Feels thread. Please keep pics sfw. Thank you

Feels thread. Please keep pics sfw. Thank you

Sorry for starting so late. I completely forgot and lost track of time. Sorry again!

How are you all doing today, my friends?

Come get what's bothering you off your chest

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It's been said that when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. Well, I have a vast fucking surplus of lemonade right now.....

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ytes can i get this into a serve my cock thread

I started it for those who wanted to vent if you're here feels thread is yours
This is a health check up how are you isabelle user

Well describe what's been going on, friend

Thank you for that

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all my life ive said i had no temper. Now, after several complaints at work, it has come to my attention that im actually incredibly angry, basically all the time. its a surreal feeling

No need to thank me it's you the anons want
Tell me how you are honestly and if you've eaten well, your health is important for them

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Did they describe in what way you've come off as angry or was it just a complaint? I imagine you work with customers or were they complaints from co-workers?

I refuse to say a word about myself until you tell me what you have eaten, friend.

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She's married, im in love with her but she only sees me as a friend

Think i've told you back when i used to post random music back in october i don't give information about myself away
How are you friend really i'd like to know if you're well

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Last photo of her alive

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>Well describe what's been going on, friend

As far as I'm concerned, this year so far has been straight garbage. I have to serve out a driving suspension for 4 months starting next month for something that was genuinely accidental and that I've already completely learned from, a part of one of my teeth broke off so I had to get that whole tooth removed and because I get mouth ulcers whenever I'm highly stressed (which is relatively often), I currently have three mouth ulcers. And we're only three months into this year so far. But I'll get through all of this shit. I'm going to get through this garbage year and this garbage decade. The more challenged I get, the more determined I become. I overcome every challenge that life throws at me no matter what, because I always remember who and what I really am - Pure Consciousness, which is infinite and eternal, experiencing life in a temporary human form. Also, my main goal in life is to never reincarnate ever again after this incarnation of mine, so that thought of never having to return to this garbage world ever again helps me get through anything that life throws at me.

bap for OP

Then why not move on, friend? I know it's really really hard, trust me I'm struggling to move on from someone too, but I know that it's something I'm going to have to do if I ever want to be truly happy both with her as a friend and with someone else that I fall in love with. There's way too many people in this world to cling on to someone who doesn't love you back thinking you won't find anyone else, friend.

Well it's not like it's incriminating or identifying to tell me what you ate, friend. And I still stand by not saying anything until you tell me what you have eaten. I refuse to let you do nothing but drink and starve yourself.

I'm very very sorry to hear, friend. She looks like a fun person. Would you like to talk about it?

I'm truly impressed by the fact that you are able to overcome your issues and perceive reality as more than what others would. I wish you the best of luck until things get back on track, friend. Hopefully the 4 months pass quickly :) And maybe you could reincarnate into something wonderful. Imagine being a bird whose entire life is left without humans. Simply living in the woods, away from civilization and the damage humans cause. Don't wish for eternal slumber. It's not as great as you'd hope, friend.

Thank you

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Boy I'm really boutta get to yo pickle chin ahh boy, egg head like collard greens head ass boy, oh hell nah boy yo dirt ahh boy stank ahh boy afro head ahh, lip gloss chin ahh boy ugly ahh boi

isabelle user i'm here for you. I'm just a user, you worry about yourself and those who need you the most

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>I'm truly impressed by the fact that you are able to overcome your issues and perceive reality as more than what others would. I wish you the best of luck until things get back on track, friend. Hopefully the 4 months pass quickly :) And maybe you could reincarnate into something wonderful. Imagine being a bird whose entire life is left without humans. Simply living in the woods, away from civilization and the damage humans cause. Don't wish for eternal slumber. It's not as great as you'd hope, friend.

Thanks for the kind words, other me. But I'm not wishing for eternal slumber, I'm wishing to never be reincarnated into this world ever again, at least not while forgetting who I was in my previous incarnations. There's a difference. I could be reborn as someone who is born blind or worse, I could be reborn as someone who is materialistic and therefore has no desire whatsoever to never reincarnate ever again (or even worse than that, as someone who never even thinks about such a thing at all in the first place). I will not allow that to happen if I can prevent that from happening. Never reincarnating ever again is not the same as eternal slumber. If anything, it's eternal wakefulness. That's why I'll never commit suicide no matter what, because I think that if I commit suicide, I'll reincarnate again. I don't want to reincarnate ever again, I want to live this life as righteously as I possibly can and then merge back into the Source forever.

bap for OP

Thank you, friend. Thankfully I have several close friends I can talk to when I need to~

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I don't remember any of my past incarnations (assuming that reincarnation is true, of course - and I'm assuming it is true just to be on the safe side). The mere thought of never reincarnating ever again is the only thing that makes me genuinely happy and it's the only thing that gives me the strength to endure anything that life throws at me. To the people who want to remain in samsara, good for you. But it's not for me. Never was and never will be.

It's good to hear you have people to rely on when things become too much to burden
Don't forget to ask them for help/advice when things become to heavy to handle
How are you tho friend really have you eaten well

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Sorry, friends, I'm going to have to head to sleep. I'm sorry to those I didn't reply to. Have a wonderful week ahead and please stay safe, friends.

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In an unhappy marriage and I’m harshly in love with my friends fiancé. She’s told me she feels the same way about me but won’t get with me because of both our situations.
I’m in the process of trying to forget about her but it’s really fucking hard.

(((They))) are obsessed with suppressing our sense of the possible - one of the ways (((they))) accomplish this is by restricting our access to correct information. (((They))) are hoarding knowledge of TRUE history, TRUE geology, TRUE astronomy, TRUE health, TRUE physics, etc. and, most importantly of all, knowledge of the TRUE nature of 'reality' itself while teaching a false, incomplete and distorted version of those subjects to the general public, who usually unquestioningly accept all of it. To anyone who dismisses anything that I post as being 'crazy', just remember that all it takes to suppress a person's sense of the possible is to restrict his or her access to correct information. Simple as that. Don't let others dictate to you what can and 'cannot' be done, what is 'real' and 'unreal' and what is possible and 'impossible'. You can do ANYTHING YOU WANT TO DO and you can be ANYONE YOU WANT TO BE, while still facing the karmic consequences of your actions. People are AWAKENING to a MORE EXPANDED CONCEPTION of the world and life in general and this is a PROFOUNDLY GOOD THING. We owe it to our innate intelligence to QUESTION EVERYTHING and that includes EVERYTHING that I tell you. There are two things that (((they))) do not want you to know above all else:

1. That who and what we ALL really are is Pure Consciousness, which is INFINITE AND ETERNAL, experiencing life in a temporary human form (you can call Pure Consciousness 'God' if you want, but I don't, because the word 'God' has limiting religious connotations that I would rather avoid).

2. That what we call 'reality' is ILLUSORY and therefore MALLEABLE, which means that NOTHING is impossible (indeed, even the word 'impossible' itself literally says "I'm possible!").

The righteous will inherit the Earth and beyond, other mes. Have faith in that. And sharpen your swords until that day comes. We have the power to transform this prison illusion into a PARADISE ILLUSION, so let's USE that power!

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gnight isabelle user expect your next health check up by another user
Sleep well
See you when i see you

Take care, other me.

also sorry for forcing you to stay awake this long

hello anyone here