How does b/ find a good country girl? who likes doing outdoor stuff?

how does b/ find a good country girl? who likes doing outdoor stuff?
all I fuckin do is work. and I refuse to do stuff in the city shits fuckin lame.
inb4 go to /out/
/b is better

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country girl wear hat that big yes :-)


This is as good a place as any to ask. I wish you the best of luck in finding that country girl. What kind of country stuff are you talking about? Hunting? Fishing? Camping? Hiking? Rock Climbing? Para-gliding? Sailing? It might help to narrow it down, if possible.

Camping hiking fishing hunting riding dirtbikes.
Anything out in the woods and mountains like exploring for caves and mines. I have a serious call of the wild I jus love being out there. But how do I find a girl if that's what I like doin?

Are you asian?

Kek I totally thought about this. But I'm not into looking online for girls. Seems kinda pathetic to me.
No I'm white. German French Portuguese American Indian.

Haha whoops didn't see u were replying to that ding dong up there.
I'm a dumbass

Alot of people meet online.

Ya but I dont want to be one of them

I don't know if you have a choice.

this is probably a pretty good idea ngl
im guessing you already live somewhere in the south but if you don't that might be a good start

Just moved to rural texas
Good call b/ro

there's groups and clubs that you can sign up for that do all these things mentioned, it's a good way to make friends with those interests as well as girls to date.

I know there's hunting clubs around here never heard of other clubs like that. I'll have to look into that
Atta b/ro

yeah you'll have to search for the local options; if you're rural though you might have to travel a bit. the closest decent city will definitely have a lot of groups like that though

I want nothing to do with city girls tho?
I'm in a very rural spot

its just to find meet up groups; everyone who wants to do that stuff from rural areas has to congregate in the cities to find groups of like minded people

What if I have personal reasons why I need to stay away from cities completely. Am I totally fucked?

Believe it or not weird girls that act like they are goth n shit are your best bet. They will treat you good and are secretly outdoorsy types. If you’re in the south of course.

you could search online for where people in your general area do meetups; might be something might not

I'm not a child anymore everyone grows out of that shit
I feel like I would be the new guy who doesnt fit in cuz I have no friends around here. I'll look into it tho

>I feel like I would be the new guy who doesnt fit in cuz I have no friends around here. I'll look into it tho
yeah that's why i was suggesting meetup groups instead of just looking for invidual people with those interests... those groups are extremely friendly towards new people; meeting new friends is the whole point

Yea true. And I wont know if I dont try I guess. I'm just a shy and nervous dumbass around new people

Give any girl enough liquor, meth, and a pair of boots and you got yourself a genuine horsefucking country girl.

yeah im like that too; thats why the common interest groups are good though; you've got common ground to talk about, something to do, and people that are looking to make friends, so people will usually start talking to you

I usually just do a bunch of meth. Liquor up a cow. Put it's back legs in my boots. And get to gettin.
Close enough?

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