So Yea Forumsros...

So Yea Forumsros, my gf is essentially saying Im the only thing that makes her happy and without me she will kill herself. I love and care about her but at the same time she pulls stupid shit all the time, like claiming I dont love or care for her or freaking out and telling me to fuck off when I dont even do anything to her, she is dead set on killing herself if I do split it off with her and I plan on calling 911 should something drastic happen, she is completely psychotic and I feel trapped, I know she has a lot of potential to become something amazing but she just doesnt give a fuck. I dont want to let her go and do that but she is driving me into drinking and cutting and just feeling like shit. She didnt mean to do this to me but I cant take it any longer. Wat do?

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talk to her?


Man up you fucking pussy. Are you fucking serious? What does that even accomplish.

All women are batshit crazy. Don't let it run off on you.

First, she didn't do this to you, you did. We are all in control of our own actions. Second you are in an abusive relationship, leave. If she has family inform them you are doing it, they will have to deal with it.

tell her that it'll be her decision to kill herself and using it as a way to.keep u is super gay and you're no faggot

>She says you’re the only thing that makes her happy
Clearly you’re not giving her enough attention. Slow down on the neglect.

break up with her
She'll move on in a few days
then you'll be surprised because "she can't live without you"
my ex used to say that shit all the time before she cheated on me

look up Borderline Personality Disorder. Seriously

Not good. Don't let her bullshit get you down, her life is not your happiness' bargaining chip.

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Just leave her I had an ex like that she’s just an attention whore she won’t kill her self and stop being a pussy

Or she does, win win.

Just going fishing for the weekend and never come back

This is also a possibility in which case nothing of value is lost so yeah win win

I dont do it out of spite, but I actually just likr the adrenaline

Want adrenaline get in a fight, cutting is honestly some pussy shit and you worry everyone around you you selfish prick

Same thing happened to me user, stay strong and tell that bitch to fuck off. Chances are, even if she does cut herself, or have behavior like that, she is bluffing

No I hide it though, but tbh I just dont have anyone I can fight, people that live in my town are pussys and carry guns

Ghost her. Get a job lined up in a different city and just leave. If you're a social media cuck you'll have a much harder time


women constantly tell these lies so that they can feel they live their fantasy "true love" or "soul mate" narrative

the moment you leave she will hook up with the next guy, seem happier than ever. get knocked up and leave you feeling tarded. just never forget all the bad times.

> This toxic personality person is manipulating me into depression, what do?

a) leave her, she is manipulating you.
b) stay with her, she is manipulating you.
c) fuck her dad, see what she decides.

Your choice.

Hey user. What she is doing is being abusive and manipulating you so you wont leave her. happens to the best of us. I would say confront her and if she reacts poorly to it then GTFO of that shit

Fuck the shit out of her like literally fuck her shithole all day everyday every chance u get

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Tell her if she doesn’t let u fuck her asshole everyday then you will find someone eles would

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As someone who has it, she definitely sounds borderline to me man. Look it up, youll understand why she does what she does and maybe youll calm down a bit because of it.

Dont fucking harm yourself though dumbass, she'll in return do the same or worse.

People with bpd are hard to love and work with but if you rly want to stay and care go for it. Otherwise you got to end it, she may try to do drastic stuff but if she does, call 911. There are treatments but they take time and a real therapist. Nothing you can do will cure it. Most bpds mean well but just cant understand and control their emotions. Its not your fault though, and while its not fully hers you still need to call her out on stuff without making it too much worse by being a dick.

Up to you op, just look it up at least and decide from there.

Fuck I wish some one day that to me the I’d use that as a leverage to train and gape her asshole and manipulate her into my slave

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