Why do computers get worse and worse progressively the longer you leave them on. Slower, start to run into error issues...

Why do computers get worse and worse progressively the longer you leave them on. Slower, start to run into error issues, problems loading things.
Isn't the point of computers to have them on?

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just let it sleep

Your b8 is shit, kys

Get an SSD faggot

buy moar RAM

Delete system32 retard.

RAM fills up the longer you leave your computer operational

no it doens't. i had mine on for more than 6months without turning it off and its not any slower. you either use some crappy program that leaks memory usage or you have some adware.

Disable auto updates and it will be fine for many years to come.

Yes it does, you fucking idiot

user shut up we're trolling OP

tell me why would RAM fill up randomly?

dude, i am not lying to you. the machine is on non-stop

Because you're using it. Are you fucking dense?

my (gaming) laptops been on for like 3 years and it's fine. I believe ya

newfag and phoneposter, you don't deserve an opinion gtfo

Because when you boot them up the entire OS is loaded into ram. ram is actually reasonably unstable and is susceptible to 'bit flip' where cosmic rays or other radiation can hit a memory chip and switch a 1 to a 0 and vice versa (which is why ECC memory exists; it auto corrects for that).
Likewise any random errors which happened when the data was being loaded into the ram sit there waiting to cause a problem. A single bit incorrectly read into ram could sit there not causing a problem until days later when a certain set of circumstances happens.
Also if you don't have enough ram then a lot of programs end up running or being cached and need to get dumped out into the page file.

However you SHOULD be able to leave a computer on for extended periods without any problems; if yours consistently has problems it's likely a random program is doing something in the background.

obvious troll but i'll bite
RAM is used as a workspace when a program is running.
when a program no longer needs a block of RAM, it releases it back to the system, allowing other programs to use it.
a memory leak is created when a program allocates RAM blocks, but doesn't return them when it's done using them.
this causes RAM to fill at a rate determined by how often the program is supposed to be releasing blocks, causing memory errors from either overfilling or underallocation

>obvious troll but i'll bite
Wow you solved the mystery retard

somebody might just read it and understand memory leaks a bit more than they did before, so I've done my job

because your computer runs windows. Get an Apple and you don't have those problems.

but then it'll just stop working because of shitty components

build your own computer and run linux on it

Apple is awful, what a dumb suggestion

What's wrong with apple? Their stuff is assured to work for at least 5 years. Dell laptops only work 3 years if you're lucky, then you have to get the extended service contract. Apple care covers all my devices.

>having a laptop

Some of us aren't 12 and need to do more than just browse porn while on the shitter.

Used to be proprietary Motorola parts now is just 2 year old PC technology.
If you buy apple brand instead of building a PC apple simulator you're an idiot.

>Get an Apple and have same problems but at least be gay


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You three must be Chromebook users. You can do whatever you need to, but only if Google is spying on you. Incels.

789 here.
Nope I build all my own computers.
And I prefer Firefox to Chrome.
I originally used Netscape and Trumpet winsock.
Have been online since you were being fucked by your priests


948 here.

Wow, Trumpet Winsock, I haven't had to tell anyone how to set that up since I did internet tech support back in the early 90s. Maybe I've been on the internet longer than you. Buy an apple.

Guys why is my car starting to deteriorate when I drive it? Aren't cars meant to be driven?

Things that get used break.


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Bitch, you have no idea who I am. I'm the guy that Al Gore hired to write the internet. ME MUTHAFUCKER! Buy an apple and stop using shitty chromebooks. Apple is closer to Al's original vision of the internet anyway.

I'll be the first and say the Thermal Compound dries out after several months causing it to be hot most of the time. Also Testing if I can post.

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Battery starts going so the power saving kicks in more often

new software comes out which needs more RAM and cpu power.

if its windows half the things you install runs some shit in the background

there is a thing called a PC, you retard

>You can do whatever you need to, but only if Google is spying on you.
You mean, live on Earth?

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My 4 year old rig still runs great and even better now with a ssd. Kys chump

Nope, Fuck PCs. They suck at security, games and the internet. Get a PS4 console and a Mac.

stop being an apple salesman


What else is there other than PC? Nothing else is worth a damn.

Harddrive most of the time. Just defrag (never defrag an ssd) and it will work also don't have everything run at startup.

Not everyone can afford an Apple battle station like you with your multi monitor PC gaming rig. Some of us can only afford the laptops. Let's face it, the mac mini sucks.

>They suck at security,
No you suck at not clicking on everything like a retard
They run every game
>and the internet.
What do you even mean by this. You sound mentally handicapped

>Al Gore
Had nothing to do with the internet.
It does not come with carbon credits.

Linux and freebsd. Linux is good and freebsd only exists for certain reasons (it's called spyware and some people make vm's on others machines with puppy linux)

>owning a mac
Shit nigga I built my pc stay mad poor fag

Imagine being this retarded

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remove systemdick you cuck

Mom look I can screen shot


Oh thanks, you reminded my I need to call my Mom..

Hardware failure, I think, but realistically this only should apply to laptops.