Who wants to see her feet?

who wants to see her feet?

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nah fuck that

No one wants that.

show an ass at least

Please feet

I do for sure homie, whatchu got?

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She’s cute op

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now we are going in the right direction.... do you have nudes?

this is it

Attached: 53259853_596862467446246_8192591413506998272_n.jpg (1080x556, 41K)

She has sexy feet for sure. Please post more if you have them (soles or soles with face etc.)

Attached: 49730781_275968683077981_1606939744392970240_n.jpg (640x853, 62K)

great tits... post some more

Keep them coming dude, what's the sauce?

posted all the nudes I had

last one sadly

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Who wants her feet?

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Literally no one

Thank you kindly sire. If you know her irl, you're very fortunate.


Yes please

i`m here just for the tits... if you have... i`m interested

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Anymore will be highly appreciated. Any with her face?

nope :(

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Op, you're doing god's work by posting these cute chicks' feet

Attached: mft3.png (399x506, 326K)

do you have some more?

no sorry

More of her soles or more rare girls feet?

last I have

Attached: mft.png (396x533, 385K)

No worries man, are they friends of yours or something?

yeah, went to school with them

Gfs feet

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have soles?

Love seeing OC. Do you trade by chance?


Any soles, dawg?