Is 6" small?
Its actually bigger than that but I measured it with my ex one time on the ruler. She negged me saying "see its 6" and that pressing it in didn't count or whatever. So I always felt like it was smaller since.
Is 6" small?
Its actually bigger than that but I measured it with my ex one time on the ruler. She negged me saying "see its 6" and that pressing it in didn't count or whatever. So I always felt like it was smaller since.
5.5" is US average. So it's ever so slightly larger than average.
6 inches tall is pretty small user. She was a right
Oh that explains why some girls say it's big. It doesn't seem like it to me. High side of average.
It's like the last thing I should worry about honestly. BBC got me fucked up.
All guys always worry about lenght, when it's girth that really matters. Nobody wants a pencil dick no matter how long it is... Won't feel anything
Never measured or had any real complaints about that ever. What's considered thin?
im 5 inches and thin, still made gf squirt
Not by penetration alone.
For me anything below ~5" won't do anything. My ex was really thin and when I got really wet I literally didn't feel anything. Worked around that with "surprise sex" tho ^^
Girls don't really care as much as you do
Porn isn't real
Black dudes dont all have big dicks
Stop worrying about it.
>less than average dick
>practice fingering and eating the pussy. Worship that shit with your tongue
>sure dont have bbc but will still leave ladies satisfied
>bonus points if girl helps you learn the ropes to become clit commander
get a smaller or taller girlfriend you retard, depends what you like more
I thought that you measured from the pubic bone?
>clit commander
show tits
Kek, thanks for this image user
not many women can take more than 6 inches , anyway fuck em , if you get pussy and cum who gives a toss if she had a good time
>Black dudes don't ALL have big dicks
How about blacks don't have bid dicks, you fucking cucks. I honestly can't tell if you are Jews or American cucks. Or both. MindGeek Jews need to be gassed.
>She negged me saying "see its 6" and that pressing it in didn't count or whatever
She's right. Pressing a ruler into your body doesn't magically give you extra inches.
6 inches is average. You're fine. Go out and live your life.
>My ex was really thin and when I got really wet I literally didn't feel anything.
"My vagina is cavernous, but it's other people's fault"
Always measure from base of balls up because your penis grows an extra half inch when penetrating twat..don't listen to bitches they don't know how to measure dicks. (I'm 10.5")
This gif made me think of American History X
You if you want to do it again. It's not worth fawning over like some pussy whipped cuckold, but unless your marriage was arranged that bitch will go find another average penis that will actually do a little leg work.
That 5.5" is bone pressed! Imagine what it is non bone pressed ahahaha
Mine is 6" nbp and almost 7"bp. When you're fucking, you can definitely get that extra inch by flexing your hips.
Yeah, but what if I have no length OR girth?
She's a subhuman whore obviously your ex