Why do democrats want open borders?

Why do democrats want open borders?

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Because they want their loved ones to be raped and killed.

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So they can put the spics on welfare and get their votes, just like they did with the niggers


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I know of no democrats personally who want this, altho i do realize that activists are loud obnoxious assholes.


Its not even slightly complicated and already whats happening in Europe

Cheap and debt free labor for their (((masters))) and votes for them.

Because mexicans work hard.

Haven't you seen mexico? That place looks like it been filled with people that work hard.

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this doesnt really make sense considering large portions of naturalized hispanics are more conservative than white liberals and tend to vote GOP the longer they are here

Show me ONE area that is 80% or more hispanic that votes GOP, I'll wait



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Illegal spics get stuffed right down the throats of the legal ones, of course they hate them too. But even then, only about 30% of Hispanics vote conservative, they know who feeds them and that if an actual hard right government got in there, they would all be gone.

Because the people funneling money to them thru "small donors" stand to make billions of dollars off an American economic collapse.

Because they must import ignorant people to support their ideas, anyone with half a brain rejects the communist/socialist agenda. Even the oldest communist organizations in the US(the unions) are losing power as more companies move to right to work states.

not true. only hispanic demographic that votes gop are cubans for obvious reasons.

Spic here

Niggers used to vote Republican because thats the party that set them free. The Dems only needed about a decade to make them 90% Democrat and the pieces are already in place for Hispanics. Most of them vote Dem now and don't think twice about shit like late term abortion faggots or niggers even though we hate all that shit

Why are you stupid enough to believe trumps BS about the border being an issue?

Because they don’t?

Because they want them to see the new dora movie

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also to answer OP's question: the jews want slaves. the democratic party wants them to replace whites and they want votes. the republican party wants cheap labor, and they want to flood the labor market and thus reduce the wages of the working class. they also need people to pay pensions, take student loans and other financial schemes, as well as be a prole underclass of low iq mestizos ruled over by jews for all time.

>Why do democrats want open borders?

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And yet Dade county is solid blue in every single election.

Beto O'Rourke has already advocated for removing the existing border wall to create truly open borders. Try again.

Go back to /pol/ piece of shit

The Democratic politicians are getting payed by coyotes and drug runners to keep it open

The Texas panhandle.

Fuck off faggot, leftists. It's patently obvious.

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and you have sauce for this right?

Naturalized, those who adapt and follow the right process. Such as gaining citizenship and being proud to do so.
Illegals don't vote for Republicans because that's the party that makes a platform of trying to throw them out, of course they would vote for the Democrats which had policies that allowed them in and protect them. With more and more people coming in illegally, and spreading to other states from those like California, other states will start to turn more blue if they don't have voter registries and ID laws to back them up.
Democrats are trying to sway every future election to ensure they cannot lose. Be it through allowing in more illegals (and giving them the ability to vote) or through calls to abolish the Electoral College.

My Baby Boomer father thinks that everyone is illegally immigrated because he shot vietcong and his mother and father saw minorities as a drain on society. The usual cognitive dissonance pushed since the children of the lie got into power.

he doesn't cuz its probably not true. it could be the influx of migrants flooding texas that makes them question the dems but i have yet to see proof.

Beto definitely is an open borders candidate, also possibly Warren

I live in the panhandle. I see it everyday.

Why did your mom want an abortion?

They want slaves user.

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If you took the ridiculous concept of Birthright Citizenship out of the mix, 90% would be here illegally.

>doesn't know most mexicans are conservative catholics

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Of course he doesn't because it's complete bullshit. Every single map you see where hispanics live prodominately, it is always deep blue for democrat. I see this bullshit claim all the time, that hispanics vote GOP when it's clearly bullshit
See? No fucking sauce

>lets make policy based on my anecdotal experience

they're not

We're gonna need another one of these and we'll deport the niggers with them this time.

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maybe conservative in the way they care about mexican culture, the mexican way of life and the mexican people. how is this beneficial to americans?


>more boots on the ground and more surveillance that actually works equals open borders
Why are republicans okay with rises in illegal immigration when it happens under republican rule?

And they hate all the people you hate: gays, blacks, jews . . .

Then why is California so far left, if most mexicans are "conservative catholics"? I think the problem here is that you dumb spics don't actually know what this means

I think it’s pretty obvious that liberals/democrats/marxists want the US to fail and pretend that the policies they want enacted are for the good of America.

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The only areas of Texas that vote Democrat are El Paso and the big cities with high black population. The naturlized and US born Hispanics hate the illegals worse than the whites.

>gets further from the truth

Ghey armenian/somoan crossdresser here. You're full of shit.

>so far lef

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so you're saying the based spics can be a strategic ally against the jew. the same can be said about muslims. they're still demographically replacing us. i dont see why we cant do the exact same thing while living in our separate countries...

Cause they think criminals would be their friends. But its the libs that the mexis are targeting.

>I think
Yeah, no you don't.

and they reproduce like mice, 4 kids a person at every walmart

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To boost the GDP artificially through debt slavery. Most immigrants don’t have a debt load yet and thus they can get loaded up with debt and the investment potential of all that debt boosts the GDP. Too bad it doesn’t actually boost productivity or quality of life for anyone but banks.

Yup, you are definitely a dumb spic

That's because white people do not vote for democrats anymore, so they need brown people.

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You know what the great American dream is don't you? For all the niggers to swim back to African with a Mexican under each arm.

We're not. That is why we need a wall.

Found the retard.

Why should I believe you faggot?

Explain to me how California isn't far left, you goddamn taco eater

>Doesn't know most of california is conservative.
If the dumbfuck repugs hadn't shafted Cali by eliminating SALT deductions the Cali blue wave in 2016 wouldn't have happened.


>we're not okay with trump enabling a rise in illegal immigration
>that's why we support trump when he talks about a wall

Even their tacos have AIDS

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>swim back
kek, based user

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Theoretically. I'm Puerto Rican and conservative but a good portion of my family love ghetto culture. Most of the older ones are conservative but know they can manipulate libs for shit even if they don't vote for them

why are trumpfags so stupid they believe anything fox news tells them?

>thinks calling people spic is an intelligent response
I'm whiter than you untermensch

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if hillary were president all of those spics would've been released into the country freely by now

Sorry, wrong pic

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leftist/liberals whites in California are all virtue signalers.

>you don't believe me, so you hve to prove me wrong

I know for the feeble-minded like yourself, the proper response to being called retarded is to prove it, but instead why don't you try backing up your own faggy claims. No one's going to do the work for you, you lazy bitch.

>spics are white
Okay Jose, sure you are

>if the person no one's talking about were president, nothing would be different

>hurr, you eat american food

Because the jews need more shitskins to control

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Not sure if this is a troll or if you’re just that fucking dumb

Based wetback

The only way to put enough boots on the ground would be to place the military there with orders to shoot all invaders. It is the Democrats blocking Trump's proposals that is creating the influx, not Trump.

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I'm not latinoax you irish slav degenerate.

>The only way to put enough boots on the ground would be to place the military there with orders to shoot all invaders

And yet Obama did it without any problem or mass shootings.

>It is the Democrats blocking Trump's proposals that is creating the influx, not Trump

Trump's proposals were the removal of Obama's effective policies.

No we're really suppose to believe California a stronghold of conservatives, obviously, even though they haven't been a red state since the spics were given citizenship by Reagan. But we're also suppose to believe THIS time will be different.

Pics or it didn’t happen. Or should I say spics or it didn’t happen

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I lived with my Filipino friends family for a few years. His parents immigrated to the US in the 70s, legally, with a few dollars and the clothes they could carry. I can confirm that they absolutely HATED illegal immigrants. They saw it as the illegals making a bad name for all immigrants. They told me they are totally for legal, controlled immigration. But the jumping the border from Mexico needs to end.

Don't do that. My sides hurt.

>thinks I'll do anything a degenerate mudperson asks
KYS you mutt

Yeah but central and south Americans are much more likely to be communist and left leaning (even though that is the reason they are leaving their shitholes). Also Hispanics are much more likely to be on welfare which means they may be conservative but they vote Democrat. Same as blacks, socially they are conservative as hell but they still vote for gibs. In the end they are poor and stupid and if they Democrats can keep them that way they will get their votes.

I don’t wish bad on others... but I do hope that California sinks into the ocean. The day that happens I’m gonna get so blackout drunk in celebration

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This is outright false. Links or it didn't happen, fag.

NOBODY is proposing "open borders," OP.

This is an excellent example of what a "strawman argument," is. You state a premise assigned to your opposition that is easily knocked down and claim victory.

That sounds like something a Mexican would say

kek, reminded me of this

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Is actually an insult tht niggers and nazis have in common

I can't imagine living my life as such a hivemind, user. You say all the exact predictable things.

I don't know why everyone cares about this.
People are people. Some are good. Some are bad.

Invisible lines between countries or states or even towns don't change anything and mean shit in the end.

Dont say its about crime. Major Majority of our crime is by citizens. Not about disease either. We have fucking retarded white women refusing to get vaccinations for their children because they can't science.

Not about jobs because we have the most jobs ever according to the current president and in any case, I haven't seen any Latinos in my software company or many other high paying jobs.

It isn't about healthcare, which is because our system is fucking broke already and was broke and a joke before Obama came.

Not about space, either. We're a massive country. More people means more tax revenue to Improve our economy.

Every positive has a negative and visa versa. I think immigration is the least of our problems.

Wtf are you taking about. Almost all Hispanics are of a conservative Christian or Catholic backgrounds. That screams GOP.

Obama's policies of DACA and non deportation is what started them coming in the first place. Name one Obama policy that kept illegals out.

They would actually say “chucho” but otherwise yes. Also, dubs speak the truth

Actually Mexico City and Southern Mexico are amazing and just like any major modern city. Lots of technology, money and opportunity.

>even though they haven't been a red state since the spics were given citizenship by Reagan
Keep in mind this was decades ago, so this claim of "they're conservative the longer they stay here" is complete bullshit. The vast majority of them will democrat regardless of how long they stay here. Puerto Ricans have been (((American))) for how long now? And yet they never vote GOP.

Yeah and Muslims are Asian. Surrrre

Robert Francis O'Rourke. As Irish as they come. This "Beto" shit needs to stop. Can't they see he is playing into his local demographics?! How obvious can it be?!

They want 'fast track' 'legal' immigration and amnesty. That's open borders. Just because some parers are filed, doesn't change the impact it will have.

>uses statistical data
>gets called an NPC

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Yes they are. O'ROURKE has already stated that he is in support of open borders.

This is how the libs write the playbook and read it back. Find a shitty line of reasing like "Well ya already got crime so more aint a problem" or "It aint about disease because Flat Earthers don't believe in it" and hope the people you talk too are slow witted enough to not think about it

I’ve never heard someone say this, but now I’m gonna celebrate too

Well maybe THEY should go THERE:)

The people able to stop this change, unfortunately I'll not do anything until it's to late. We will lose our beautiful nation and out diverse culture. All in the name of PC. There should be absolutely nothing wrong wit saying you want people to come here through the legal path. Yes it is hard, yes it takes time. But ask any LEGAL immigrant, from any country and they will agree.

>Crime and evil exist so we should let more in freely


What's funny is how they say illegals don't commit as much crime, but even if that were true the obvious question then is why the fuck are they committing crimes period? It's a ridiculous argument.

Does Waffle House know you're in the trailer park next door stealing their wi-fi ya lowlife? Some day an aryan wave will sweep across the land driving you untermensch pretenders into the fire.

You already ruined your argument when you said that about crime. When they cross the border without proper paperwork they commit a crime, so the rate of criminality among the illegals is 100%.

>They want 'fast track' 'legal' immigration
No we don't, dipshit. All your fucking side does is lie.
>and amnesty.
Because they're HERE. Because someone HIRED them. Get a fucking brain.

Or just being here being a crime in the first place

"open borders" is what butthurt xenophobic bigots say liberals "really" want.

We want the system under Obama without Republicans fucking it up.

>>Rewards for criminals

You're going to "celebrate" a catastrophe that would affect the entire planet, user?


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So the exact same thing

The funny thing is you xenophobes never go after the people who hire undocumented workers. Because they're rich and white.

Look! An unsubstantiated post! Let me help you use the internet friend.

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No, under Obama this country deported record numbers of people who illegally crossed the border while urging Congress to come up with a plan. The Democrats had one. The Republicans obstructed as always.
Shut the fuck up.

I agree, but if you don't say beto most of the dumbfucks don't know who you are talking about.

>the communist/socialist agenda


I’m a democrat and I don’t want open borders. As far as Trump’s wall goes, I could care less about whether it’s built or not. Not having an enormous, thousands mile long, wall along your southern border is not the same thing as “open borders”.

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It doesn't matter what you show that beaner, he's still gonna keep saying hispanics are conservative when everyone with a normal, functioning brain knows otherwise

Record border turn-arounds, not deportations. This is partially a conseauence of the fact that Obama weakened penalties for illegal immigrants and nabled cartels. More of them are willing to migrate and are able to through coyote.

Not really a lib or a con. I just don't care.
I honestly give zero fucks.

I honestly think it boils down to a bunch of people, like yourself, who want to complain about something because your life is shitty.

I make 90k a year which means I don't have many problems. I'm smart with my taxes and get money back every year.

I don't have any problems with the world around me. Because I'll survive one way or another.

Only little bitches and racists without money are pissed about this.

Wait, so the media calls him "Beto" so he can appeal to spics?

I report every business I see with them. Farms mostly. And that's not our job anyway, we should be up in arms to have active laws enforced? This whole situation is stupid beyond words.

holy shit i though nogs were #1, imagine if we remove all shitskins

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Na. Most of them are from the poor farming areas that we wrecked back in the 80s over the corn deals that Reagan made right before his treasonous contra affair.

These posts are for you guys as well. Download them and spread them. The Republic could use every hand it can get.

You don't give a shit yet you took the time to reply to this thread twice, sure

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More in.

See, again, you're just highlighting what I said. In.

Believing invisible lines and walls will stop anything. You don't know history well, huh.

Dumb fuck.

Again conservative Spic here

Most are voting Democrat either because they fell into the whole ghetto culture trap they used on the niggers or what free shit. The older conservative leaning ones at least want to take advantage of how much the left panders too them.

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Love that Reddit spacing by a rich guy with a foot long dick that os definitely not in chastity waiting for Tyrone to get done with his wife then head back to Walmart for a double shift

no, regular people who vote Democrat don't want this. democratic leadership aka the established politicians DEFINITELY want this

This pic tells you all you need to know.

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Na, no one really gives a fuck. If I drove you out there blind folded with no GPS or anything else and asked you which country we were in, you'd have a 50 percent chance of getting it right.

Point being, everyone breaks the law. The intent is what matters.

Did you cross the border to bring a better life for your family or did you bring heroin over? Did you speed just to test you motor or where you rushing to the hospital?

Stuff like that interests me. I wasnt even arguing to be honest. I really don't care and don't understand why anyone else does.

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LOL look at all these faggots unironically talking poltics an anime image board. Clearly the cream of the crop when it comes to brain power.

Honesty, pic related is why dems want illegals in do badly.

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Implying they dont vote democrat for them programz

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I don’t know, most Hispanics I know tend to be fairly socially conservative. Especially the older ones.They tend to be religious, family oriented and most of them seem to hate gays. I feel like the reason they tend to vote blue is because democrats are more willing to pander to them, and republicans are often perceived to be aggressive toward them. I have a feeling that will change soon. As soon as the Republican Party begins to view them as a potential voting block, you will see a shift.

Because its all you Alt right retards spam all day long. It's like you were hired as a job to spread this shit around to make it viral.

You guys literally have nothing else to talk about.

i dunno where da fuk u got this but here in mexico the grl have to be 18yo to concent

>speeding = invading a country illegally

Even you have to admit how stupid this argument is. Why not just compare taking extra sauce packets at Taco Bell with raping children, you complete idiot.

Reddit spacing? You don't really work in an office, do you?

Man, must suck to be you.

mexianon here

You, piece of crap, are an idiot. Of couser we are

Not invading. Learn the english language properly, kid. If you've got an organised army with weapons and are in war, then there is an invasion.

Otherwise it is just crossing.

Words matter.

i type like this

because i am employed

and you are not


oh and you

should KYS

Sure kid sure

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Literally the first link for "Age of consent mexico". Either you're lazy, illiterate or both.

Hyperbolic question with a bizarre narrative. Work on your ability to whip people into a frenzy. Some of us, like myself, aren't 14 years old.

>>I didn't kill that commie
>>The bullet did

Didn't you assholes just elect a literal socialist as president? Do you spics even know what conservative means?

Dude, you really need to go to business school. Spacing between long sentences is a normal thing to do, especially in when it's international business.

white genocide and free votes

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>so the rate of criminality among the illegals is 100%
>but only if you don't count children who were dragged along and had no say


Definition of invasion

1 : an act of invading especially : incursion of an army for conquest or plunder
2 : the incoming or spread of something usually hurtful

Illegals cause crime and cost money to support: harmful to the host country. And you completely ignored the question, how can you compare speeding with entering (or "crossing" lol) into a country illegally, spreading crime and poverty? Turning entire towns and cities into gang war zones?


inb4 "increasing funding for border security doesn't count"

>Spacing between long sentences is a normal thing to do
Right, at reddit where you belong

Again, did not answer the question. I'm old enough to be your father.


Its slight of hand. Change the argument hes losing into a pointless argument about Semantics. Its a lib college kid parlor trick

Nah. In Eyrope the countries just pass off asylum seekers amongst each other through this origin rule in the EU. basically whatever country they initially entered and sought asylum in is where they will be sent back to if they are picked up in the EU or try to apply for asylum elsewhere and are rejected. They don't want them to vote at all tbh. They just like having cheap labor for jobs that prouder euros won't take.

You hear about Donald's driver getting picked up by ICE?

Mexico City is actually pretty amazing.

I don't care about shit like that. But I do know he's just as bad as the rest about employing them. This country is corrupt to it's core.

Asia having an above average IQ is a complete lie.

They literally run over babies for fun.

Then why don't the spics stay there?

That's culture, not intelligence.

I think they inflate the numbers by leaving out the undesirable elements. Places like China are filled with half wits but if they only test college students then they get an edge

Considering the worlds largest mall is over a thousand empty stores its not far fetched

>organized army with weapons
here is a video of literally that. even if we hold you to the standards YOU set, you still are a two faced lying kike.

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Yeah their culture of cheating on every test they ever do.

>Why do democrats want open borders?

Obama had the highest deportation rate of all presidents before him.

Mexico city was built by the Spanish.

they're just sending in fake numbers. its all bullshit

The left has become very different since the Obama era. Pants right on their heads.

>Dems only needed about a decade to make them 90% Democrat
that's Lyndon Johnson master strategy.

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Then how do you explain the fact that asians consistently out-perform whites in the US?

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Because most chinese come here on education visas, followed by employment visas. Travel to china and you'll meet a whole bunch of dumbfucks.

Because it's the smart ones that can get out of Asia.

>since the Obama era
>2 years

Rampant cheating and diploma mills. Same thing the Jews did with the SATs to cheat their way into Ivy League schools. Look up who the started "college prep" business.

They dont

If you actually knew Asians who come here to the US you'd know that they have a network of websites where they all take the same classes and cheat on homework.

East asians have higher IQ

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The globalist jews want to keep the country divided and weak to keep sucking the life out of it while it has no chance of fighting back against them and their interests.

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Oh, I'm sorry, did you not fucking notice?

They don't. Sorry if you invested yourself into loving asians

The vast majority do not. There's probably more Republicans that want an all white ethno state than there are Dems who want open borders

When and where did he say this? I see so many fake quotes floating around conjured up by the conservative msm

>thinks a 5 point IQ difference means something.
What is statistical significance.

It doesn't matter. The plan for 2020 is already setup by the elite no matter who wins.



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because their prolonged consumption of soy products have turned them into mexican loving faggots. Big black cocks aren't enough for them anymore.

>putting /thread on your own post

If rule of law is seen as broken down, it will be 2A time.

Norway is at 100 with 99% of its population being nearly pure white, and the United States is at 98 and with a population full of niggers and mexicans.

Makes zero sense that the united states is only 2 points off. The chart makes no sense.

>tfw /pol/ is above proof & evidence.

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i've never been on /pol/ retard