Instead of spending 60 cents to every dollar on the military...

Instead of spending 60 cents to every dollar on the military, the US should be giving it to third world countries for infrastructure and education. Additionally if all firearms are seized and recycled, the money raised could provide food for most Africans. Prove me wrong.

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But why

sure, but people would be getting things for free that may not deserve it. you wouldn't want a sad right-wing capitalist, would you?

but then we wouldn't be making the MIC richer.

The US already gives billions of dollars away every year to shit hole 3rd world nations you fucking retard. These places have bigger issues than needing money. And how the fuck is recycling firearms going to raise anything? Fuck I hope you really aren't this stupid.

Recycling is not free idiot it cost a lot of money to sort and then break down complex objects before you can even start to recycle it. And as for Africa the world has fucked that place every time they went to "help" it. So we need to leave it alone. But if you care so much sell your PC and send your good boy points to africa.

It's about 16 cents to the dollar and how about Africa taking care of Africa? If you care about those subhuman baby machines then donate to one of the billion private humanitarian organizations made for that purpose instead of putting my tax dollars towards it, you degenerate.

Only if third world countries commit to population reduction. They gotta get on the pill, get vasectomies and kick the fuckin Church of Rome the fuck out.

Why do you need to resort to insults? Let me guess you're white.

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It's impossible that a country like USA prefers charity instead of power.

Also, this should go to /pol/.

Most of our budget goes to entitlement programs like Social security and Medicare.

why though?

Giving money or food to niggers is basically going against evolution, they should be allowed to starve so the smart ones can thrive

Black as future of Africa.

Corruption is so endemic amongst black countries that you just get a few yachts in the harbour belonging to those who were suppose to manage the aid

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Would you actually feel safe if you and your whole community is stripped of their guns? For RECYCLING to support funds(!?) For the poor. This has to be bait bruh. I do my fair share of donations and if someone came to my house and told me this stupid bullshit I would threaten to shoot them if they don't leave. Honestly dude read a book there is so much wrong with what you just said.

Yes. You cannot divide us!

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Maybe not but they will kill you all eventually

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How does one raise money from seizing and recycling guns?

Agreed what has proven to be more effective and often turns a profit is to open banks that offer micro loans.

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How about we let Africans take care of Africa? I can't think of a single country giving money to our homeless or starving.

Africans need to be sterilized. Have one kid and after that sterilization. Those dumb fucks are either catholic and dont believe in birth control or think that rubbing the blood from goat on their dick will keep the woman from getting pregnant

Who could ever rationally argue that drinkable water and basic nutrition is more important than a military budget and guns.. ohhhhh ya AMERICUCK ! Such a disgraceful cunttree

Who cares about Africa

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You tell em buddy

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No we argue that drinking water on the other side of the globe is the responsibility of those that live on that side of the globe.

we have our own problems no need to look for more.

the guns are so we the crazy people we give too much power don't try and do to us what we did to Africa.

>US gets rid of all its weapons
>immediately invaded by China, Russia, or whoever
>they take all the money that was supposed to go to the third world, and everything else

Like the dodo, some Americans have been isolated for so long from the horrors of the real world that they've lost all ability and instinct to defend themselves.

I'm from a third world country and I no support this, the money than Americans pays no matter their race should belong to Americans and Americans purposes.

Fuck you, it's not America's job to fix the world.
Maybe the US should cancel all foreign aid just saying.

I really fucking wish we would, trillions in debt and we're still giving out free shit to random faggots across the ocean.

If thay only. Used it on the people thay pay the tax life be a lot better not the military and fuck third world countries we do. So much shit for them it's not even funny and with no thanks in fack the fucking spit on us what you nigga think

Yeah its a crappy job you get no gratitude

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We should do that either way. Trump finally cut aid to those shit hole spic countries in central america that do nothing but send their useless people here, something that should've been done decades ago. It's ridiculous at this point.

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This breaks my heart. There has to be something we can do to help UK be the Lion again.

Why do that when we could cut all aid to africa and let them die out

dont worry about us there is something in the air around here if the government sabotages brexit look out for smoke across the pond

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Because you're obviously a ignorant nigger. Which I might add is the actual definition of "nigger" if you didn't know that..nigger.

And how is that our problem? Let me guess you are on some sort of government assistance?

Book says "If he don't work, he don't eat."

Nigger eats the book.

.-- .-- ----. .---- .. --. - ..- -... ...-- -.-. --. . .-- ----. .---- .. .... -. --- -... ...-- ...- ... --.. -.-. -... -. --.. -..- --.- --. -... ..--- --.. -- .. .... .-. --- .- -..- -- --. -.-. --. -..- .... -.-- ..--- ..- ..- .-.. .. ....- -...-

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FUck them third world countries, if them niggas are hungry they can get thier ass to McDonalds

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those niggers dont have a chance

I dunno wtf to even say anymore, user. It's not like help isn't there. The fucking help is there.

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We should not spend any money whatsoever on Africa or Africans.

Good, good.

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Fuck those countries

forget those subhuman niggers we got enough to deal with here

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So then your country can do the helping.

This fucking thing again. Where's the frame where the Africans were already enslaving, and offered to sell some to Whites?
We need to get Shadwell on it. Is he still around? Or Stonetoss.

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Wrong. America was NOT built on slavery

but let's have some facts, instead of this NPC cruise control that you think happened:

America's wealth was not built on slavery. Any wealth slavery created was gone after the civil war. Wealth is built on much more than just labor.

The West's wealth is built on Western Innovation, technology and good management.

There were as many white slaves as black slaves (the white slaves were just called 'indentured servants', and about half of white slaves did not survive their 7 year term, and White slaves had less value than black slaves.)
America was sold about 3% of Africa's slaves (400k of 15M)
Two thirds of whites who came to the colonies came in chains.
It's numerically impossible for most whites to have owned slaves.

At the peak of slavery, 6% of Southerners owned slaves.
At the peak of slavery, 1.5% of Americans owned slaves.
When America did the majority of its slave importing it was actually under British rule.

The people resposible for slavery were mostly non-whites (Arabs, Black Africans and Jews).
About twice as many African slaves were sent to the Middle East.
African slaves were castrated in the Middle East.

We have already paid reparations, trillions has been spent on welfare.
More white lives were lost abolishing slavery than there were black slaves ~650k / 400k.

If America was built on slavery, blacks are enjoying it too.

Africa has accepted blame for creating the slave trade, but still practices slavery today.
there are 30 Million slaves in Africa today; 75 times more than the all of the 400k that went to America, and half of those slaves are children.

Black slaves were not plucked from the jungle by whites.
10 Million African slaves died on their way to African Slave markets.
The word "Slave" comes from white slavs
The Marines and Navy were created to combat the Muslim white slave trade.
The history of slavery is rife with white slaves.

Why should we care about 3rd world countries who have squandered their own resources?
unarmed people are slaves.

So, we should feed Africa for a couple months and then see them starve again with no guns or military fund? China will have no problem just walking in and getting the entire country.

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Guns, Steel, and Germs, right? By....whats-his-face?

Hahahahaha yes....billions more into that corrupt shit hole of a continent called Africa.

The money, food and resources never make it off the docks.

Fuck them all.

The cost of ww2 could have ended world hunger. Your not wrong but too idealistic and don't really understand capitalism.

>doesn't understand debt
>unironically shitposts

OP is a faggot spawned in an age where people don't call him a faggot at school like they should have. The faggots are bold now, and spread ideas only faggots, niigers and women could support. Kill youself, OP.

Your numbers are way way off, but besides all of that, who cares?