Can we stop pretending age of consent was not a mistake?

Can we stop pretending age of consent was not a mistake?

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They're all asian idiot. They look like 12 when they're 20 that doensn't count for western women pedo

>implying a high school girl would want anything to do with your smelly old ass

Yes, because a person who thinks eating Tide pods and snorting condoms is someone who should procreate.

it wasn't a mistake in principle; it's just set way too high. there's nothing wrong with outlawing fucking a 2 year old, but it's insane to outlaw fucking a 12 year old

Fuck you dude, girls get to go through life until their 18 without having to worry about skeevy old men trying to fuck them. I know that burns you up inside but you'll have to cope.

Age of consent is merely symptom. The real issue i see is government taking control over things that should be handled by the people it concerns.

t. ancap

Yes a 12 year old Tide pod eating, condom snorting moron is who should be having sex. Grow up.

Let's see how many (YOU)'s from moralfags can this post get, 3 2 1 go

must really burn you up that in 31/50 US states, i can fuck a 16 year old, in 13 european countries i can fuck a 14 year old, in south korea i can fuck a 13 year old, and in phillippines and mexico i could actually fuck a 12 year old

if you're so butthurt about the age of consent not being 18, because you think that's the magic number, go cry about it to those countries

Those countries don't have rednecks, niggers, and spics

>girls get to go through life until their 18, says user nervously looking at OP's pic, desperately trying to forget sexual freedoms expressed willingly & universally by all kids across the globe

>12 year old Tide pod eating, condom snorting moron, says user nervously looking at OP's pic, desperately trying to forget numerous mathematical olympic disciplines and thousands of scientitic articles about 1/3 of all kids being smarter than 1/6 of adult population

The fact that you know that but don't know that if you actually go to South Korea and fuck a 13 year old you will go to prison means you're just an edgy teen and that girl is your peer.

Yeah they can express whatever sexual freedoms they want. 15 will get you 30.

You wish, sweetie.

You are fucking pedo retard. And you don't have kids, and never will.

so in south korea they'll imprison you for things that are not actually against the law? sounds like a major problem to me.

There's no reason to be mad about someone being reasonable, sweet user. One day you will understand.

Yes because it's the kids blasting Musk's rockets into space and are leading experts in economics and science due to how smart they are.

I’m fucking a 12 year old and it’s completely consensual. She’s actually the one who started it. She very well knows what she’s doing. There was no grooming or coaching.

You, uh, might want to keep that to yourself, man.


There no fucking reasoning in this, if there wouldn't be no age of consent, of farts, or desperate virgins would fuck children by giving them candy...

yeah once they hit puberty they start seeking out sex; that's why we provide sex education in middle school, because lots of them are going to seek out sex no matter what the law says.
and teens their own age are going to emotionally abuse them and use them for sex as much if not more than an adult, so that's not really a good argument for limiting to people their own age (and cases with a power differential are banned for entirely different reasons; all those cases where aoc is


Although I live in the uk and age of consent is 16, and I would love to fuck various 15 yos.. Presumably you can see how there could be problems with maturity / age differences there? And how even if your relationship is great, in a general case is good to protect children from manipulation / sexual harassment / etc?

>implying high school girls in Japan are not of consenting age
I bet you think Japanese HS is 4 years, too. (also mandatory)

Lemme tell you a story. I know a girl who used to be a dumb fucking reckless unresponsible careless imbecile. Then on her 18th b-day boom - she's a grown up adult with intellectual capabilities of Einstein and wisdom of 25 encyclopedias.
Lawmakers are really smart people. They know how you magically turn into an adult overnight on your 18th birthday. There was never even one instance of an adult making a dumb decision in history.

yeah i know the US thinks it's world police, they'll also prosecute for fucking a 16 year old even if 16 is legal in your home state, because the federal age is 18. it's just batshit insane. but it only applies to americans, it's very rarely used, and when it is used it's usually for fucking prepubescent kids in 3rd world countries. unless you actually use a person or service to set it up as a sex tourism trip, it's not really something to practically worry about if you're going to first world countries

manipulation is already illegal if the person is under 18 in most areas with a lower aoc, and that's an entirely reasonable restriction.

You wish, sweetie.

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more like i know. i'm opposed to some of those laws on civil rights grounds, so am familiar with how they're typically used.
but i'm sure you can link me to some cases where people traveled to first world countries, without using a person or service to arrange sex for them, had sex with teenagers, and were prosecuted on return for it?
but then you're still left with it only applying to americans, not like the US can prosecute anyone on earth for it.

Yep. Just saying I think 16 is a good aoc cut off. Though tempted by 14 they have in some places. I think 12 is too young.

Fuckin pedos. always wondering why no one likes you but then talking about wanting to fuck a 12 year old, grow up

it should coincide with puberty, which is around 12. that's the natural line, and there's just no good reason to restrict it at that point beyond reasonable things like position of power and manipulation. before 100 years ago, no society anywhere in all human history had set it higher than 12.

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Friendly reminder that the most viscous "anti-pedos" are very often pedophiles themselves. Just like how the biggest gay bashers end up being flaming homosexuals who blow random men in public bathrooms - they're ashamed of an aspect of their being that, they've been told, is wrong and evil. And they lash out against that.

Also, friendly reminder that legalizing child pornography reduced sex offenses against children by 70% in Denmark and dramatically reduced sex crimes in the Czech Republic and Japan as well - every recorded instance of child pornography being legalized, massively reduced sexual exploitation of children. Pic related.

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As Czech i don't think child pornography is legal here. Not anymore, that is.

Right, should've specified these examples were from the 50s/60s in Denmark, 1980s in Czech, and 1990s in Japan.

no shit the rates went down when it was legalized. If it's not a fucking crime it's not included in the statistics you fucking idiot. either it's poorly worded or intentionally skewing data to appear better. doesn't help that many small children are being raped brutally in those videos. under 14 is literally underdeveloped kids and fucked to think it's okay to have sex with them. If it's not over 14 it should be fucking death penalty

yeah i hate these idiots that think legal cp = normalizing it = more child molestation
that's not how it works. viewing cp acts as an outlet for pedos urges, decreasing the liklihood of offending with a real child.
people who promote cp possession laws are punishing looking at pictures at the expense of increasing actual child molestation, and should always be reminded of that. the real world examples are the best, but there's real scientific literautre backing this up as well

outdated as fuck

can we stop pretending that old pervy men chasing after teens is becoming acceptable again in some countries?

>imagine being this stupid

actually that's not true for any of those. you are not a citizen of those countries and will go to jail immediately.

human biology cannot be outdated

No but it should be lowered to 16

Looking at your mom, I'd beg to differ. Faggot.

14 final offer

>no shit the rates went down when it was legalized. If it's not a fucking crime it's not included in the statistics you fucking idiot
Do you have brain damage? Let me spell this out for you.

Pornography featuring children was legalized. It was okay to look at naked pictures of underage people.

Sexual assault, rape, molestation, sexual crimes against children, dropped. As a direct result of the PORN being legalized.

Though I don't disagree that 14 is roughly the cutoff of what's actually attractive to normal men. That's actually a statistical fact, pic related.

The point is that by giving "bad" people an outlet that doesn't involve literally raping a child, we can prevent children from being raped. The goal, after all, is to make the public as safe as possible, isn't it?

Then post newer data that shows banning or more stricly enforcing child pornography laws reduces the number of sex crimes against children.

Besides that
>implying that humans somehow evolved to become a completely different species in the last 30 years and that data is meaningless.
Surely you're just being deliberately obtuse.

>viewing cp acts as an outlet for pedos urges, decreasing the liklihood of offending with a real child.
This is true for majority-age porn as well. Easier access to porn makes sex offenses less likely, because most of the troglodytes who would otherwise go out and rape somebody instead get their rocks off with pictures. We can talk about the emasculating and demoralizing effects of porn too, but the central point is true: giving people a non-violent outlet to satisfy their desires makes everyone safer.

Attached: Most attractive ages graph.png (936x560, 59K)

we covered the US extraterritoriality bullshit already, are you claiming all those countries have secret laws that contradict their official laws? wikipedia provides links and cites of official sources for all of those. yes they're subject to exceptions like we've talked about, like position of power, incest, manipulation, etc, and some allow parental complaint, but as a general age of consent, that's what the law is, and separate laws don't apply to foreigners from the countries themselves

Who fucking cares faggot, just post more asian girls in skirts

Such an insightful and logical comeback, sounds like a liberal when they can't come up with anything

those studies must be decades old. you can apply common sense from places like Yea Forums itself. how watching gore, porn, racism etc desensitizes the person to seeing and even acting it out. It seems like they were experimenting with ways to prevent molestation in the past and it didn't work out.

Why don't we just hand out smaller Realdolls to pedos then

You might have discussed it, but you apparently didn't comprehend it correctly because you're a pedofile bent on molesting kids in other countries.

Quit trying to justify your urge to molest children

>calls me a faggot on Yea Forums = must be librul

rarted confirmed

No I meant that biology cannot change, meaning age of consent is wrong from the start.

>Though I don't disagree that 14 is roughly the cutoff of what's actually attractive to normal men. That's actually a statistical fact, pic related.
according to your own graph, it's almost 75% at 12, and around 90% at 13 then 95 at 14; why do you say 14 is the cutoff?
the tipping point is clearly when they're around the age they first start puberty, 11-13, which fits perfectly.

yeah, all the official publications of law are wrong, and you're right. my bad.

I wonder what happened that made it so much higher today?

If dubs, I'm a pedo

You make convincing case.

>those legs
god have mercy of my dick

implying you don't have a 5th grade reading level and that you understand all laws everywhere.

k sicko you need your balls chopped off.

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>It seems like they were experimenting with ways to prevent molestation in the past and it didn't work out.
>they successfully prevented molestation, as demonstrated by an overwhelming drop in child sex crimes, but they didn't actually succeed
Please explain your reasoning.

That's another option. Those are literally illegal in most anglosphere countries because, like some of the people I replied to above, many members of the public would literally rather foster child rape than admit that allowing something they find distasteful will protect children.

I don't disagree with this.

14 is just the peak attractiveness where more than 9 out of 10 women are considered sexually attractive, but yeah a non-insignificant portion of under-14-year-olds are attractive as well, according to the data.

Pic related. Feminists and (ironically) ultra-conservative christians are why the ages of consent around the globe are so much higher.

Thanks. All shitposting aside, I actually do want the public to be made as safe as possible without trampling on rights. And surprisingly often, making the public safer and expanding rights go hand in hand.

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>ITT: user converting people to the 3D Chruch of Loli

a few things; angry feminists, the general trend of extending early childhood into the teenage years... nothing actually based on harm. prostitution was used as an excuse too since that actually was harmful; they pretended they couldn't enforce setting age of consent and age of prostitution differently, but now we already do anyway, the penalties for prositution under 18 are devastating, over 18 a common misdemeanor.

you dont even need more than a 5th grade reading level to understand simple laws like these. go ahead and show me where i'm wrong beyond the types of exceptions already discussed. like where the age of consent in france is 15 according to their law, but it's actually always 18 no matter what. you're a moron.

I'd argue 14 is around when you should be able to start making "consenual/autonomous" choices. It's when I lost my virginity and I'm no worse off for it.

>And surprisingly often, making the public safer and expanding rights go hand in hand.
Note I meant "expanding the rights of the public", not of corporations and the government.

People are vile, unthinking, and aggressive but if you give them the tools and opportunity to not be retarded fucking cavemen, many will choose to.

Not immediately throwing shit when someone disagrees will help any cause

I agree that 14 is a reasonable compromise. The important thing here is that we can mostly agree that 18 just doesn't make any sense.

Good luck to you man I might not agree entirely but curious how the thread will keep going

>consent in france is 15 according to their law, but it's actually always 18 no matter what

That sounds more realistic, maybe you're not as dumb as you appear to be. I'm not the one with the burden of proving age of consent for wanting to fuck kids internationally. That's for you to prove since you think it's so relevant. Still waiting on those links you keep talking about.

I say make it 14 across the board and way increase sex education funding so there aren't so many damn teen moms because of ignorance. High schools should be handing out condoms to kids by the truckload. Whether parents and school boards want to admit it or not, highschoolers are fucking left and right, freshmen to seniors.

Hi! I'm not incel or a pedo. Can I join your club of losers? Look at you-all, acting like you're having an intelligent conversation and failing.

then there's pages for asia too for the links on south korea/phillippines, north america for mexico's two states where 1 sets it at 12 the other at puberty

>High schools should be handing out condoms to kids by the truckload.
I can agree with education, but not with this.
I don't think we should actually support teens having sex. Decriminalizing is one thing, but handing out condoms is outright supporting it. I wouldn't want school to actually encourage my children to have sex in their teens.

And where does it say someone ie someone like you from US can fly over to japan and have sex with a 13yo?

>way increase sex education funding
This one thing is the single most important change that needs to be made to anything related to sex in western countries. Education is so universally important but ironically, the less people have, the less they support it.

While we're at it let's add basic financial literacy classes as a requirement for all high schools.

What a concept that would be.

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They're gonna fuck regardless you know it I know it the kid across the street knows it

I'm not saying encourage it, just encourage safe sex if you ARE going to HAVE sex. Which MANY are.

idiots like you are why there's so many teen pregnancies. giving out condoms doesn't increase teenage sex, but they do decrease pregnancies. you either didn't look at the facts and just went by your conservative bias, or are going to deny the facts.

the US has their extraterritoriality thing, but if you're claiming there's secret laws where e.g. japans own laws don't apply to visitors, and they have separate laws where japan itself would prosecute you, the burden is on you. also i don't think it's actually 13 in japan anyway, their local districts all set it higher IIRC

I think you're looking at this the wrong way.

Your teenager (I'm assuming you have kids) is going to fall into one of two categories:
>They want to have sex and are going to try to get it
>They aren't really interested and they won't

If your kid falls into the second category, they aren't interested to begin with, so giving them a condom isn't going to make them change their mind - they don't want to have sex.

If your kid falls into the first category though, they are going to try regardless of whether they have condoms or not. Access to condoms (or lack thereof) doesn't have any influence on whether they want to have sex or not.

So why not have the protection available, rather than having to deal with your 15 year old son get some girl pregnant or your 16 year old daughter having a kid? Wearing a helmet does not encourage dangerous behavior on a bike. Having airbags in a car doesn't make people drive more poorly. The point of offering protection is to have it available, in case it's needed.

Yep. There aren't any kids going "Boy howdy a condom, lets use it!" but there sure as shit are kids saying "I know we don't have condoms readily available, but we're fucking regardless."

If they have it available to them and they want to fuck they will use them 10 times out of 9.

>they will use them 10 times out of 9.
Which is a pretty great uptake rate, if you ask me

>Access to condoms (or lack thereof) doesn't have any influence on whether they want to have sex or not.
Frankly, i have difficulties to wrap my head around such way of thinking.

>If they have it available to them and they want to fuck they will use them 10 times out of 9.
until they fuck without one and find out how much better raw sex is. so you should make sure they never find out. or better yet, make birth control pills/etc just as easily available and without parental consent

>US has their extraterritoriality thing

There we go you are proving my point already. I didn't say anything about secret laws at all. But I'm glad you are doing research on this for your own sake before you go off and do something stupid thinking you can have sex in other countries with kids when you can't. Don't mean to treat you like i'm a parent or anything but i've dealt with pedofiles before and they mostly have short sighted ideas on sex and laws because they literally have the same intelligence as a child.

WTF are you expecting mods to do you stupid cunt

It seems to me that you think the safety of having sex is a large (or even relevant) factor in whether or not someone, particularly a teenager, wants to have sex.

Try to put yourself in their position; you were probably a horny teenager at one point, so hopefully you remember at least a little.

Was there ever a point in your life where you were thinking "man I'm not interested in having sex" until you saw condoms in a store, or in a bowl at your school's nursing office, or in the bathroom drawer, and then changed your mind to "now I want to have sex"? Was access to condoms ever a determining factor in whether or not you were seeking out sex?

Look dude, the nerds with no game aren't suddenly tearing up pussy left and right just because they CAN have safe sex. If the kids who are ALREADY going to have sex have the option to have safe sex, why the fuck would you take that away from them? What's the gain?

Maybe stop perpetuating that raw sex is "SOOOO much better", because people like you are the only reason that trope exists.
Whoopdeedoo you cum faster without a condom. Safe sex is it's own pro with a "con" of longer sexual up time. Bite me. There are plenty of benefits to outweigh that point and that as well should be discussed at length in sex education.
I absolutely agree with you, though on birth control, male or otherwise. Male bc can't come soon enough.

But I pretend my children are angels so there isn't a problem. That's how it works.

>Less people have the less they support

Its really strange, isn't it? I wonder why that is?

it definitely does not increase teenage sex, they gave some to us multiple times at school and I still didn't have sex

A better point to make is that the condoms aren't there for the kids who will stop themselves and say "actually we shouldn't do this, we don't have condoms." The condoms are there for the kids who say "fuck it I'll just pull out, that works fine right?"

The kids who are responsible enough to stop because they don't have a condom on hand, are the ones who will go to the store themselves and get condoms.

The kids who aren't, are also not going to go take care of the safety concern themselves - that "fuck it" attitude doesn't just apply during sex. If we make the condoms available, we can at least prevent a *portion* of the STIs and unwanted pregnancies that would otherwise happen regardless.

>Maybe stop perpetuating that raw sex is "SOOOO much better", because people like you are the only reason that trope exists.
For some people it's almost identical, for others it's a night and day difference. I fall into the second camp, unfortunately. I would literally rather not have sex at all than have sex with a condom. Not because I'm a whiny bitch and "it's not *quite* good enough" but because it literally doesn't feel like anything and I have a really tough time staying hard with a condom on. Most people, thank god, aren't like me.

>birth control should be easily accessible
>Male bc can't come soon enough.
These we agree on, absolutely. I cannot fucking wait for male birth control. Cannot wait.

>Its really strange, isn't it? I wonder why that is?
More susceptible to propaganda and media, which in a lot of cultures (including some white sub-cultures) means a socially-driven aversion to education. If Clyde across the street calls you a nerd for reading books, and then your dad joins in laughing at you, you're going to develop a "smart=bad" perception.

MODS MODS MODS!!1!1111!!111

>Was access to condoms ever a determining factor in whether or not you were seeking out sex?
I don't think it is determining factor whether you want sex, but it certainly might be factor in whether you actually do, since there are possible consequences.

Came to think of it, i mostly dislike the message. The message we actually do expect them to have sex. I believe it is something that should be reserved for long term committed relationships. Which might as well be case even for teens, but the... "obstacle" of not having protection provided to them would make them take things bit more slowly.

>why the fuck would you take that away from them?
It's not that i do want to ban selling protection to teens. I just don't want to give it to them outright. They want it, they buy it.

I like your answer. My first instinct was maybe a huge dunning-kruger effect.

The less educates you are the more you think you can figure out anything for yourself and don't need some "experts" telling you how to think or what to believe.

Whereas if you're well educated you learn that, dang shit son, the world is complicated and I suck at epidemiology. Maybe I should listen to the dude who's been studying and working with it for 40 years about whether or not vaccines are a problem?

don't worry it's that same guy who makes posts daily about his fantasy 12yo gf. his life is pathetic enough as it is.

its just the porn thats legal, but touching children was still illegal. maybe because abducting kids is easier than trying to hide yourself on the internet

>Maybe stop perpetuating that raw sex is "SOOOO much better", because people like you are the only reason that trope exists.
kek what?
you've obviously never had raw sex. that trope exists because it's true. it's way better and anyone who's ever had both knows it

that wasn't your point. at the very start of our back and forth, i refered you back to the previous discussion of that. but you continued, kept saying that i was completely wrong, and other situations applied that meant nobody under any circumstance could legally have sex at those ages.

Raw sex is better. A lot better.
Coming inside raw feels fucking incredible too. It also produces hormones in a woman when you do so it feels amazing and comes with a mood boost for her.

Not going to tell you if you're right or wrong about anything to do with it but except for the fact that it's not a trope.

>Came to think of it, i mostly dislike the message. The message we actually do expect them to have sex. I believe it is something that should be reserved for long term committed relationships. Which might as well be case even for teens, but the... "obstacle" of not having protection provided to them would make them take things bit more slowly.
abstinence only doesn't work. has never worked, never will work, because denying them education and condoms absolutely does not make them take it slower. period. i don't care how much your ridiculous conservatism tells you it should, reality has settled that matter, and it doesn't. preaching absintence and denying condoms increases stds and pregnancies and does not reduce sex, full stop.

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>denying condoms
I am not DENYING, i am merely opposing to SUPPORTING.
I feel that is significant difference. At least from my point of view.

According to what you say, molestation isn't legal unless you film it.

correct or not: in your view, condoms shouldn't be given out because that's supporting them having sex and they'll do it more

if that's your view, it's factually wrong, and you're promoting a policy that increases pregnancies and stds. are you saying you'd take that outcome in exchange merely for sending the message that you don't support it, even if that doesn't decrease sex?

>Came to think of it, i mostly dislike the message. The message we actually do expect them to have sex.
Heh. The age old problem of parents wanting their kids to stay kids. On the whole I don't disagree with your motives. In fact, I whole-heartedly agree; sex should be someone reserved for committed relationships, or at the very least something more than a one night stand or a week long hookup.

But while that's how I (and you) would like things to be, we do need to address the reality that it just isn't the case every single time. People are going to have one night stands, they're going to hook up drunk for one night and then never talk again, they're going to do things we wouldn't. And no matter what we tell them or what we do, they're going to find a way to do it - just look at the number of unwanted teenage pregnancies in the southern US. Conservative, Christian, no sex education (abstinence-only sex "education"), and some of the highest rates of teenage pregnancy in the developed world.

Reality is ugly, unflattering, and distasteful. But ignoring it doesn't make it better. The best we can do is try to make it less damaging.

I'm sure that's a major factor too. My entire life, literally every few months, I would go from "wow I know so much about the world" to "jesus christ there is a LOT I don't know". Learn something new, study it, feel accomplished, then find out there's a whole new area of knowledge I didn't even know existed.

I'm lucky, really lucky, that even though I feel like I know a lot, I'm aware of and accept the fact that there is an unfathomably huge amount of knowledge that I simply don't know yet. And most of it I'll never know, because the sum of human knowledge is enormous and constantly growing, well faster than what a single person could ever keep up with.

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in the case of denmark, both were legal for a time. that's how there were commercial cp operations like color climax. but it was never brutal rape.

Neck yourself you fucking pedo

Truth. All Asians look like. Men women kids. The only difference is with babies, because they’re small.

Japanese have high suicide rate, because they all look the same and it scares them. It’s a real mind fuck to see everyone have the same face.

pedophiles are attracted to prepubescent kids, not teenagers, we're talking about teenagers. and 12 year olds, but they're not prepubescent either.

Nobody is pretending.
Age of consent is about being able to make your own choices, so while you're at it, don't let parents forbid children from eating forks, and let 10 year olds vote.
There's a age in life where you're not able to make mature decisions, and at that age "I gave my consent" means "I'm a retarded teenager who doesn't know what is doing and I got manipulated or I'm infatuated and I'll be regretting this for the rest of my life". At that point, consent is invalidated, and sex is rape.

Don't bother using exeptions to argue the contrary.

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Yeah, I wonder how many people arguing against AoC laws also support lowering the voting age to five.

Why can't you leave us alone, we are not harming anyone, we were born this way!

We all were, some of us just grew out of it when puberty set in. You're stuck in an emotionally undeveloped state.

It’s based on emotional development. Sure, some 16 year olds are more mature than many 18 year olds, but society has laws and they have to approximate an age based on research. I have a degree in psychology, and I understand your point. To play it “safe,” most societies feel that 18 is the turning point (probably because that’s when most societies send young people to die in wars).

>and you're promoting a policy that increases pregnancies and stds
Well, i actually don't think teen pregnancies are bad in itself.
STDs are bad, sure, but its not like you can't prevent STD by careful choice of partners and protection YOU GET YOURSELF. I think this responsibility is something we should encourage. But not necessarily but giving protection freely. Not systematically.
Allow me counter question: Would you personally buy your teen child condoms?

Fortunately, in ideal world we could both find private schools that support our view and send our children there and be done with it.

>People are going to have one night stands, they're going to hook up drunk for one night and then never talk again
People can do whatever the hell they want, but i don't want to spread message that such behavior is normal or not undesirable.

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It should coincide with a person’s emotional and psychological maturity, not puberty.

Right, give everyone a written aptitude test the day their first blond and curlies appear.

>highschool girls have a complex and expensive taste for their age group
>older guys know how to play on the complex easily and money is not an issue.

>Would you personally buy your teen child condoms?
Absolutely. I might not like my 15 year old daughter having sex, but if she wants to do it, she's going to do it, and I'd much rather she be protected than not. And I'd much rather her be open about it with me, so I can help her if she needs it. I say this as someone who is adamantly against casual sex. Reality trumps my feelings, every time. No matter what.

I think this issue is mostly coming down to ego. You're so dead-set on your beliefs that the consequences of following what you deem appropriate are less important than doing what you think is proper.

It's the same as people who hate guns so much that they don't care about defensive use - they completely ignore it. They don't care about the impact that self defense has on crime rates. They lose sight of the end goal, which is to encourage the best possible outcome for the most possible people. In the case of guns, that's giving people access to them (and ideally, actually teaching people how to use them).

But that doesn't matter to them, because they hate guns so much. The stats don't matter. The effects don't matter. Crime rates, murder, self defense, rights, none of those matter - all that matters is they hate guns. They need to send that message, regardless of the costs.

That's where you're at right now. And I don't mean this to be antagonistic. I really would like to see you examine your beliefs. Is the message truly more important than the results?

>Absolutely. I might not like my 15 year old daughter having sex, but if she wants to do it, she's going to do it, and I'd much rather she be protected than not.
That's reasonable approach. Still: my point is not to limit access to protection. My point is not to support it. At least not systematically. If you think it is better to provide, please do so on your own.

> Is the message truly more important than the results?
That's very good question. Ancient, you could say.
I feel it is.

Anyway, i am going to sleep, but it was very nice talking with you. Have a nice day, user.

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It was nice talking to you too, user. That doesn't happen often on Yea Forums.

Have a good one.

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next time post pics you gigantic faggotwad

Age restrictrions are undeniable violations of basic human rights and will be abolished within our lifetime.

Anyone pretending otherwise is a fool ignorant of human and social progress in last couple of centures. The progress goes forward; it doesn't stop.

The legalization of homosexuality and celebration of every single LGBT thing is only the beginning, and you well know it. Stop fighting it and embrace it. The revolution is coming.

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The trend is going the opposite way though. Even LGBT activists had to kick out their own pedos (NAMBLA) to win any acceptance.

what the fuck is this thread

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>Doesn’t have “spics”
What are you on

Puberty has got younger in general, but in the uk welfare standards git better, and people in power felt bad about all the child prostitution

Sure, and 100 years ago during women's suffrage any sexual minorities and races were also kicked out from the movement. You don't always combine everything together, but the movement is there, the enviroment exists for it. That's all it takes.

im in the uk too and it can be really hard to not make a move on some 15 yos. I mean, some are ready for it and let people know. If you've ever seen british girls you'll know what I mean

Where is the evidence that age limits are going down and not up? Or that they will? Kids are dumber and more sheltered than ever, no one wants to roll that clock back 100 years.

>Where is the evidence that race limits are going down and not up? Or that they will? Niggers are dumber and more sheltered than ever, no one wants to roll that clock back 100 years.
Said extremely concerned average user in 1919, trembling while thinking about Civil War.

>Where is the evidence that sexual freedoms are going up and not down? Or that they will? Faggots are dumber and more sheltered than ever, no one wants to roll that clock back 100 years.
Said extremely concerned straight user in 1919, trembling thinking about same-sex activities.

anyone remember cracky aka sky queen?
on hers first set of photos shes was 15yo

This used to not be a thing til the late '70s early '80s here in the states. Remember that line from Dazed and Confused? " I get older, they stay the same age". True facts back then, I don't know what happened.

Neither of those are evidence of anything happening in this century.

I"ve seen many teenage girls and frankly i'm not impressed by their maturity or sexuality.

>Neither of those are evidence of anything happening in this century.
Said reasonably educated user in 1919 about faggots, women's vote and niggers getting civil rights.

As you can see, you can't win this, user. The progress will not be stopped no matter what you wish or think. But what will be stopped are my replies. Not feeling like wasting more time.

You don't seem to know what "evidence" means. All these Hollywood and music industry scandals are evidence against you. There is absolutely none in your favour. Well, you're giving up here anyway. Catch you later I guess.

Exactly, and how many people fapped to her back in the day? You see this playing out in the minds of much older men every day. Some girls fucking love the attention

Age of consent is not a mistake, you're a defective piece of shit

ITT: Retards thinking in entire history of mankind, faggotery and transgender people are going to be the last people on Earth getting social justice and freedom, stopping forever the progress and not allowing any other sexual expression to be legal on this planet.
You really have to special kind of absolute idiot to actually brainwash yourself to think pedosexuality and every other today unthinkable sexuality is not happening 100% in next 100 years.
Grab a history book and shut the fuck up about how something is never happening. It always does. Better get used to it.

You take people fapping to camwhores on Yea Forums as a microcosm for all of society. A more reasonable example would be Jodie Foster in Taxi Driver or all those old rock, blues and country songs about young girls, the kind they don't write anymore.

speaking of books maybe you should read one on child development and maybe one child psychology, sexual development, what is rape and consent, and sex in culture. Just to name a few on where social justice is headed.

This guy gets it.

Girls on average hit puberty between their 12th and 13th birthdays. If they don't know enough about sex at 12 to make semi-rational decisions about what they do with their own bodies then they really should, because biology isn't going to wait until a more socially acceptable time. Whether or not it's a good idea for 12 year olds to have sex it doesn't change the fact that most of them want to. Many will actually do it. This basic assumption of 'natural innocence' on which age of consent laws were based is fantasy.

Sex is such a personal thing that the choice should always be left to the person whose body it is where possible, like consenting to medical procedures. The government shouldn't have the right to tell even someone as young as 12 what they can legally do with their bodies or who they can do it with. As for age-gap laws, we might find it more creepy if a 12 year old is fucked by a 40 year old as opposed to an 14 year old, but objectively is 40 year old dick any worse for them than 14 year old dick?

Yes, 12 year olds aren't adults. But they are considered old enough to be held criminally responsible when they break the law, unlike, say, 6 year olds. How can a 12 year old be adult enough to be tried for murder but not be capable of consenting to sex? The law already recognises the distinction between children and adolescents, so why can't the age-of-consent laws reflect this?

This doesn't mean that people under 18 should be able to do whatever they want. If the parents of a 14 year old don't want her seeing a 30 year old then they're perfectly entitled to get a restraining order. But if he saw her again he would then be arrested for violating a restraining order, not for rape. Parents are entitled to tell their children who they can and can't see if they feel it's necessary. But a 30 year old who has sex with a 12 year old shouldn't be labelled a rapist, and imprisoned as such, if the sex was consensual.

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Youre a fucking idiot dude. In my high school, it was always common for the nurses to give students a bag full of condoms and would offer us any safe sex tips.

Not giving the teens the resources to any information will fuck things up and cause a big spike in teen preggos.

Teens are going to fuck and theres nothing you can do about it. They WILL fuck.

You know, maybe we should not treat sex, the most fundamental activity of our species on Earth, as something evil and age based.
I do not know where humans got this fucking idea sex is something so fucking mystical and tabooish (religion btw).
Holy christ, nowhere in nature is anything like this happening as with our sexual life.

Y'all bunch of overprotective imbeciles thinking only about violence and abuse, meanwhile 99% of pedosexuals are loving and caring people wanting nothing but happines for all involved parties.

Hey user is that your van that's been parked in front of my house again?

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kekekek, no they don't.

Do you actually have a logical argument against what I just wrote?

Get more triggered.

Lmao. no they don't. Girls have to deal with old dudes perving all the time.

>here for man-butt

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Just wondering if you were going to move the van dude, calm down. You do know that this is a school zone right?

I'll take that as a no.

You say that like a cute 14 year old would fuck you regardless

Maybe they shouldn't dress that way then.

It's one of those "She was asking for it" people

And roasties

Yea Forums attitude - clothing = asking for it.
Reality check - they never consent until they say so. Youre so backwards.

Ok you can leave it there, but be aware I'm taking down your license plates for just in case, there's been reports of abductions in the area lately.

>men find 13 year old girls attractive, therefore they should be fucked
You are such a psychopath

Faggots act like it's some sort of achievement. Once these sluts find out they can get attention and free shit, they'll fuck anything...When I worked at Target, a girl tried to suck my dick for a t-shirt. A fucking t-shirt.

maybe she thought she had to earn one of those cool red t-shirts you all wear.

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But your nightdress was so short. Daddy is only human and he had such a rough day.


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if our "education system" wasn't a prehistoric wet dream we wouldn't have this problem

Huh? Teenage girls/boys going to do what they want? Nooo...say it isn't so. Back in the day I knew a 12yo girl who would fuck anything, hell I fucked her myself, but one of the fuck knows how many overage dudes she fucked with got her pregnant at 13. She kept her. So when they ran a DNA test (mandatory for unmarried, underage mother's, btw) they got a hit on him. He's now registered for life, she's still as big a slutty as ever, and the daughter is walking the same path. So, did he need his life ruined when everybody knew what she was from jump street? Maybe, he's kinda scummy. The connecting thing here is while her mother didn't condone her behavior then, somewhat encouraged it, you think she's going to condone her daughter's behavior now? Nope. Believe me, nope.

>pretends to be dinosaur
>has sex
my god...

you know, the name "David", when you translate it into old english can mean "Dawil"; which probably has something to do with a "Will of the wisp"

Virgin detected
