God made weed. Humans decide weed should be illegal for whatever reason. Alcohol is fine though...

God made weed. Humans decide weed should be illegal for whatever reason. Alcohol is fine though. Alcohol makes you depressed, weed makes you happy. People never cease amaze with their stupid fucking depressing ideas. Atleast we have antidepressants, because those work so fucking well

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why don't you cry about that on your next sunday school

>dude weed lmao
You have to be 18 or older to post here, kiddo.

Why dont you kill yourself and meet God and cry about it to him?

You dont see ciggerates and alcohol getting bragged about. You want legal weed go to a state that sells it.

probably will
thanks for understanding.
>everyone experiences life the same way

You’re saying all this like it is new information. Have you not done any research? Go jump in a fire you fucking faggot.

He will ask "why burn and consume it?" Stoner will reply "cause it feels good". Then Satan asks "why brag about it ?"

The body is a temple, desecrating it is sacrilegious

Is this pic funny?

Humans are stupid, violent apes and you guys really prove it. I fucking hate most people like you guys. Selfishness, violence, stupidity runs this world and it's no place for intelligence life

I wish we all lived in times where heretics were tortured and burned just so you experience how truly stupid and violent humans are. Fuck you all

Sorry about what I said. You guys are alright. I'm drunk

Weed is legal in my country
Get rekt

God made poison ivy too.

Yeah but you don't see government agencies spending millions to go out and burn poison ivy do you?

They should just execute all the marijuana addicts. It would be far cheaper. Random testing at schools, work places, etc. Test positive, get lined up and shot. Problem solved.

>Humans decide weed should be illegal for whatever reason.
Not where I live.

Luckily it's impossible to get addicted to marijuana

Life is honey and shit. Talk to you later Yea Forums
Well welcome to the fucking future. Still illegal in 90% of the world

>Still illegal in 90% of the world
Why the fuck should I care about other countries? I don't live there for a reason.

Alcohol makes me happy and weed makes me depressed

The body is a mass of wet carbon forged through happenstance.

Blame Harry J. Anslinger and Racist white people that believed blacks would rape white women and go into a furious rage after smoking weed.

Google it , it's all there

alcohol was illegal too for a short time and guess what happened to that? It gave rise to the mafia.

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Hey google why it is illegal , its because of americans and their influence on the world.


You're right, I googled it. Apparently there really are blacks who rape white women and vandalize around while being high

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Isn’t it big pharma’s fault? Since weed was to have curative properties if not a healthier treatment to various diseases? Also wasn’t hemp cheaper to make materials from?

>people still believing weed has medical properties in 2019

Lets all ask questions we know the answers to.