog. Hill-dog takes her orders from China.

We as in the privileged white Americans. I can trace my family back to the American Revolution. So if libtards are gonna try to stick me with a bill for reparations, even though we were Northerners, I can use the term 'we'.

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40 years of life will make them figure it out.
When they’re 55 and realize I’m still alive and my vote is still a fuck thorn in their side, and they are trying to keep their own house instead of being taxed to death. They’ll learn.

Still waiting on the solution you have for dismantling the fbi

You obviously watch a lot of "idiot conservative" videos and are letting those video shape your worldview. Most people left or right our normal fucking people. 99%. It just doesn't make for a very good YouTube video to show the moderate normal intelligent lefties or righties. That's why it's always liberal owned or conservative owned! Don't let the internet shape your worldview. It's dangerous.

Only one upset is you

Let me guessing where you “learned” this bullshit. Fox News or InfoWars?

Take your medication bro.

I'm so smart look how smart I am. This post is evidence to my unquestionable intelligence


"feminine psychology" go to school you fucking idiot

Sure thing boomer

Every mainstream outlet including CNN covered her botch of the Amazon deal brainlet.

Don’t be upset with me now, be upset in 40 years when you actually think here’s no more people who don’t think like your generation

Botch? Nobody wanted that shit.

I’d say 80k people who wanted a job did

Because they are not rational people

Who's dismantling it?
You're demanding details of something that only exists in your own head.

Well, the dems haven't produced anyone as retarded as trump, so there's that.

Can’t enjoy the entertainment of the result of rebublican brainwashing anymore Make sure you pay your rent today losers.

Imagine no more Mexican immigration, guns in every house and a complete Republican take-over of the government. Your paycheck stays the same, your dick still doesn't work, all your excuses are non-existent and your teeth still won't grow back. Then would you accept some responsibility for how fucked your life is? Would you ever admit, if even only to yourself, maybe team politics were a stupid focus of your time? No?

Tell us how gender is a social construct won't you?

Tell us how not agreeing with something is hate or phobia?

Tell us how socialism kicks ass?

Tell us how $5 gasoline is good?

Tell us how 97% of scientists agreeing that man has "contributed" to the earth getting warmer means 97% of scientists agree it's a "crisis" and that we must destroy the U.S. economy to save the planet.

Tell us how the Iran deal was a great accomplishment.

Tell us how the wage gap is real.

Tell us how there are 50 genders.

Give us examples how Trump is a nazi.

Tell us how "walls dont work"

Tell us how planned parenthood does mammograms?

Tell us how many diseases fetal stem cells have cured?

Tell us how mass shootings are a gun law problem and not a mental illness issue.

Tell us how Israel is the bad guy in the middle east.

HINT: All this insanity comes from the Left while they tell themselves they are the smart ones.

The. You better redefine the word purge. And how to resolve your purge.

Couldn't be further from the truth.

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Nobody wants to work for Amazon. Are you kidding me? We can do better here. They can take their shit jobs while paying no taxes somewhere else.

whats up with the tiny bait

Fuckface. Stop. You’re not the only New Yorker in the thread.
The on,y people who didn’t want it only thought about it until AOC ran her mouth. Until then they were fine.
No any possibility of benefit for any New Yorker is gone.
And it wasn’t about paying no tax. That AOC and her shit economics.
It it doesn’t matter. People are gonna have that livable wage with more bodegas on the corner and running out chipotle

cuz they swallowed the greasy shitcock fed to them by their trusted party affiliation that it was the only way to beat trump.

i voted for jill stein, pic related

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Could not be more apt.

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>livable wage


choose one

I’d say both

>bodega worker for bacon egg and cheese ona. Roll
>livable wage
Go ahead, pick one

Kewl, you can Gentrify AND Virtue-Signal at the same time!
Meanwhile the people who actually work for a living are hitting the road because nobody with an honest job can afford Hipster Heaven...

How many people do you know working for amazon?

this is a troll but i'll take the bait on the $5 gasoline being good.

if you accept that global warming is real, and additionally accept that the more we drive, the faster that shit will get out of hand, then the most efficient economic incentive to get people to drive less is to make gasoline more expensive. this can then incentivize people to vote for sane public transit initiatives, etc.


Sign the petition at link below to show them they are wrong


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Tell us how conservatism stopped the continuous, onward march of progress and change. All of those things conservatives have fought against from freeing slaves to giving gays the right to legal marriage happened anyway, despite their best efforts. You are merely hindering progress.

IOW, having a functional economy is bad, not enough people are dieing...

Most people like their freedom and personal space.
Unless you grew up in nyc or Chicago or la, the act of shoving yourself in a train full of people you don’t know, or planning your life around the train you need to get to, doesn’t work.
I’m pretty sure you can get many votes and polls saying public transit will reduce it. Barely anyone will take up the offer unless they are already used to it.
Not trolling, cause I miss my subways, but I can’t expect mom or grand mom or really anyone who enjoys driving doing it

Correction: It found no links of Trumps team to Russia, It did not clear him of obstructing justice. Big difference.

Leave a like if you want to sniff her depths.

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You literally didn’t answer 1 of Anton’s questions. That’s the problem.

Just because you don't understand something, doesn't make it stupid. You half hearted, autistic, trash of a person.

What is your definition of an honest job? Do you feel like you’re stuck here so you don’t give a fuck here? You don’t have to run your ass into the ground for the rest of your life to pay the bills. We can all prosper. Minimum warehouse jobs are not the way.

Why are republicans so fucking stupid?

Make sure you look through the other side of the lens


Because they love niggers too much

The party of "someone's going to come kill you!!! Buy guns and build walls!!!"

>Lawl feelings.

Fear works on republican voters. Just look at every issue they bring you. All fear based. Go on, look at it all.

Buy guns. Muslims are coming. Mexicans are coming. Murder rates. Taxes!!

All fear. Only idiots fall for fear tactics. Explain how one single issue you care about isn't related to fear: the one topic that makes people who aren't total fucking idiots lose their goddamn minds.

Rep voters are easy. Just sell them an imaginary danger and they fold like wet paper towel.

Go head. Elaborate.
How are they working for Amazon when there’s no amazon there.
Tell me they are making a trash wage.
Tell me they hate their benefits packages

Because they were raised by conservatives.

you're exactly right, people won't use it by choice. which is why making gasoline so expensive that the choice for freedom at the environment's expense is unattractive is the only way that halfway decent public transit will ever get off the ground in the U.S.

now, I'm not trying to say that we can replace cars completely, the country is far too spread out for that. but metropolitan areas, yeah, we can certainly make that work better.

coming from a metro area of over a million people in california (gas around $3.75), it's actually cheaper to drive across the city than take the bus, assuming no traffic. fucking insanity.

they have two major problems. they are weak and they need others so they go for the big universal feel good party and they are sociopathic martyrs.

the first issue is easy to understand, because it's the same reason dumb rednecks are nazi lovers and fly confederate flags, and the way that all religions capture people into their cult; they need easy acceptance and they're willing to be accepting because they were accepted easily. the second problem is actually pretty disgusting.

in "philosophy of happiness", where i got an A on my way to a philosophy degree, i learned that people from poor nations are generally happier. they are happy to get a radio, while we're sad that we can't get a mansion. it's basically like that to keep it very short. in that regard, we covet wealth so much we want to let any illegal come in here and get a measly 9 bucks an hour while that puts them in the top 4% of the world and demand 15 an hour which puts you in the top 1.1% of the world.

conservatives have something to lose and protect it, liberals have a lot to want.

>SNL is pretty funny.
The 90's have passed user.

The problem is that people can't help BUT to get to where they need to go.

The fucked thing is that some think that it's government's place to make that more difficult, believing that somehow people will no longer need to get to where they need to go.

The good news is that the Market always finds solutions.

Bad news? Not everyone is willing or able to adjust to changes in the market as soon as new products are available, and too many people believe that means the market is worthless. They'd rather see people forced into homelessness, believing again that it is the government's place to fix that.

The good news? As demand for one thing wanes, demand for other things wax. This creates new and different jobs. Some markets can change quickly, while others take their time. Sticking to the cars example, most of America cannot simply switch to electric cars. It takes roughly a decade for new car tech to reach most economic tiers in this nation, and it works thanks to the used car market, as well as the duration people typically own their vehicles. However, an infrastructure change is also needed. In many apartment complexes, there is simply not a viable way to make sure every car has a charge port which is only billed to the meter of the apartment where only those people park. In many poor areas, people won't be able to afford the additional circuits to charge an electric vehicle. The best news? Give it time.

Back the fuck off a bit, and just let it happen. At this rate, it seems inevitable.

It's not the government's place.

Fuck authoritarianism.

It gonna lie.
I’ll take any form of public transportation, but never a bus.

It's a fact that Republicans are less educated then Democrats in general

>mostly poor people

It's not just about personal happiness. There are many future problems headed our way, that need to be dealt with now, and freeing up the populace from feeling inadequate or motivating them in the wrong ways is not going to help out or motivate anyone else in a healthy way.

Don’t want to elaborate much because they are relatives but one is in middle management and one is a semi-retired warehouse worker. Amazon treats its employees as if it were a nonprofit organization. They cut expenses in every way they can. It’s not a company you want to work for long term.

Might be true, but education! =wisdom

Liberals believe absolutely idiotic things.

And trump followers are all rocket scientists

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>Yea Forums is a redpilled anti-pc paradise
>current year
>full of lib snowflakes

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No imaginary danger, sneering LibTards gloating over how they plan to smash and destroy everything they hold dear and reduce the survivors to serfdom...

I know 6 people that work for amazon.
All make a fuckload of dollars.
All love their benefits and 401k
All hate Jeff and their job

But they want the job, and the cash, like any normal person would. I expect about 1% of people to like their job, and they are usually the self employed and usually the once’s AOC wants to tax out the wazoo.
It’s not your office to make sure you are happy you work there.

I will say amazon in nyc would have been a huge boom to the economy and a lot of families.
The boom would have come 3 years after the tax breaks ran out.

>All of those things conservatives have fought against from freeing slaves

LOL. Just like AOC - No idea of history.
You do realize the Democratic party was literally the party of the KKK right?

And before parties, Lincoln - who would be called a conservative, freed the slaves...

How does it feel to be a total fucking retard?

Liberals are usually more intelligent. Rightwingers are all about feelings and being victim while accusing libs of that. Great projectionists.

Same old shit, the Peasants wont do as they are told so we'll coerce them.

1 like = 1 libtard btfo

Liberals are characterised by their open mindedness faggot.
Republitards are doctrine following unquestioning regressive sheep idolising a nonexistent time period from the past which they want to turn the future into.

Those in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones

You’re either a real shitty lib or a real shitty rep.
Which one?

>the choice for freedom
So people are free to choose 100 different genders, but not free to make a personal choice to drive on the roads already funded by tax payer dollars?

>halfway decent public transit will ever get off the ground in the U.S.
Look at Cali high speed rail. 10 years overdue, billions of dollars over budget, not even 10% done. It's never been a money issue.

>I'm not trying to say that we can replace cars completely,

No but you want it so everyday people cannot afford the freedom to drive and rich people will have free rein over the roads as well bump shoulders with smelly fucks in the subway.

Less Indoctrinated maybe, you're conflating 'schooled' with 'educated'...

>trying to talk like your from Yea Forums
>actually a lib refugee from leddit
you;re not welocme here

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How about a discouraged Libertarian who sees the Populist wing of the R's as the lesser of two evils?

No invisible danger, huh?

Please go find me your 100 most likely ways of dying. Show me in which situation you need a gun or tighter immigration laws.

Pro tip. Having a gun increases odds of shooting yourself well above needing to defend yourself against someone else.
This is objective stats.

Are you gonna shoot yourself? Nope. Is someone going to shoot you in a situation you'd have survived if you had a gun? Even less likely.
Will an immigrant get ya? Way less likely.

Nah youre gonna die of heart disease or cancer. That's definitely your highest risk by a fuck tonne. Like enough to actually reasonably worry about and make life changes and have a reasonably real impact on your quality of life.

Vote no on health care and yes on guns and walls tho rite?
You fucking toolbag.

I can agree with that.
I generally vote dem, but I can’t get along with their ideals, so yeah, the reps suck, but lesser of the two.
I get you. I’m in the same boat.
No one else in this thread will.

Stopped reading right here, where religious people believe they're logical and label moral people stupid.

>Why are liberals so fucking stupid?
the same reason trumpies are.
blind followers.
the 20% on the fringes (that means YOU) of the left and right are the most gullible on the planet

Let’s all agree to disagree and move on to something else. You aren’t going to change anyone’s mind itt. Bye.