What do you think about Jewish people?

What do you think about Jewish people?

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Depends on the person, they’re God’s chosen people, that’s the first part of the Bible talks about them. Outside of that, I don’t really know any Jewish people.

I tired of their bullshit!

I think the Bible calls them chosen in the sense that they’re chosen by God to spread the faith

What bullshit? Honestly how many Jewish people have you ever even met before?

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Worthless fucking niggers


I think you hate Jews because you hate Christianity

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I don't, I live in blissful ignorance



nigger spotted

Her and Sarah Silverman (younger)... there's something about some of these gawky jewettes and their tits that just works, no idea what it is but there's definitely a type

in b4 "jesus was jew"

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they are alright I guess met one or two both pretty nice but it's just a religion just as long they don't all get together and make plans for us

No Nazi my family’s Scots Irish and Italian

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The Nazis were neo pagan, new age freaks. The Nazis hated Christianity but tolerated it to influence the masses. Nazism is an evil ,despotic, authoritarian, socialist, anti-Christian, genocidal crees and it’s disgusting that anyone with an iota of commmon sense would think it’s anything different

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If you're gonna be racist at least use the correct fucking slur. Fucking hell man.

meh. they don't bother me

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Almost correct. They were "chosen" to represent and serve as exemplars of godly people. This was a burden God set upon them as their duty to uphold. Unfortunately, it has been taken by Jews to mean they have Gods approval to lord themselves over the rest of humanity. "You are my chosen people" has shown itself to be the most destructive statement made in the history of humanity.

I think they're retarded for naming themselves after a religion. Makes no sense and sometimes makes it impossible to distinguish.

I got swindled by one. He owes me$365. I hate them now.

Irish and italians are both nigger tier.

Is she a jew? If so, she's hot. I've always liked her, she's aged so well which is rare. Anyway, I don't have an opinion about them either way. I can tell you this, a jew can be as much a retarded dickhead as anyone so if you mean ethnically, aren't they just a different kind of white people?

First of all do you even believe in God? Second of all you need to read the entire Old Testament and New Testment to make sense of that statement. God kept punishing the Jews by making them wonder in the desert for 40 years, and taking away the ark of the covenant. Then Jesus came and died for our sins. God promised the Jews the holy land and prophesized the creation of the state of Israel thousands of years before it existed

this is the nigger, for sure

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Only jews I ever met in real life definitely fit the stereotype. Money stealing and backstabbing human garbage. I'm sure there's exceptions but stereotypes exist for a reason.

It's their religion that teaches insatiable greed and corruption.

This is extremely true. Neither count as white, especially Irish.

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As a jew
I think their ok

I dont know any. I never understood why the US cares so much about them

Man I can say ur fucking wrong
I live in Israel and I can say that we are not like this why people have this stereotype up their ass

Nazis were actually very christian. Look up the actual uniforms they wore. Which is also bad of course. Christianity is the scum of the earth. Subhuman religion of child rape, torture, slavery, and mass deception.

Because I met like 3 who were scammers.

I heard they are responsible for like 10% of the noble prizes, but make out only like .01% of the global population. thats a nice ROI i think

Do you mean Islam?

Good goy. Reject your culture, don't reproduce and nothing matters.

Those are staged fake shit. Nobody decent earns one. Jewish stageplay.

Christian pedophiles aren't my culture trust me on that one.

I don't know the exact numbers, but aren't they part of 50% of the top 1% while only being 1-2% of the population.

i dont like them

there is nothing uniquely special about jewish people, they just happen to have social customs that have made them more successful (washing hands leads to better health, being able to lend money in Christian Europe) but also more oppressed (keeping/reproducing among themselves, weird jew dances that look like satanism, often travelling to far lands making them minorities). Therefore they appear to have miraculous success against all odds, but really if anyone adopted those customs they'd be in the same position. With the rise of modern globalism, many of those beneficial tendencies are being adopted by other social groups (also why I think a lot of people call globalism a jew conspiracy). One day a Jewish person will seem no more special or sinister than any other (except for what's caused by religious sillyness)

Scots Irish are subhuman white trash.

The only times I've really engaged with Jews was through business and every encounter ended with them stealing or stabbing me in the back.

So I do believe the stereotype. Also don't like how some of the most powerful people in the world are all Jewish.

my jewish gf was a good fuck. would do anything in bed.

Ashkenazi Jews are actually the smartest ethnic group on earth.

Bullshit. More Jew lies.

i have a deep seated hatred for jews. i grew up in a catholic / jewish home. father was a drunk piece of shit, also jewish. he used to drag me to temple and make fun of my nerdyness to all his friends. they would laugh at me and insult the fuck out of me. still occasionally see them but they dont say anything anymore cause muh 6'2

Cumskin cope.

You should have put a baby in that.

She was Ashkenazi. Not really bright, but I look back on it and say, wow.

no matter how many times i look down a woman's cleavage, i can never see the sack of jew gold that all jews have hidden around their neck. those chains must be really long (like their noses)

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At least they're not christians lol jews are a logical type of human, appeal to their intellect and they'll share their good fortunes with you. The only thing that separates the christian from the muslim is that the muslim actually has conviction in its beliefs, christians are cowards. They have absolutely no virtue in them whatsoever which is why their whole religion is based on turning the other cheek. They are the "conscientious objectors" of all religions.

Intense dislike.

If they were so smart why do they constantly get kicked out of every place they settle? Smart people know how not to get fucking exiled and exterminated.

Jewish women are hot

post 'em if you got 'em

The lack of khazar milkers in this thread is simply disgusting.

Annie Clark is like half or a quarter Jewish or something.

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the jews brought us the bagel, and for that I am grateful.

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they got the idea for the shape from circumsized foreskin

she has a nice shapairo titties

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Hila is only 3% Ashkenazi Jewish. She is mostly Arab. Ethan, on the other hand, 99% Ashkenazi.

Is she creating the perfect woman?

hila is hot and ethan is a cuck

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She's creating comedian and actor Jack Black (in her belly, that's his mum).

She has no personality like a lot of desert people, she shows a tiny bit of character it's like a dog suddenly talking.


dem boobies tho

Cannot be trusted. Ever.


about two years ago i matched with a girl on tinder who had hilas pics and was named hila. i assumed it was someone meming so i sent a meme message and didnt think about it again. severel weeks later h3 posted a video, and it turns out they were in my city for several days exactly when i matched with 'hila'. i always got the vibe that ethan is a cuck so sometimes i wonder...

You would have shown up to Ethan wearing a Hila mask, a crudely cut out photo of her face with eye holes stuck to Ethan's face sweat.

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id be okay with that, i bet i could make ethan squeal like a little piggy

Considering his Tourettes that won't be a challenge.

sauce me nigga

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His mother was born in one

matilda got hot
also, she's ben shillpiro's cousin

Awesome. You should convert.


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As a philosemite I'd love to but I can't turn my back on Catholicism.

Christian is a good religion. If you don't follow something you should burn in hell.

Proper translation is ''those who chose a god'' but the other way around works to their advantage much like playing the victim, ''The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you''

Genesis 10:1-3
Russian Ashkenaz descendants of Japeth who are not Shemites

2 Kings 17
Foreign Sephardim imported by the king of Assyria

Revelation 2:9 and 3:9
Jews that say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie and are of the Synagogue of Satan.

Isaiah 14:1-2

Said fake 'Jews' that will shortly be white slave niggers owned by Shemite black Hebrew Israelites after the secular state of Israel is destroyed and the real Hebrews return to their land.


nah it was like a year after that vid

Then it was a fake, faggot

Nothing. They're not special. Stop pretending otherwise.

probably was, but i still like to wonder, kike

Eh they seem ok and many like baseball too so they're cool by me, 7/10 would heckle with again

Totally agree

No I don't think you get it, do you? I don't expect you to because you're a lowly goyim and don't hold our intellect.

It doesn't matter how many of you watch a video, or how much you oppose us - you will do what ever we say. We know who you are. We own google, youtube, facebook, everything - you will have an illusion of being free but you won't be. We are ready for you. You may have a gazillion people, but you are divided and you will remain divided - you will fight endless wars with the muslims and it will be natrual for you to hate them more than you hate us. You will hate them so much you will forget you aren't fighting our wars. Once the Muslim Ideology is crushed with their shitty Sharia interest free banking, we will own absolutely everything and you will literally beg us by licking the dogshit from our soles like german women did with Jewish Soviet Commiars (That's Something you didn't know, faggot)

I am openly saying this because it's funny how you think uploading a few crappy edited videos and making a few "funny pictures" is somehow going to change the world! - You have lost. Shitler and his Nazi scum were pieces of shit that got fucked like a loser that he was. The European white race was easy, we didn't have to do much - you are ruled by your own consent. The muslims however need to be crushed by conquest. We are already winning First we will divide them in to endless wars and disputes, and then use YOU to take control. YOU HAVE LOST AND YOU DON'T KNOW IT - YOU ARE MY SLAVE - YOU ARE BORN TO SERVE JEWS - THIS IS FROM GOD.

BYE BYE and have a nice orgasm from the fact you think you have done something with a shity picture of shitler.

Oh by the way, there will be laws against racial/religious incitement in all countries and you will be arrested one day!

samefag harder

>be me
>come here after Brenton Tarrant event
>posting and reading 2 weeks
>fap once a week before
>see these faggots posting whitebois can't and shit like this
>my disgust
>be realized of the whole jewish interracial propaganda
>delete all interacial porn from disk

feels good

thank you anons

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they worship a shitty god and honestly aren't worth the effort to even exterminate.

I don't know why people think there's some enormous difference. Jews and Arabs are both Semitic. Ashkenazi just ended up breeding European.

I love jews as a race. I don't care for orthodox jews. I like non-practicing jews.