You can not dispute this

>you can not dispute this

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Better yet it's a goddamn lie and everyone who works mental health is a quack and a failure.

I always thought it was just to expand their drugs market to the minors

Giving an autistic child drugs does nothing to prepare them for life.

It sedates them and makes them a life long prescription junkie

This is like saying all Fords are motor vehicles vs all motor vehicles are Fords

so you agree?

It's a term for social retardation. I honestly kind of envy the retards because they can live in blissful ignorance of their own limitations.
t. autist

Not at all. Mental retardation is too broad. Autism is usually specific to social retardation, not being able to pick up on social cues. Autistic people can also have low IQs, but is not always the case. For higher functioning autistic people, who have average to high IQs, who only have social problems, they can be taught cues and behavior, although it is not first nature to them.

It's just simply not the same thing. My wife is a sped teacher who specializes in autism. I can clearly see the difference now.

meant for Thanks Sea Hag!

this is for you OP

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Retard means behind. If you are tuning a car, you can advance or retard the timing, for example.

ask any "expert"
EVERYONE is on the spectrum for some kind of austim

>Mental retardation is too broad
And saying some is autistic is not? It's a freaking umbrella term used to scare people into thinking they need help, drugs and other things along the way. this is a product of the last 20/30 years or so since it wasn;'t thing until the whole vaccine thing.

I should also say that autism and vaccines have nothing to do with each other, but instead has become the forced narrative hence the whole "puzzle" logo thing...but that's another rabbit hole

Everyone has autistic people they've grown up with, but it hasn't been identified yet, but in hindsight, you know it. I can think of a few myself.

None of my wife's students are on drugs, although she deals with mostly higher functioning ones who can be trained in social cues and interactions, to become less awkward, and maybe make it through an interview. She doesn't think they're all autistic, she knows some of them just have behavioral problems because they came from shitty families. Either way, they almost have the same traits.

Thanks for that clarification, was about to bust your chops on that one haha

>Everyone has autistic people they've grown up with, but it hasn't been identified yet, but in hindsight, you know it. I can think of a few myself.

Like I said, ask any independent therapist or person that is in this field...everyone is on the spectrum some how, some way, for some thing...dare I say, it's what makes all different and unique? nope, let's make a label for everything they said and autism was born

Well, I don't know what "independents" even means, by your definition, or what they say. Quacks are abundant in the "independent" field.

There's a reason they call it a spectrum, and depending on who you talk to, there is a threshold for "potentially" needing intervention and "definitely" needing intervention.

You may be cynical with the label, but I can tell you first hand that at least identifying it, was a huge jump. Like OP, who may be mentally retarded, people who were socially awkward, but smart and functional, were labeled as retards. Now we can split the difference between cognitive intelligence and social intelligence, thanks to the autism label, and focus on development where it needs to be, instead of tossing them all off as retards. It doesn't take medication for high function, it just takes extra training.

>Like OP, who may be mentally retarded

Stopped reading right there. No one such as you claim to be (wife story and knowing of this first hand) would EVER use that term. Good day sir and thanks for proving my point!

stopped reading right there. this proves you know nothing and your whole story of your wife and shit are false.

Autism is whatever you want it to be if you give the doctor $200 to push meds on your kids that make your life easier.

I am not my wife, and to your point, she doesn't enjoy my choice of language and prejudice, either. I also enjoy the words nigger and faggot, when I feel it is appropriate. Not sure what that has to do with anything that I've said.

for some forms that may be true, but as an autist myself, i am one of the best in my field of work, there is almost no one who can reach me on a technical level, and on a social level i learnt how to emulate almost everything. works not perfectly, but to that degree that i can live my life without any major problems.

this must be some new thing that the rest of the community doesn't know about

Welcome, brother. I am in the same boat.

I work with autistic children...retardation is way too broad. Autism on the low functioning end of the spectrum is easy to identify and is not just a learning dosability. There is almost zero social ability. Many can only speak a few words outside of scripting. Autism is one type of retardation, but down syndrome is also one type. The reverse isn't true.

sometimes it's hard, especially concerning intimacy, but sometimes it's so much easier being able to pick up stuff in seconds. Hell, possibly even found my future wife last year

I was fortunate.

In the big picture, and we've joked about it, my wife has a love for autistic people, I think that's one of the reason it works. I'm not sure I'd be able to place myself on the spectrum because I've developed so many coping and learned mechanisms that were not innately there.

We've been married for 10 years, have a kid on the way soon. Although this idiot () wants to pretend otherwise.

My entire childhood was awkward.

It gets so much better when you get confidence. You still have a lot of awkward misses.

I just had a baby shower (for us) at work and one worker told the group how she first met me, and how flat faced I was and unfriendly, and she thought I was pissed she was sitting in my chair. I just wanted to grab my notepad. Totally unaware of those vibes.

thats good to hear, keep on truckin'!

i'm still pretty young (mid 20ies), i also had problems throughout my entire childhood and prebubescent adulthood, and there were some unpleasant times. but i forced myself through it, and i learned to not give a fuck about what others say.
Also I think a big point on going forward was recognizing not to focus on my shortcomings, rather driving those things i can do well to excellency, which is far more efficient. i accepted that i wont be a good speaker or leader or anything like that, and it's good that way.

that being said, wish you the best of luck with founding your family, your wife sounds like the awesome and special person you needed! i hope i'll be able to do the same someday

Thank you for your kind words. We met and got married in our late 20s, so it wasn't easy for either of us. I've also learned to not give much of a fuck about what other people think, and I think that may be what she finds attractive and liberating.

I agree with the excellency/shortcomings thing. I'm still trying to break out of my mold as far as career goes, but I'm doing extremely well at what I do. I will never be a good speaker, either, but I'm not sure how important that is.

Again, thank you for the kind words and I hope you meet that person, too. Relationships are volatile, and I would say that she put up with me as much as I put up with her, just have to find that middle ground. Sounds so generic but few people practice it.

I hope the best for you man

I'd also like to pile on that both my parents are extremely awkward socially, and I had to figure it out on my own. "Break the curse" so to speak. I hope our kid never feels the undue, but unintentional, pressures that I did, along with the prejudice brainwashing that I may never be able to get over.


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you won the internet with this one