What your best fps game

What your best fps game
Not fucking fagnite

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quake 2 i guess

Probably bo1 or 2 just cuz nostalgia and they actually had a good campaign

Medal of honor: european assault. In hardest difficulty it was splendid

tf2, i suck balls at it so i always get a rush when i get something done or get a kill.

tf2 is easy after a week or 2 i played Div 3 roamer and medic for a couple years before overwatch came out.

just stick to scout, solly, demo or medic and try get actually good at 1 or 2 of them.

Escape from tarkov

Maximum Action


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Siege is the greatest modern shooter

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Titanfall 2 - one of the best campaigns I've ever played, with fast-paced multiplayer and a pretty fun PvE mode too...

fortnite isn’t a fucking first person shooter you nigger

Insurgency Sandstorm is lit

Im one of the 10 people that still play halo 3

I would argue that Doom or Titanfall 2 are more innovative FPSs that shape the genre in more meaningful ways

Cod MW2


Yeah but r6s is a comeback kid and everyone likes a good come back story

Counter Strike
not because it is/was better than others, just because it was popular when I was wasting nights playing it with my friends
same for NFS5 Porsche
nostalgia ...

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Fortnite pussy

RS2: Vietnam

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Them not knowing much about Fortnite as you seem to, makes you look like a dumb 10 year old faggot.

Using a comma when you don’t need it makes you look like a dumb retard faggot.

Titanfall 2 and Farcry 5


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Bullet Force is the best FPS game ever

Hmmmmmm, halo reach maybe? World at war? Medal of honor: rising sun?

It’s common fucking knowledge that Fortnite’s a third person

bungie games have the best gunplay

idk if this is just low quality bait, but fortnort is a third person shooter

the obvious answer to your question however is Goldeneye for N64

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Any Halo 2 in here?

Unreal Tournament 2k4 and 3, for the best vehicles and best game modes

Doom was fucking great but IDK if I'd call it innovative, it took more of an 'if it ain't broke don't fix it' approach I'd say.

Just replayed it on XBone, looking forward to that PC MCC release.

But Fortnite is a Third person shooter.........

Haven't played in a while now but this gem took up most of my evenings throughout high school (after I got bored of TF2).

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Sniper elite 4 has provided hours of entertainment both campaign and online. Mostly sniper fighting and not a run and gun but you do have a machine gun and pistol for when things get sporty.

Fucking Borderlands 2. Amazing gameplay, interesting and unique characters, a great storyline, and phenomenal DLC.

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Escape from tarkov at the moment, but tf2 will always have a place in my mind.

Agreed, I lived and breathed that game when it came out

Cs 1.6, DoD

You see my friend the Borderlands saga are for he Chad's and alpha males I highly agree tho

Everybody knows the at least the basics of fortnite. Go fuck yourself

seconded. cant wait for the wipe. the raids are always the best when everyones running the same shit tier loadouts and makes it skillbased instead of everyone being bullet sponge juggernauts

Original Quake in deathmatch mode. Just get in there and fuck some shit up for hours on end.

Csgo, got pretty good sunk over 6k hrs into. Haven’t played in months tho because trying to go pro was conflicting with work too much.