What does CP stand For? I have seen it written many Times but I can't find out the meaning

What does CP stand For? I have seen it written many Times but I can't find out the meaning

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Cheese Pizza, not rocket science.

Who the fuck said anything about rocket science you autist. CP is the strength of your pokemon on pokemon GO, everyone knows that.

These liberal shill cucks are pulling your leg. It stands for colored pencils.

Cock Power

Captain Pritchard reporting in

Corporal punishment

Lamest b8 ever dude...you need to try harder

Cock push-ups

child porn, cheese pizza is just a code word for it

You ruined it, faggot.

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admittedly we all know op isn't stupid. just another bait thread.

no you fucking did this guys an idiot and wouldnt even know the truth when he saw it

... That's the point of this, you fucking mongoloid.

Please kys.

no fuck you faggot it was going well until you said something about it, we couldve just continued like normal

OP wasn't honestly asking a question
he was starting an acronym thread

Its and unix command to copy a file

Thank you.

You fucking moron.

Capital punishment

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Just saw that in the other thread.

Courageous Pegging

Citrus Punch

Nah m8. We were just both lurking in it.

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Cal Poly

capri pun

CP is there football teams logo

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It's fucking combo points you gaming Normie

club penguin

"You have been banned for inappropriate language."