The discouragement and banning of weed have ruined the Japanese mind for creativity

The discouragement and banning of weed have ruined the Japanese mind for creativity.

Since drugs are heavily discouraged, there's hardly anything new in the Japanese media. It's all tropes and subversion of tropes.

Very disappointing.

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Meanwhile the widespread use of marijuana in the West has led to a creative boom, with very few remakes or sequels.

>led to a creative boom, with very few remakes or sequels.
i lol'd

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There is a difference between what the West is doing. The west just have no passion for their work and most of them are selling out. There is still a few who have passion for their work.

The Japanese have passion, but there seems to be no creativity brewing so they have to play it safe until something just magically appears

>there seems to be no creativity brewing
u wot

Yes there are isekais gachas and fate making money but there always have been, also subversion of tropes is a lame substitute for creativity which is why the west already mined it out.

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There is hardly anything genrebusting for a while now. Look at all the sequels and adaptions the Japanese make. It's all way too safe.

Where does this retarded notion that drugs promote creativity come from?

You don't have to genrebust to be creative, user.


>with very few remakes or sequels.

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Reminder that weed causes Schizophrenia between other mental illnesses.

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Does it not? The 1960-70s were full of actual creativity

Can't really draw causality from the presence of drugs there, especially stuff like weed. You might have some kind of case with hallucinogens, but that only drives creativity a few specific directions.

>weed makes you creative
Imagine being this much of a druggie.

Sup Joe Rogan.

>actual creativity
In what way? When I think of this argument I think people that use it in regards to music but psychedelic music wasn't all good and you also had a lot of trash from people whose minds were fried from taking too much LSD. Most of the stuff that came out of it too was the concepts and context of the music rather than the music itself, where the experimental concepts had already been done by people on the bleeding edge of modern classical music earlier.

Creativity does not come from taking psychedelics, you can watch most documentaries about musicians in that genre and they will tell you they make they music when they are clean, same with people who draw, of course they do psychedelics to enjoy it much more but that's something different, people who are talented are just talented without the need of drugs.

>its another thread of educating dumb weeb neets about the potential wonders of drugs
scientific studies
*triggers latent mental illnesses
the 60s/70s were a very counter culture time partly due to psychedelics with essentially rewire your brain and make people more critical of rigid societal structures, which led to more interesting art. America didnt like a lot of young people being critical of their country though so they started the war on drugs, leading to a decrease of creativity in the 80s


>triggers latent mental illnesses

See, the fact is that you can't know if you have it until it is triggered so it could happen to anyone.

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drugs =/= creativity

Duuude, like, drugs expand your mind bro. Never mind all the literal noise released in the 60s from people too high to make anything coherent, have you listened to, like, the Beatles or Pink Floyd? Nobody can be creative without drugs, just light one up bro. #Bernie2020

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By creativity you mean not showering and obtaining multiple stds.

LSD literally fries your brain, weed is less harmfull but still trash.

Because some do.
Weed isn't among them. I can clearly see that strong hallucinogens have this function. And I can also see alcohol work that way, because it affects language in a certain way.

But weed just makes you lose interest in everything.

As a depressant, weed is an anti-creative drug.

Duuude it's a plant it's chill fuck the police broo

right but it only triggers it if you already have it, which dramatically decreases the chances of happening. it
is something you have to be aware of
do some of your own research before repeating dumb fearmongering propaganda that has been proven false

psychedelic drugs open your mind to spiritual factes not intellect.




Fuck off, pothead nigger.

Why are you mad? Want some weed to chill out?

>right but it only triggers it if you already have it

Not that accurate either, weed can help you develop some other mental problems related to cognition, anxiety and much more, sometimes a bad set&setting can lead up to a really bad experience that ends in some long term consequences.
When it comes to LSD (not nbome or other copycat garbage) yeah it's "harmless" as weed is but still fucks with your brain chemistry in a more deeper level, the abuse of this substance won't kill you but if you think it won't melt your cognitive system then you are just being naive.


Didn't expect Yea Forums to get so mad about this topic :O

weed isnt a psychedelic mate, set and setting dont really matter, if you have a "bad high" you just fall asleep, its not gonna mentally mess you up that way. but with lsd even pure shit you gotta be careful, while it can fundamentally help you with your life and sort out trauma and stuff, if you take it in the wrong place or in the wrong mental state it can mess you up. but you cant really 'abuse' it like other drugs because its so intense you dont want to trip again for a while after.

So why is Cannabis the worst thing ever, while Tobacco (Which causes Lung Cancer) and Alcohol (Which poisons your liver and causes drunk driving accidents) get a free pass? Why not ban all three if they're all that terrible for you?

Tobacco and alcohol have always been legal while weed was always illegal. They tried banning alcohol and it didn't work. Though it's not like weed being illegal (or most other drugs) keep people from using it. The state of weed legalization is really strange to me because it seems like it's a lot more complicated than with tobacco and alcohol. There's all these caveats and people with authority trying to make a quick buck off of it rather than making it actually legal in the same way that alcohol and tobacco are.

Because taking away an established piece of culture worked so well the last time people tried, right?
And no matter how you twist or turn it, marijuana is not as culturally significant as tobacco or alcohol.

Reminder mind-altering drugs are the highest common correlation in mass killings, more than Islam or neo-nazism

>if you have a "bad high" you just fall asleep
I doubt you can fall asleep while having a panic attack, because that's what happens when you have a really bad trip on weed.

Genrebusting only seems obvious and rapid in retrospect.

>The discouragement and banning of weed have ruined the Japanese mind for creativity

This couldn't be further from the actual truth. If You're going to strawman, at least use another area for your shitty pro-cannabis agenda they genuinely fail in.

Considering the drug-fuelled nog stabbing happening in London I'd chose Japan's rigid laws over our non-enforcement policy anyday.

Japan is pretty bad at the whole innovating new ideas thing but they're masters of incremental improvement on a tried and true concept and great imitators. Western big business literally copied Toyota's and Sony's business philosophies back in the '90s and are applying them now. The West is great at innovating and massive change but just because it's new and different doesn't mean it's good - see modern "art" and planned obsolesence.

yeah weed panic attacks suck but in my experience they only last about half an hour and only come from eating too many edibles like an idiot. also they wont do anything major, they just make you panic for a bit.
japans strict weed laws only work becuase its never really been a part of their culture. here in Britain we take every drug under the sun regardless of legality, so unless its legalised and can be easily bought people are gonna be killing each other over it. but hey, much better than giving your people the right to make their own choice though right?

I find it weird that it's not considered as culturally significant as tobacco or alcohol given that it's every bit as old as either. Herodotus wrote of Cannabis use by the Scythians over 3,000 years ago. It was used in Islamic countries in preference to Alcohol for centuries. It's like the long history of Cannabis use has been forgotten or buried the moment it became unfashionable to do so.

In Islamic countries, yes.
In European culture? Not so much.

Yeah dude DUDEWEEDLMAO guy in Hollywood is pushing boundaries everyday

pot doesn't make you creative, 99% of people who use pot just become stupider, lazier versions of themselves

people who come up with good ideas while high on whatever were generally already very creative, brilliant people and all the drugs did was alter their perspective and make it easier to think of new ideas

the same thing could've been achieved with enough introspection and life experiences, but drugs are a handy shortcut if you don't want to leave your urban apartment

Big Business wants money and so do the cartels

Japan is more creative than hollywood

They used to be. These days with the endless generic Isekais, I'm not so sure.

so what you're saying is, recreational drug use should be legalized but only if you've created at least one acclaimed work of genius?

Yeah my shithole country is majestic

Try watching more than 3 anime in a season, casual.

ITT: people both for and against drugs who don't know what they're talking about.

>I find it weird that it's not considered as culturally significant as tobacco or alcohol given that it's every bit as old as either.
Not in European culture. Alcohol is older than writing for Europeans, it is literally prehistoric in the traditions of westerners. Saying 'b-b-but some other culture has been toking for as long as we've been boozing!' doesn't magically make the west accept something alien to its foundations.

By that stretch Tobacco should also be unacceptable, given that it's an American plant that was only discovered by Europeans after Columbus and thus doesn't even have the same longevity in culture as Cannabis.

Why not legalize it and undercut the stabbers so you don't have to deal with either?

>3 years for weed ash in a pipe

holy fuck

yeah, and I'm sure you could be a millionaire if you really wanted too.

VICE Japan did some documentaries on cannabis in Japan.

I know it's Vice, but it's still pretty interesting. They interview a woman dying of Cancer who smokes a bong every night.

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>much better than giving your people the right to make their own choice though right?
>choice to make edgy jokes
>choice to buy a butterknife
>choice to defend against burglars
>choice to not pay for BBC
>choice to live in a country with your countrymen
>nah what's important is the right to get stoned and giggle all day

Even isekais are more creative than anything hollywood shits out

There have been endless generic everythings since they first aired anime.

Holy shit the squinty eyes. I'm fucking dying.

No they aren't lmao.

Powerup Comics was ahead of its time.

But degeneracy is openly associated with creativity in the west, due to liberal use of recreational drugs.

...bruh. can you at least pretend not to be a weaboo? Japan sekai ichi!!!! Desu ne???

I just want to pitch in and say that most anime “sequels” are continuations of an incomplete adaptation, while western movie “sequels” are unnecessary rehashes off a completed story tacked on to make more cash. I don’t read enough manga to say if the manga industry is doing a lot of the latter so this post may just out me as a retard.

We have that discussion over on /ic/ all the fucking time. Only losers are obsessed with drugs and creativity. In almost all cases, great artists that are addicted to some substance made it DESPITE their addiction, not thanks to it.

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I'd take that Shield Hero crap over capeshit any day. Current Hollywood is a fucking joke.

Manga's in a fantastic place right now.

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My user can't possible this biased.
Take those blinders off bro.

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>Current Hollywood is a fucking joke.
No one is disputing this, however, your run of the mill anime is just as bad and maybe worse.

Kamome's art is JUST

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>cape movies
>pretty much one studio that has a fun formula and one studio that makes good trailers
>reusing heroes from the literal 1930s
>parodized by Deadpool making pop culture references

>lots of studios trying to differentiate
>stories compete in darwinian morass of WNs and LNs, occasionally they mix things up
>parodized by Konosuba with good comedic timing and Megumin

>tfw it's her debut work
Talent just isn't distributed fairly

Tobacco smokers are treated like walking cancer, what are you talking about? You can't smoke indoors in most cities and states in America, smoking places are put in inconvenient areas at most workplaces and shopping centers, even Vaping and Electric Cigs are getting cracked down on. (Though Vapers generally act like asses about it in the first place) They may not outright ban it but you are made a social pariah over it.

I'm not defending cape movies.

But is this bait?

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Would you rather watch Re:Zero or Iron Fist? Be honest.

>List one of the better isekais
>List one of the worst capeshit


I wasn't the guy you replied to btw.
I may be biased of course, I don't know. Out of all those I watched I only enjoyed the Guardians of the Galaxy 1/2 and Iron Man 1, the rest I wasn't too fond of. They way they rehash the same formula in a way that is somehow even less creative than isekaishit gets really boring. They take themselves way too seriously and never have enough of these shitty one-liners. Different strokes and all that. If you find enjoyment where I can't, it's all good.


>American reading comprehension

Ignoring cape shit movies. Some hollywood movies are pretty kino.

I agree Asians have been raised their whole lives to be repeating robots. They do good doing as they're told, but nothing else.

I'm glad this thread was moved instead of deleted. WHA isn't the mangaka's first/debut work. She did a one shot and a short series before it. She also does a lot of work drawing American comic book covers.

We're fine user. We're gmi.

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Damn, I haven't been in Yea Forums for like a decade.