What do you think about capital punishment (death sentence)?

What do you think about capital punishment (death sentence)?

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Compared to life in prison, I think life in prison in the worst thing you could do to a person.

It’s too “humane”. It needs to be brutal, painful, and televised.

I think that ur mom needs to stop sucking my cock after I cum OP

good to see even with death sentence you can be maginc on the mike.

They used to have public executions.

IMO they still should

It's a horrible practice. We shouldn't put the power to decide who dies in the hands of the government, especially if the government's decision is decided with some dumbfuck juries.

I think people that think this way need to be chemically castrated and watched by the state

It's a great choice for Yea Forums

it's overly expensive to be honest I believe it costs half a mill to legally execute a person with all the appeals the condemned might make also the drugs costs a shit ton. I agree wtih user above public executions would be cheaper and more to the point

But we should give the government the power to imprison for life? What is the difference? they're taking the liberty to live a free life away either way

but wouldn't it cost more to keep them alive?

I dont agree with it, an innocent person could be sentenced and you can make the inmates work

also this

Yes, it Is more expensive. Fry the fucks.

If you do something worthy of death in the eyes of your country, then you shouldn't care about is respectful or "ok" with the rest of society. They'll judge you anyway

You’re right. We should take a lifelong pedophile rapist out behind an obscure barn somewhere in West Virginia, put a .45 to the back of his head and blow his fucking brains out. The turkey buzzards can have the rest.

If you don’t understand what you’re talking about maybe you should shut the fuck up

I generally don't think about it

No matter what the crime is nobody should receive the death penalty.

Why not? If you take a life, yours should also be taken.

That’s the way it’s always been

dead thread bump

I don't think government is qualified to make that decision. With Life imprisonment, at least they can let the person go once they realize they fucked up.

You'd think so but it's actually cheaper.

The costs of food, housing and guards are lower than the massive amounts spent on a gazillion appeals through court... because lawyers and judges are a lot more more expensive than prison guards I guess.

Thought police? Hey user, let’s make Orwell fiction again, m’kay?

an eye for an eye mindset will cause a blind nation.

Edgy "The Edge" edgelord, ladies and Gentlemen.

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Supported the death penalty.
DNA started proving innocence of people on death row.
Now against the death penalty.


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