Continuation thread
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Wait, MAO IS A GUY?!
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Well thats a way to end the game quickly
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I prefer the term "homosexual" sir.
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Time for bets
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Thanks for the game, have to go now.
Congrats again on the raise.
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Goodbye Mads
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My money on D
Thanks you have a good one Mado.
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Come on, they dont look similar AT ALL
Take care
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Give me a sec and Ill give you your wincard
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Thanks for the game.
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Thanks for hosting
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GG thanks for the host, congrats Blue no idiot sandwich this time.
Close one D you'll get em next time.
Oh where are my manners I forgot the pic.
Liked :^)
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Ok, one more post. didn't realize it was almost over! Congrats Megumi. Thanks for the game rigs!
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RIP you two
Take care Mado
Sorry, also thanks for hosting
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Congrats on the win! Sorry it had to be in the middle of the scatstorm!
Always getting closer
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And here we have the 50th winner!
Thanks for playing
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Only 81 more Scatfag, you can do it.
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That's a lot of 7s
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Congrats Megumi!
Holy digits! Thanks for the game and cute wincard Rigs
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Those are some nice numbers Meg
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I know you can do it scatfag
What a fag, he only had 59 left
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