BBC thread

BBC thread

Attached: 1552148742860.jpg (3000x2000, 1.33M)

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Love me some bbc threads

Attached: tumblr_pfehq8DAcY1xghhnno1_400.gif (283x373, 1.38M)

Where do you find your best stuff? It's been hard since Tumblr closed it's fetish blogs

Attached: 1553618987655.jpg (3000x2000, 939K)

Attached: WuqIRKh.gif (500x748, 995K)

yeah tumblr closing nsfw stuff hurt a lot, mostly have my stuff from back those

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I always try to remember that white chicks are fucking black guys only in porn cuz in real world most of them think its disgusting... anyway, bbc is myth.

Sure believe what ever makes you feel better

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