Does /b believe that every person has a gift?

Does /b believe that every person has a gift?
My sister is an amazing artist, her gift has been obvious since she was like 5yo.
I have no fuckin idea what my gift is, if I even have one.
I'm an adult never figured it out. I grew up believing everyone has one now I'm not sure. How do I find out what it is?

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Well, what makes you happy?

I dont know that's another problem I'm going thru I dont know what makes me happy or what I want out of life

Ask her if she wants to be in my discord art server. How old is she now?

>Does /b believe that every person has a gift?


Most people are useless sacks of shit. Sounds like you're most people.

Attached: George-Carlin-Think-of-how-stupid-the-average-person-is.jpg (295x320, 24K)

She's like 32 I think but I doubt she would be interested she went to college forever for art she works online and shit not sure what she does exactly. And I dont really talk to her that much

Are you most people?

Well I'm not that. The only thing that's remotely close to a gift for me is I catch on to things fast like board sports and baseball when I was young. And now anything I do at work I get good at it fast.
And I have a ton of common sense which let's me see the bigger picture of everything. But that's not a fuckin gift its sometimes a fuckin curse

Well... Then you got some soul searching to do first user.

I'm basically in the same situation. Super talented sister who's done well for herself, me: no talent what so bloody ever and basically a complete washout.

Trying to stay positive gets me through the day (and keeps me from killing myself). Helping others is a good way to stay positive.

Ya I feel ya. Some days the depression kicks in hard and I feel like I need to run away or some shit. I already moved half way across the country to get away and sometimes i want to go to a different state again just to be somewhere new cuz that helps for a lil bit. I've been alone for a while now

Same here. But it's just a quick fix.

And being this rootless doesn't get easier with age. Just lonely.

Ya and I'm pretty fuckin lonely and I've always hated it. The only thing that makes life tolerable is having a woman who loves you that wants to be with you all the time. And God knows when I'll find another woman. I moved to rural area where there's not alot of people. And nothing to fuckin do but work

People are horrible, and women are people.

For me, work has always been relaxing since it takes my mind off of things. So I started volunteering and help people out. Handyman stuff mostly.

Met a lot of people who where worse off, which gave me perspective on things. It also made me feel less lonely.

Work definately takes my mind of things and keeps me busy. Keeps me away from suicidal thoughts, for the most part. I just feel lost in life it sucks. It makes me want to start using again so I'm numb from everything

i bet you are really good at deepthroating cock OP. people pay good money for that

Yeah, well I'd discourage you from that. It's basically a downward spiral. And it doesn't help you in finding out your gift in life.

Helping others helped me a lot, because it made me happy. But we're all different of course.

From the way he talks he probably takes cocks in his ass all the way to the root. Bretty good gift if you ask me.

You're singularly talented at being completely fucking useless. that's your gift, faggot.

Ya I wont. Took me a long time to get clean I'm not goin back. And helping others only makes me feel good for a short time.
Appreciate the replys b/rother

What took you guys so long?

I meant you faggot.
Accidently clicked my own comment

Anytime. Stay strong Yea Forumsrother. You'll make it!

sorry i was writing disparaging comments about Jewish people and missed your thread

You have the amazing gift of orally pleasuring penises

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My gift is that I'm good at literally everything I try... but I never master anything.
Ever since I was little I was good enough to enter competitions and shit, but rarely good enough to win or be the best.
Jack of all trades master of none.

Just dont let it happen again

Sounds like a curse.
I recommend learning a trade and making some money right quick
No one is a master at a trade