Testing Loyaly

Testing Loyaly.

Send me your girl’s Kik, we’ll find out how loyal she is. Message me directly to avoid white knighting. Don’t forget to bump thread to keep it alive.

My kik: the_hound420

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nice tits, whose?


she already told me she sends nudes to others sometimes

so dump her you cuck

Op isn’t delivaring... what a shock

Does any thread like this ever goes anywhere ? I feel it's always "wait and... Nope, still waiting"

Yeah no. OP white knights anyone you send to him

Try max989a
He has hot friends and has a blackmail fetish. Make him show

Only one valid username so far. No response from that one yet.

OP here. I’ll be honest, it can be hit or miss. It’s mostly miss, but when it hits, it’s worth it. I’ve had some good ones. One time even helped some user was cheating on him with one of his Air Force buddies.

sophie_0w german teen girl who got fucked by a lot of guys, i think she already had a threesome too. pls share pics if you get some

post your good ones

Screenshot your messages then

Post your girls kik or gtfo. That’s not what this is about or how it works. Go to a different thread if just you want to see wins.


Tits belong to Elizabeth pelayo.
She was prominent in Instagram till her nudes got leaked. she’s been MIA for like 6 months now

Uh oh
... my roommate dosed my coffee this morning with an XChange pill and it turned me into my favorite cosplayer only with a massive cock lust.

I hope no one kiks me about it: groovynoise

Tsarinamartina because anyone with this ass can't be loyal

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Don’t worry, we won’t.
Kill yourself faggot.

agreed. Would take to poundtown.

OP HERE. If you’ve sent me a valid username, they’ve been messaged. Just waiting for a reply.


Ohhh shet

That's a slut.
Posted them herself prob

clutch.jaime2 big tit slut. heard she cheated on st pattys day and has since broke up with her bf

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thanks user!

Trying to get wins from my sister

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Inactive account

Ayygurlll wil pretend this isn't her

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OP is ANYTHING happening?

anything from her?

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has to be nudes of her with a rack like that

