I really need help from any Spanish speakers. I need to pass this Spanish exam to graduate university...

I really need help from any Spanish speakers. I need to pass this Spanish exam to graduate university, and I haven’t been able to learn properly due to being overwhelmed (other classes, work, death in the family, homeless man stalking me). This is the exam I’m taking right now, and I’m basically asking for someone to come up with answers for me.

I have nothing to offer but my appreciation. I’d be fucked if I fail this as I want to graduate and get a job elsewhere asap to leave my current life behind.

Feel free to answer them with your own liberty, as long as it doesn't seem like an absolute expert answer. For part 4 you can make up a story.

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Looks like bullshit, if this is university level Spanish then why are some things put into English in parentheses?

It's beginners spanish 2 at a community college user

Lot of classes can be pretty easy in uni man just depends on what you’re taking. also how paranoid are you? Why the fuck would anyone fake that they have to take a god damn Spanish test? Lmfao

1. Adela se rompió la pierna. Necesita descansar para mejorar.

2. Francisco tiene un resfriado. Necestia tomar medicina para mejorar.

3. Pedro ha torcido su tobillo. Necesita tumbarse para mejorar.

4. Cristina tiene dolor de cabeza. Necesita dormir para mejorar.

5. Pedro tiene fiebre. Necesita tomar un baño caliente para mejorar.

I'll finish the rest in a second but here are the first five

change all the instances of mejorar to mejorarse

Holy shit. Thank you so much user. I honestly appreciate it, from my fucking heart.

2. They correct word is "necesita"

lo siento, hice un typo
np user

Answers for 3 Lectura

1. Se quiere ganar el conocimiento sobre cómo evitar los dolores de cabeza.

2. 90% de todos los dolores de cabeza se deben a la tension.

3. Las migrañas son como dolores de cabeza, pero mucho más fuertes.

4. No se fuma, no se bebe alcohol, se duerme mucho, y se controlla tensión emocional y fisical.

5. Si los dolores de cabeza no se paren, debe hablar a su medico.

4. It's a fake story so you can modificate as you want.

Cuando tenía 12 años, mis padres me regalón por Navidad una bicicleta. Yo no sabía cómo montarla, no tenía ruedas de aprendizaje porque me avergonzaba que mis amigos me vieran. Entonces salí a la calle a intentar dar una vuelta, al principio fue fácil pero rápidamente comencé a perder el control chocando contra el basurero de los vecinos, como no había usado el casco me golpeé la cabeza y me lastime el brazo, mis padres me llevaron al hospital, afortunadamente, solo fueron golpes y regresé a casa.

>homeless man stalking me

You can't just leave that at that, obviously

I use a little broke spanish to make it credible, cause you know the devil is un the details

If you're going to tell a story might as well green text it.

Sacar la basura, joto.

OP, in exchange for doing your exam for you we're gonna need to see a picture of your right thumb.

Okay, coming up

Here you go

Could you possibly translate these as well? They're question responses to an audio file. If not then thank you for what you've already done

1. I got to the doctor twice a year
2. I often forget to pack my food before going to work
3. I would go to the nurse
4. I have never broken a bone
5. I never had trouble sleeping as a little boy

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Simple answer, they're from a rich family and are too lazy to do their own work. Who the fuck takes Spanish in Univerisity? The only thing worse I guess are useless faggots that take marketing and advertising degrees in order to stuff commercials in the faces of others that are too stupid to turn their TV's off.

Yeah I thought of that but then that's not a university.

¿¿quién se cura la fiebre con baños de agua caliente?? ¿no debería tomarse alguna medicina mejor?

I'm taking a Spanish class in a community college online and transfering the credit because I need it to graduate. It has nothing to do with my degree.

But it does have to do with your degree if you need it to gradutate, personally I'd take some cooking class to meet up with cute chicks and learn a skill that chicks like. But that's just my opionion.

** yeah yeah opinion, not opionion.

Nope, it's a state mandatory foreign language requirement. Cooking wasn't an option

What kind of school and what state mandates what you in a college or university mandates what courses you take? That's bullshit. I can that shit in grade school but in further no fucking way that's mandated by some government, that sounds like Canada or some shit.

I look at it this way, who the fuck is paying? If I'm paying you for a degree then I'll take courses related to that degree and won't be spoken to like some little kid that needs training in racial engineering or some shit like that. I'd tell them to piss the fuck off and find a better school.