Hey Yea Forums. This is a question for femanons if there's any...

Hey Yea Forums. This is a question for femanons if there's any. So ypu find white pearls repulsivs even though they're nog harmful in any way? Pic related

Attached: protuberancias-blancas-debajo-de-la-cabeza-del-eje.png (425x228, 58K)

So what do you expect us to say? That we find them attractive? At the very least we have to ignore them. At the most it's a deal-breaker

Attached: I+got+the+pepe+delete+before+its+compromised+_e7f2553b9a963470cfb4b7c1ad8e7074.jpg (704x400, 75K)

You have an STD fag

Probably the only non-insulting answer you're gonna get OP. Shits not common an looks like disease. If you can trick a girl in to sticking around to listen to what it is then they probably won't care too much, assuming they believe you.

does anyone else has small brown pumps on the penis glans?

It's yucky and gross

I have this shit.
My gf doesn't care at all

I have these as well and my fiance doesn't car, she still sucks my dick

Baarrrffff, what the hell

does she succ it?