very stable genius
Very stable genius
Funny how we might pay for a wall he promised Mexico would pay. I never wanted that wall in the first place.
a lot of lies thrown around in 4 years with no accomplishments, only thing he didn't lie is about the collusion
Well, enjoy paying for it then, faggot. I bet you love it even more now, huh? Or why don't you just tie your wife and daughters up now and hand them over to the nearest Mexican rapist (they're everywhere, you won't have to look far)?
White extinction thanks to liberals. Enjoy your tranny monkey hybrids.
Well fuck you, we are paying for it. It's going to be shit, disrupt migration patterns of wildlife (other than Pedro), go massively over budget, be largely ineffective and never be completed, but we are fucking building it anyway.
And we are going to pay for it.
Deal with it.
imagine the smell off his ring right this moment
Pile cream, methinks.
Yeah it's all CGI.
Most rapists and chomos in this country are white, then black.
It won't stop immigrants from coming over. They will find a way. I hope you enjoy the now 9 billion dollar dud.
What's going on with his hands? And the flying pencil? And why does he think he killed him? And what's the punchline? Nothing about this image makes any sense.
Obama accomplished nothing in 8 years.
Liberals and their anything-goes mentality is a mental illness.
Hillary lost, Nixon was guilty, Clinton lied Bush had an financial motives for war and Trump is a simpleton.
What is your point?
Trump is a crybaby simpleton.
It doesn't matter how many of his words or actions you point out to his cult. They will either point to something positive he had no hand in a praise him for it or revel in his disgusting nature.
what about ObamaCare
Stop acting like you pay taxes faggot!
Niggers rape more people than everybody combined!