You have 10 SECONDS to prove you are NOT an American.
You have 10 SECONDS to prove you are NOT an American
Other urls found in this thread:
I am an American and proud of it.
I prefer a knife
Oi M8 ya mums ya dad
I have a queen ya poofta bloody sausages charlie
I'm not fat
I can see my own penis
I don't cuck my wife to niggers
I have no freedom.
I want my government to control me and I don't want to be able to fend for myself or defend myself in any way
I can be arrested for offensive posts on the internet. Please don't report me
I don't fuck my sister
American here. I do fuck his sister.
American here. I fuck his sister as well
I live in a shit hole
I only see niggers on american movies
im not allowed to own semi autos : (
American here. I am the sister.
10 secs? let me see... basszad szájba a retkes kurva anyád!
Am I doin' it right?
I can afford healthcare without keeping a job I hate
Nice try nigel. You fail. Do not pass go. Do not collect 200 squids. Do not offend anyone or I will report you and you will go to jail with the muzzies.
I don't wear shoes in my house
The black people here are friendly and nice
I'm not an emotional child
I speak 4 languages and actually gained an education.
Am American, can afford healthcare and work a career I love.
I live in poverty and my government doesn't respect my rights
Sieg Heil, wir werden der deutschen Rasse wieder zu neuem glanz verhelfen.
I think you mean a U.S. citizen. Everybody on this side of the planet is an American. South America, Latin America, North America, Central America...
Retard alert. Cleary a US flag in OP pic. I get what you're trying to do, but no, the flag is there
I don’t have to worry about school shootings.
So, you are an american?
I'm not overweight
Im in the loweat income bracket and pay 58.36% taxes.
100cm = 1m
I'm anti gun
I'm 188cm, 75kgs and 18cm
I'm not obese.
>falling for the 1911 meme
Boomer faggot