I got a test tomorrow how can I cheat please help my life is fucked if I fail again

I got a test tomorrow how can I cheat please help my life is fucked if I fail again

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please help guys I'm desperate

someone got to help me now I dont have everyplace else to turn???

drop out if you are not able to memorize a couple of pages moron


Study, dummy.

>my life is fucked if I fail again
No it's not, let this be a lesson as to why. You will be fine.

Dude just trust me I really need help bad

Did not expect to find actual advice on here

That isnt good advice I need to pass or everything will go to shit

Stop failing at easy things. But know that if you fail then the college system is working by not letting idiots get into positions they're not qualified for.

Okay OP. Here's the biggest hack for tests. Study.

fuck off

I dont have time i need help now

This guy knows what he’s talking about. Always study before a test.

You haven't even mentioned the subject or the testing environment you are in.....

You're bound to fail, because you seem fucking stupid.

what does it matter I just need to cheat if you wont help then just gtfo!!!!!!!

>what does it matter

If you aren't gonna provide us any information then how the fuck do you expect us to help?

You sound underage as fuck. Also aren't even smart enough to know how to cheat or learn the material. You deserve to fail.

Attached: fucker.jpg (267x200, 10K)

You can't be this stupid, can you? These things are things one needs to know to devise a plan to cheat.
Nobody help this moron. He shouldn't even be in school.
OP, drop out and sell your manual labor.

ok Im fucking crying now that is what everyone wanted ok Im dumb as fuck and Im crying like a little girl ok????? Im taking a fucking algebra test and this is my last chance to pass now will you help me?????

I recommend studying and practicing algebra at least a few hours everyday leading up to the day of the test.


Why didn't you? It's college, you should know how to study by now. If not then college isn't for you.

So you haven't known about this test for atleast a week?

Sounds like ur fault OP


Yea thats right, maybe if you type more in caps an answer might fall into ur lap.

Shouldn't you be studying right now?

I did. Evaluate if you're college material. If not drop out and pursue another goal.

ok fine ur right im a fucking idiot and i dont deserve to pass sorry i bothered everyone good day

Alright OP, you're very obviously 15 and should fuck right off because you're an underage faggot. But I will give you real advice because I'm feeling generous.

It doesn't fucking matter. You think it does because in your limited perspective, all you know is what your parents have told/let you see about the world. But trust me, when you're 60 and looking back on life, you won't give a single second worth of thought to this dumb test you failed or passed in high school. Fuck your parents, fuck your teachers, fuck your peers. Everyone is an idiot, including you, and we'll all be dead one day. The best thing you can do, now and at any time throughout your life, is calm the fuck down, ask yourself what you truly want out of your life, figure out how to obtain that thing, and then start taking steps to get it. If you fail, dust yourself off and try a new approach. Very few things in life are permanently ruin-able. There is almost always a way to redeem yourself, if you're willing to put in the effort to do so. So get over yourself, do your best to prepare for the test in whatever way you think you need to, and take the results in stride. Also gtfo this board until you're 18 and stop being a faggot.

You have access to every answer on the test dummy, just look at all that information really hard as long as you can beforehand and you should do fine. Can't believe teachers haven't figured out and banned this method of cheating yet, I've never failed a test because of it.

I didn't cheat on any tests and look where it got me.

Try studying.