Veganism is the optimal diet choice. Better health, better ethically, better for the environment

Veganism is the optimal diet choice. Better health, better ethically, better for the environment.

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Other urls found in this thread:,p00080

>Veganism is the optimal diet choice. Better health, better ethically, better for the environment.

And I am still going to eat what the fuck I want to. What was your point?

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Did you know farmers have to wash vegetables before they sell them? Do you know why? Not just because of the pesticides, but because of the blood. Did you know that every time a field of produced is reaped, literally millions of different animals are murdered? At least when I eat a steak, it was killed so I could eat it. Your food has the blood of animals on it that no one is going to eat. Talk about ethical. Fucking retard.

If you receive data that counters your current knowledge and choose not to learn you are already a lost cause. You're a moron. Sorry user, carry on.

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What about the food that's fed to your animals? 99% of animals killed unethically for meat and byproducts are factory farmed. They are fed soy and corn. By your logic you have twenty times as much blood on your hands. Use your brain user.

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That’s my foods problem, dumbass. And I don’t care about my steak’s feelings

You basically just admitted you don’t care about wildlife that lives in the fields that farmers use to provide you food. You’re not just stupid, you’re a monster.

Thank you for that insight.

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So you admit that your logic is terrible and that you have no argument? Screencapped :^)

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ITT: Further proof that vegans are assholes

Crop fields do indeed disrupt the habitats of wild animals, and wild animals are also killed when harvesting plants. However, this point makes the case for a plant-based diet and not against it, since many more plants are required to produce a measure of animal flesh for food (often as high as 12:1) than are required to produce an equal measure of plants for food (which is obviously 1:1). Because of this, a plant-based diet causes less suffering and death than one that includes animals.
It is pertinent to note that the idea of perfect veganism is a non-vegan one. Such demands for perfection are imposed by critics of veganism, often as a precursor to lambasting vegans for not measuring up to an externally-imposed standard. That said, the actual and applied ethics of veganism are focused on causing the least possible harm to the fewest number of others. It is also noteworthy that the accidental deaths caused by growing and harvesting plants for food are ethically distinct from the intentional deaths caused by breeding and slaughtering animals for food. This is not to say that vegans are not responsible for the deaths they cause, but rather to point out that these deaths do not violate the vegan ethics stated above.

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Not looking like a twiggy boy = priceless

Enjoy your nutritional deficiencies.

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Vegans have less deficiencies on average according to a massive Harvard study. Enjoy being malnourished.

See above

Nah, meat it great. But I also like veggies.

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>TVs, computers and mobile phones with LCD displays may contain cholesterol taken from animals. Gelatin strikes again in battery production. The animal product is used in metal processing as it improves the structure of metals and manufacturers claim finding an alternative is very difficult.
Screencap this while you’re at it brainlet. And when you’re done, might as well burn your computer so we never have to hear you suck your own dick over how great being vegan is :^) hypocrite

Gary Smith sounds like a fucking cunt

>not enjoying both meats and plants
You aren't being the omnivore God made you out to be.

look into human biology. Our bodies, digestion system and teeth are designed for us to be omnivores.

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Meat and animal products is considered a tier 1 carcinogen and is the leading cause of dietary related death (9 of 10 of the actual leading causes of death). Educate yourself:

Veganism is the philosophical position that exploitation of and cruelty to sentient beings is ethically indefensible and should be avoided whenever it is possible and practicable to do so. Vegans themselves do not claim this position is absolute nor do they strive for perfection. Rather, the accusation that vegans fail to be vegan because they cannot be perfect is an external one imposed by people who do not understand veganism.
The term 'vegan' is defined as "a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude — as far as is possible and practicable — all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of humans, animals and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals." The meaning of the word 'vegan' excludes the possibility of perfection, and vegans themselves understand they cannot hold their philosophical position absolutely. However, this understanding in no way prevents them from making significant, positive changes in the world by choosing not to harm other sentient beings when and where they can. Clearly, anyone who makes this same decision is 100% perfect in their veganism.

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Slavery was already abolished 150 years ago, women already had the vote 100 years ago, black people in the majority of states already had equal rights under the law 50 years ago

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Post the studies.

>vegan since birth
>vegan 3+ years


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And everytime one of those stupid ideas was implemented, society slipped closer to the abyss. Stupid leftest ideas are still stupid.

Our preneolithic ancestors were frugivores and ate plants. Thanks for making my argument stronger user.

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One day we'll free vegetables from vegan slavery

Yeah nah you need SOME animal protein in your diet, although it should be a complementary to mostly plant based diet.

Vegans are just another militaristic group that take things too far, many of them would like to impose it on the world by some kind of wicked law.

The truth is once again somewhere in the middle and you need to have your diet balanced. We are not omnivores by mistake.

What we really need to focus on is decent living conditions for animals that give us those proteins. Strict mandatory free range, selective breeding instead of growth hormones and antibiotics, caring personnel and quick, painless death. So what if the purpose of animal's life is to feed us? nothing wrong with that, but let it live life as close to it's natural state as possible and kill it with respect and mercy.

This would drive the price of these animal products higher, making it more scarce in our diet, ergo more in line with my first paragraph. Let people have a choice what to eat and let animals live good lives.

I just came in this thread to say I'm fucking high and weed is an herb, so am I vegetarian?

seriously if we just nuked california this would all go away

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>eat spinch faggot

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Yes. In third world countries. Education isn't free, and they have to help their families.

>veganism isn’t perfect
I’ve never ever heard a vegan ever say anything close to this. I mean, maybe I heard a guy say it once, but his voice was muffled while he was huffing his own farts

Yeahhhh about that.

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Eat this

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The UKs population is 8% vegan and growing rapidly. Canada and the US are right behind. The world is waking up to cruelty and health science. The internet is shaming industry lies.

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Now this is F R E S H

>Meat and animal products is considered a tier 1 carcinogen
Doesn't scare me one bit, we all gotta go at some point.

i think we should all laugh if he thinks blacks got equal rights only 50 years ago.

There are studies hinting at a possible lower/different levels of consciousness in plant life. What if few years down the road we confirm this and plans are deemed sentient and reacting to death?

Will you eat air?

Said every cousin fucking, pill popper in a flyover state.

But you are still not addressing the fact that humans can not receive all the needed nutrition from a plant only diet. There are amino acid chains that can only be found in animal protein, unless you want to be consuming artificial nutrients. I would rather my diet be real and organic.

If you listen closely, you can hear it mooing.

Vegans draw the line at hurting sentient individuals. Plants lack nerves, let alone a central nervous system, and cannot feel pain or respond to circumstances in any deliberate way (not to be confused with the non-conscious reactions they do have). Unlike animals, plants lack the ability or potential to experience pain or have sentient thoughts, so there isn't an ethical issue with eating them.
The words 'live', 'living' and 'alive' have completely different meanings when used to describe plants and animals. A live plant is not conscious and cannot feel pain. A live animal is conscious and can feel pain. Therefore, it's problematic to assert that plants have evolved an as-yet undetectable ability to think and feel but not the ability to do anything with that evolutionary strategy (e.g. running away, etc.). Regardless, each pound of animal flesh requires between four and thirteen pounds of plant matter to produce, depending upon species and conditions. Given that amount of plant death, a belief in the sentience of plants makes a strong pro-vegan argument.

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Wrong. Animals do not create protein. They do not synthesize certain proteins. The "essential proteins" are found in plants. All cells are made of protein. Aninals cannot create protein themselves without other protein. Protein is only created by plants. Please educate yourself. Rice and beans is a complete protein. Protein deficiency has never been recorded outside of anorexia or bolemia.

No. Bacteria in the gut of herbivores give them the amino acids as a biproduct of their consumption if the fermented vegetation. That is how they build muscle. Humans do not have this same capability, so they have to eat protein from animals.

Meat is 80% bioavailabe in human digestion tract

Beans are 45% bioavailable

Try harder brainlet

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Rice and beans are a complete protein minus one amino acid that is only produced by the body of animals and fish. They are even having a difficult time artificially producing it.

Fucking kek
t. Op

Lysine? Try reading more.

>Rice - a complete protein
nigga u dum

B12 is essential for humans, doesn’t exist in vegan food. We were never meant to be vegetarians.

B12 exists only in plants naturally. B12 is made from bacteria.

If animals aren't meant to be eaten, why are they all made out of Food?
And kill and devour each other on the regular, heck even ants keep lice as cattle to use their honeydew as foodsource.

Signed: SoyBeto


Only when paired with beans. Learn chemistry.

Rice has a higher carbo level than any other grain brainlet.

>natural fallacy

Useless /pol/ alex jones nonargument

Yes, but it has some simple proteins and when paired with beans makes the closest to a complete protein chain found in a plant based diet.

Veganism is the result of a morally unethical mind.

Where do you base your ethics?

>The meat industry is now paying people to shitpost on Yea Forums

Then why do we have canine teeth? Maybe it’s because were carnivores. I don’t see lions eating a lot of leafy greens

>Better health
Wrong, vegans are missing key nutrients in their diets. And vegans experience heart disease at identical rates to normals.

>better ethically
Debatable and situational.

>better for the environment.
Absolutely 100% false. Land needs to be worked by animals. Without farms we have very little livestock. Far too little to work all the land in the word. When you don't run animals on property that property dies.

How many carnivores have switched over to vegetarian?

Have you tried tearing hide with your canines? Are you kidding?

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Check all of your facts with one Google search and come back with actual facts.

the difference between all of those things and what you just said, is that I'm literally not obligated to care about it, except maybe to call you a faggot for making people care about their weight

Not a vegan, not a vegetarian, don't care about it.
But this is definitely true.
Especially when lab grown meat products become cheaper and more sustainable than regular meat and we stop slaughtering animals, give it a generation no one will be cool with it anymore.

>All anemic due to lack of natural vitamin B12
No thanks

Based, but until then you should truly consider a better diet

>What is vitamin B12?

>Don't care about it
I exaggerated a bit.
I was broke last year and switched to a most vegetarian diet. Never stopped, I eat meat still with no moral qualms, that's where not caring comes in.. but every 2-3 days instead of daily.

give it a generation or two and the Muslim Empire formerly known as Europe will be the biggest exporter of meat on earth

Anemia is not caused by b12 deficiency nor do vegans primarily have b12 deficiency currently. Any study that tells you otherwise was pre-1990. Even almond milk is b12 fortified now. Even Monster energy drinks have a daily dose or two of b12. Both vegans and nonvegans were deficient prior to 90s studies. Now it's almost unfound in diets due to fortification. B12 is also not found in factory farmed meat and must be supplemented.

Then why is it only obtainable naturally from animal products?

If we weren't supposed to eat animals why were they made out of food?

B12 is not a protein. Before you say that you didnt say this, you posted b12 as a rebuttle/reply to a post about protein. You have some serious basic high school nutrition to get through user. Go study.


It is amazing you can segue from such great reaches to this..
You have an obsession.

Certainly not better for my taste buds.
Yeah, veganism is good for you and good for the planet and all that shit, but ultimately, I want to eat meat because I like the taste. I would have no problem avoiding it if it was only okay or I flat out disliked it. Fake meat isn't the same.
If I had to go out and hunt my own food for whatever reason, I would still eat meat. In fact, I'd go out of my way to farm my own meat if I could. Plants are delicious when prepared correctly, but I appreciate all foods. I have a short amount of time here as it is, and seeing as I will not be around to experience things after I have passed, there logically is no reason not to indulge myself. This is discounting that this moral dilemma is only so because you are making it so - you are not the arbiter of right and wrong.

While it is true that B12 is not produced by plants, it is also not produced by animals. Rather, B12 is the byproduct of a specific bacterial fermentation that thrives in soil, some fermented plant matter, dead flesh and the guts of animals. Fortunately, this bacteria is easily mass-produced for human consumption now, and many foods are fortified with it, so there is no need to eat animals in order to receive sufficient B12.
It is a common misconception that B12 comes from the flesh of animals. However, the truth is far more complex. For instance, ruminant mammals like cows and sheep have stomachs with multiple chambers, and these are excellent growing environments for the bacteria that make B12. Equally important are the grasses these animals eat straight from the soil, which is another primary source of this nutrient. Taken together, the stomachs of ruminant mammals and the soil in the vegetation they eat provide them with the B12 their bodies need. In humans, however, B12 grows in the large intestine, which is located beneath the ileum where it is absorbed. Further, most of us are unwilling to eat unwashed produce, so we do not receive sufficient B12 from the soil. This leaves us with a choice. We can either consume the flesh of dead animals, which contains the B12 the animal has absorbed and is itself another medium for the growth of this bacteria, or we can supplement with B12. Interestingly, factory-farmed animals are regularly fed B12 supplements for various reasons, so it is logical to conclude that we could simply take a B12 supplement as well rather than passing it through the body of a non-human animal first.

>What is pernicious anemia?
Also this BTFO’s your claim on vegan diet being natural and healthy as lack of b12 does lead to anemia, if you don’t believe me then here

I’m aware it’s not a protein, just thought I’d bring it up again as it is essential to the body and can only really be gotten from ingestion of meats and animal products, also I’d recommend you read up on b12 as you are not aware that deficiency of it causes anemia.

This is why cities inevitably turn into population sinks, contra survival ideation gets reinforced until collapse...

>Pernicious anemia is an autoimmune disease that affects the gastric mucosa and results in gastric atrophy. This leads to the destruction of parietal cells, achlorhydria, and failure to produce intrinsic factor, resulting in vitamin B12 malabsorption [3,5,9-11].
Its something that causes B12 deficiency you stupid fuck. Can't you read?

Where ever your information is coming from, they're fucking ignorant...
You're just stupid for parroting it.

I didn't realize Steroids were certified Vegan...

I know it causes b12 deficiency but you claimed earlier that b12 deficiency does not cause anemia, you seem to be too retarded to remember your own claims, pernicious anemia disproves that claim as a failure of b12 absorption leads to anemia. b12 deficiency is also commonly seen in vegans that don’t take supplements or eat b12 fortified foods, and this deficiency leads to anemia.

First World Problems...

Also, since you seem to be mentally fucking retarded

Like we needed any...

Sure. But it is not simply caused by a B12 deficiency. You're an idiot for assuming that it does and you cannot follow logic so at this point I am no longer responding to you because you're a fucking moron. Have a great day

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>a metaanalysis you find from Google that uses 1974 as its dataset
Wow it's almost like you don't know how to follow a study and don't understand English! Great job!

hmm, how about we look at those "out there"(sarcasm font) science sites on how eating cooked meat was vital to our brains evolving to the size they did:

just a few of the articles where this is documented. We wouldnt be evolved like we are today if our ancestors hadn't started eating cooked meat.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go and keep my brain from backsliding by cooking steak for dinner. :)

I’ve provided you with evidence of lack of b12 causing anemia and yet you still refuse to accept facts. What are you gonna say next? The earth is flat? Bloodletting is effective? Vaccines cause autism?

>hey look a bunch of articles and blogs agree with me! no need for peer review if it says it on reddit!

The fuck are you talking about?
If stepping in dogshit causes me to get herpes you wouldn't say that herpes gives you dogshit. Follow the post history and read your own article you absolute, hogtied moron.,p00080

How many more do I need to provide? Please give me one thing saying vitamin b12 deficiency does not cause anemia, and no bs from a pro vegan facebook account or something.

Read those and please provide 1 STUDY SAYING OTHERWISE

>The internet is an echo chamber that legitimizes all manner of crackpot ideas

i agree but i would rather have a nice juicy steak

Nothing more highly organized than slime mold is morally pure by that yardstick...
Your navel-gazing is amusing, but don't expect many adults to take you seriously...
BTW, Oxygen is a carcinogen and your luck will eventually run out if you hang around long enough.

Anemia is caused by the body not being able to create enough red blood cells. If you don't get say enough protein that can cause anemia. If you don't get enough of x that can cause anemia. You can't say that a B12 deficiency causes anemia solely. Nothing about a B12 deficiency can cause anemia other than the fact that the body cannot produce enough healthy red blood cells. Saying that B12 deficiencies directly cause anemia is in fact true, however a B12 deficiency is not the root cause of anemia. The fact of the matter is you're a fucking dipshit and you have no idea what you're talking about. Go back to middle school and take a class on biology.

If b12 has no affect on RBC formation, then pernicious anemia wouldn’t even exist, as pernicious anemia makes it so the body can’t absorb b12 from the animal products it consumes leading to the deformation of RBCs and anemia

>Its something that causes B12 deficiency you stupid fuck. Can't you read?

I never claimed that b12 deficiency is the cause of all anemia, but it can cause anemia as the RBCs do not form correctly. You also contradicted yourself
>Nothing about B12 deficiency can cause anemia
>other than the fact that the body cannot produce enough RBCs
Do you even know what anemia is?
Also I don’t think I linked this one yet

Good sense here, let's not forget that we domesticated grazing animals as a handy way of turning grass and leaves that people can't eat into tasty meat and/or milk that we can...

So pernicious anemia doesn’t cause anemia? Just b12 deficiency?

Itt: Doctors and nutritionists.

Ok, so you think that articles from Live Science,Time, Scientific American, and The National Center for Biotechnology Information are some fringe publications that you can ignore?

It's not like they were the only ones I found either. I just kept the list short so your meat protein starved brain could take in the information. Google "link between brain evolution and meat eating" and pretty much every respected publication agrees with this.

Nah, you're just a pothead.
If you were eating lots of brownies you might get some good karma from these twits...


The infestation is metastasizing, nuking Kali would just slow down the madness...

Even a broken clock is right twice a day...

First World Problems...

Bitch you linked a youtube video as evidence earlier

Reading the first half of that, I thought this was going to be a shit post for a human liberties movement like some LGBQTXWZ bullshit.

Turns out it was only for some even less relevant veganism bullshit. Kek.

Alright then OP, as you were.

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Don't care, currently eating bear. Leaving the thread now so you can't even reply. Haha autistic user, I won :^)

Comes from an unhealthy separation from the natural world, derived and esoteric ethics with no basis in reality.
Too many generations away from the soil...

Imagine being so insecure about your diet that you feel like you need to justify it on Yea Forums of all places

And assorted dupes are posting for ConAgra free-of-charge...

Wrooooooong :)

I consider veganism is when i eat vegans

Nothing anyone says will bring You back to reality, I'm mostly concerned with what sort of idiocy you'll manage to browbeat and moral-panic into law...

First World Problems...
We're in Peak LibTard right now, I expect we'll be arguing other stupid things in a few generations.

How much dumber can these arguments get?

The Caliphate will give no fucks about all your esoterical ethics, and it'll be your own fucking fault...

It might sound weird, but vegetarianism and veganism aren't the same thing.

OK, you be a vegan.

historically there has never been a successful vegetarian/vegan society.

and it's not about to happen now.