Hey guys I think slaves would be good for the economy. Prove me wrong

Hey guys I think slaves would be good for the economy. Prove me wrong.

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>Hey guys I think slaves would be good for the economy.
Said the actual psycho.

Sounds like a good idea, but this time lets base it on IQ instead of race.

Exactly, that way there is less uprisings

Lol why would anyone need to prove you wrong

You didn't prove me wrong

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>You didn't prove me wrong
the psycho contunued.

all the people with leased cars and mortgages already are slaves, nothing needs to be proven

The post didn't say, "tell me I'm wrong". It says, "prove me wrong".

Less consumers to buy products being produced cheap. I took an introductory course in microeconomics so you could say I'm an expert in this field.

Didn't we try this already ?

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With Modern tech it would be possible

dubs of the truth

What? How much attention do you pay to raving lunatics? Do you take the weedle-dee-deed guy seriously too?

How so ?

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>tfw you unironically call people psychos as an insult

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He literally suffers from psychosis that causes him to say those things, user. He said it himself. It's just lunatic ranting.

Everyone is already a tax slave faggot, the government will make more money off of niggers paying taxes than they ever could having them work in a labor camp

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Slaves are just resentful automatons. Steer clear.

"Off of"
" niggers paying taxes"

You need to get out more.

If they decided to rise up, their tools would be horribly ineffective against modern firearms. You could also use tracking implants, shock collars, etc to make sure escape is unlikely.

You're only fooling yourself if you don't think we're already slaves.

But what about the politics ? the dems would run on an anti slavery ticket and its civil war 2.0

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Fair point, that would be the largest obstacle to reinstating slavery.

But also the quickest war ever

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We'd be doing well enough if we could just get rid of the descendants of the original slaves.

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but the side "with all the bullets" doesn't have much going on in the way of brains

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If you havent noticed you piece of shit we are the slaves, you "work" for your capitalistic masters to survive, its not a choice unless you see death as a choice.

>muh efforts will make me the máster.

Try as hard as you can faggot, you will always be the slave.

i think alex jones is a gay frog

And the other side doesn't know what to think until the group has spoken

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Why? Because he is white? LoL bunch of pussy crackers.

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sure kid

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She will end up spending all her time in court unlike Trump

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Are you a nigger? Because you sound like a nigger.

Slavery was a very inefficient form of labour because the masters couldn't trust the slaves to use modern agricultural tools for fear of them breaking them or using them to escape.

This resulted in 19th century slaves using medieval tools which were far behind agricultural standards of Europe.

We already have them, google who built the Jurb Dubai for the Arabs... import laborers with no passports...

And agricultural standards in Europe have benfited from some pretty extreme experimental research

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already have slaves making chocolate and shoes for us, enjoy!

Nigger lol

Nazi doctors influence on modern agriculture cannot be denied. They still make the best equipment to this day.

yep Poland for cheapest Germania for the best

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Sure thing. Though you know it will still be mostly niggers right?

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The south's economy was shit compared to the north's during the civil war.

Slaves would be good for the economy we should be looking at the lifers in prison to balance everything out hey why not turn them into HI while were at it will help the human population