Holeshot thread big or small we like em all.
Holeshot thread big or small we like em all
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Kik cr4pp
Lol never tried that
I have a medical play fetish. I love opening bitches up with specula. This is a Kogan endocervical speculum.
My girls tiny holes
aboslutlye disgusting
I would open her up WIDE!
Sorry no.
Would love to watch you do it
Nice flaps
i like her clit too.
With some relaxation like wine and a weed, you'd be amazed how wide you can crank a pussy up an.
Whats her butthole look like
Her uterus is retracted. She's definitely in the mood lol
Oh yeah!
Picture with the most votes will get the uncensored pic of her holes posted in larger size.
Nice! I'd luv to inspect her
Keep goin
>typical day of the gaynecologist
She's a lot of fun!
I'll stick around for another 15 minutes before I delete the imig es
c'mon! lets see that puss first! we posted ours!
Hey I did my part
the wife has a deliciously meaty puss!
Thank you, I'm pretty fond of it myself.
It's only gotten tighter too since having children
Oh I would so love to see more! Any pre/post preg pussy comparisons?
some shots of it being used
Daddy stitch?
Thanks for that. Did you get to see her holes?
prepreg pics are long gone, unfortunately. but she works out all the time so her body is oh so nice
damn that looks fun! I'm guessing this is post preg?
daddy stitch?
Do you mean an episiotomy? no she didn't have one
She's just drying out and it seems tighter.
No? There were just triangles
This is post? Fuck she she's hawt!
well, she's 30, so big doubt about drying out.
During delivery sometimes the Dr performs an episiotomy to prevent tearing. When they sew it back up sometimes they add an extra stitch to "tighten" the vagina...called the daddy stitch
yeah but just the one pic
So sweet. Any spread eagle? How many kids?
2 c-sections and 1 vag delivery
Oh. I posted a link to the picture in the room without the triangle. I might do it again in a bit or the next holes thread. Some people just voted and left.
Have 2 kids and 52 and never heard of the daddy stitch.
c sections should be banned for all but the most dire medical situations. vag is where it's at.
I like vaginas. This thread is good, because it is full of vaginas, which are something that I personally enjoy.
Well it's a thing. A lot of Drs don't/won't do it anymore bc patriarchy and all that nonsense...
Agreed, most are medically unnecessary
I'd luv to get a look deep inside her
Oh my. user needs an anatomy lesson.
What he said. Keep going, she has a gorgeous hole!
Why? You can see her cervix, and it is very tented which does imply that she is looking forward to more?
Try again Virgin. The uterus retrects and tips in preparation for penetrative sex.
Very nice, but what happened to her clit???
It's still there. Just tiny.
The poor girl must have no sensation at all. Sad.
Jesus, get your gorilla to shave, will ya?
Very fistable :)
She is an anal slut at heart
Clits definitely get short shrift and are underrated..
I am very blessed to have one of those myself. She cum 10x harder through anal, but it took awhile to get her there...
Holeshot stream
pastebin com/XkYa63BM
Yep that was the only way to make her squirt was rough anal, pushed her over the edge
>Her uterus is retracted.
>her cervix
See the difference? You've changed your story.
And you can see her uterus? In a blurry image, no less? And you can tell it's retracted vs. simply relaxed in prep for a photo, ass up and gravity assisted?
Very well... I bow to your superior senses of perception, imagination, and deduction.
Again for those that missed it earlier. Vote on which position you want to see her holes exposed in. Highest votes gets posted uncensored.
I think that's at least two different guys there dude.
Also the cervix is the very lowest point of, and the entry to the uterus, so I see what they were saying there. I get where you're coming from too, but whatever the reason(s), this bitch looks ready to take pretty much anything.
voted again. hopefully I can catch it this timd
Cool. Also a way to chat in the room if you want.
Wife's hole. More of it?
god tier puss
That's affirmative. Impressive flaps!
I can hear the echo from here...
I can hear the echo from here.
need more wife hole
fuck yes more! love this spread pose!
ever fist her?
Same. She squirts like a fountain a Disney now. I amazed at how rough a pounding that asshole can take.
I'm who you're referring to. The Cervix IS the opening to the Uterus. You can clearly see her cervix is postitoned to take a beating. I tried to keep it simple for the Yea Forumsyards. Obviously you have a need to feel smarter than everyone else and prove your superiority. Now...please go fucking kill yourself Dr Oz.
Anyone else’s wife like having her pussy wrecked when fucking?
She loves being stretched like this
Yep. I fist the hell out of my wife on a weekly basis
She's not that elastic down there. 4 fingers is it.
keep going dude!
goddamn those lips must be nice to suck on
Wife, wet and ready for cum.
give her to me
Wife's holes
They really are. I'd never tell her but a small part of the reason I married her was because how fresh her pussy always is, just naturally. A clean machine
still here?
How would you enjoy her?
Gorgeous. Is she into insertions at all? My wife loves to walk around all day with a large Kong rubber ball in her pussy. She loves the weight of it and feeling full all day.
How old would you guess she is?
Pouting lips and oozing drool...noice!
23? 24?
Another one of the wife
Not really. She's happy with my cock and the occasional dildo.
She's freshly eaten there. Gets wet easily.
based on tits, gonna say 24. that pussy is fucking incredible tho!
god damn!
She needs to get that hemorrhoid checked out
that's aplealing
Go on
face/more of her?
Not gonna lie, she looks exactly like an old coworker of mine that I fucked a few years ago. Not her though, the girl I’m thinking of has a tattoo right on her pubic bone
OC wife
That's beautiful
That it is
wife uk
Best friend of mine
more clit...
Sure. What's your favorite part?
my fucking wife
my fucking wife open