I have a passive subwoofer that is rattling. I thought it was the enclosure at first, but pretty sure it is the driver. What could that be?
I have a passive subwoofer that is rattling. I thought it was the enclosure at first, but pretty sure it is the driver...
Cone blown or come loose
if you just tape up the tear with duct tape, it could last a few years more, with no noticeable degradation in sound.
Thanks. I don't see any damage to the cone. Would it be something I'd need to pull the driver to see?
if the cone is damaged causing it to rattle, it'll be visible immediately from the front. also, you can press on it to see if rattling stops. if not, problem is elsewhere.
It only does it when the subwoofer is being pushed a bit. I think it would be hard to press on it. I don't have to play it super loud for it to do it, but pretty loud.
I can see one spot that might be an issue. I'm going to get the grill off. It has a bunch of tight screens and my drill it is at work so this is going to take a while.
If it is a piece of the cone coming loose can I glue it?
Man let me tell you that if you have equipment of any kind of quality please take it to a professional.
It's out of warranty, if all that needs to be done is to change the driver then I think I can handle that. It's two wires....
Well no man you can have drivers repaired and reconed, you don't swap them out.
I pulled the grill off and it sounds like the rattle is within the cabinet. Maybe a voice coil or something?
If it's not obvious I take it to someone but here's a bump
Passive Woofer?? you mean a passive radiator in the same box as a powered driver? Need more info, been doing car audio since 85
It's a passive subwoofer, so I use a separate amplifier. Here is the spec sheet:
Agreed. Cone or the foam surround cracking
ok, think I understand, you have a non powered, ported sub enclosure, powered by a separate amp.
dont know the box but I have had the rear magnets split in half, pulling driver is no big deal then you can have a look in the box also
The magnet might have separated from the basket a little bit or the magnet might have a fracture. Both have happened to me.
Here is what the cone looks like
The thing is on there so tight I think I need my drill.
Is that something I can fix or does that require a new driver?
Oh and that bit that looks loose at the top is actually well glued. I thought at first it was coming off but the glue is intact.
What kind of driver is that?
Hello, Jim.
I /think/ it's a LAB12:
..But I sent an email to Danley asking if that is the case. It sure looks like it and the Lab12 was designed by Tom Danley, but who knows if the CS-30 uses some modified version of that.
My name is not Jim but hi!
My guy in the 90s would have that fixed for the bench fee plus 20 bucks.
Fix what? I don't know what is wrong with it yet.