Why do democrats hate white people so much

why do democrats hate white people so much

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Because they're the party of racism. No matter how hard the Republicans try to pull ahead in the virulent bigotry olympics, the Democrats somehow always manage to pull ahead.

>they're the party of racism


>all the white nationalists and white supremacists voted for and support donald trump

That's cute. You can't even manage to read two sentences.

Because of the twisted and evil corrupting influence of the filthy jews.

your right,i stopped after the word racism.you can fuck off and take your buzzwords somewhere else,the next you'll be telling me that donald trump is a nazi

Because they don't vote for them.

No, he's not. Though at least you seem to be inconsistent about which party you're defending. That shows promise.
>they're both evil

yeah,i hate both parties.republicans were great until they decided that 2019 years of gun rights support should be thrown in the garbage because they think the scary non whites coming into america are more important

if you want to see what a respectable republican party looks like.just look at the republican party when george w bush was president.and if you want to see why i dont consider trump supporter's real republicans,just watch the amount of shit they give you when you bring up george w bush

Pick up a history book.

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Race realism is not racism also there is nothing bad with trying to make your country again so stfu liberal

Is that what you call the Patriot Act and mass surveillance?

>trying to make your country again

go back to the 3rd grade and learn how to type an intelligent sentance,faggot.go figure you support trump i bet

>mass surveillance

yeah,to bad the nigger you loved so much never stopped that.so i guess its another thing that americans find a problem only when the republicans are in control

either way,republicans respect bush a hell of alot more then they respect trump.so cry more kid

Exactly, they think that people born in the later 1900s and 2000s should be held responsible for shit done by people of the same race over 100 years ago.

It's like you democrat shill faggots aren't even trying anymore


I don't think you know what racism is.

I called the Democrats the party of racists, said Republicans try their damndest to keep up, and then said both parties are evil, and you assume I'm a fan of Obama? This Us vs. Them crap has reached new levels of idiocy.


>hurr durr,he doesnt like trump guy.that means he's a democrat

the bush family hates trump to? does that make them democrats,oh right.you trumptards hate bush to,please explain why we should consider you faggots republicans

never said anything about you being a fan of obama

neither does the rest of america

What's the orange cheetoh brand idiot you love so much got to do with Duby'a betrayal of basic liberties?

also,id rather have a 3rd term of bush then obama or trump

>you love so much

im not even going to argue with your ignorant ass

Cuz white people are the worst, duh

They don't hate white people. They hate "badwhites". It's goodwhites vs. badwhites right now.

Well, you're clearly pretty racist so I assumed when you said nigger while were talking about presidents, you meant Obama. If that's not the case, who did you mean?

Fucking CNN fake news


kind of like trump and his supporters attitude towards gun rights? the ones betraying are the trump supporters.bush is what you call a decent republican,donald trump and his supporters are fucking morons

hey guys, stop arguing and check out my giant white dick!!
I'll take on any big dirty nigger dick and destroy it with my giant white cock power.


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If you don't want people assigning you political beliefs you don't hold, then don't do it other people. It's really that simple, retard.

>hurr durr,your racist

typical libtard,even though your the ones who bring race up the most.you call everybody else racists.dont you have some antifa or black lives matter rally to attend?

Yes, Trump is betraying the 2nd amendment as well. Though it's still a long way from how Bush violated basic rights to privacy.

See here Retard

>that nose

meanwhile leftist ideology keeps blacks thinking they've been "delt a bad hand" and so they will never pull themselves up by their bootstraps. leftist racism is more subtle yet more toxic.

>rights to privacy

>meanwhile,i clapped and cheered as my nigger president shit on privacy with nsa spying

yet again,americans only caring about the issue when the bad bad republican they dont like is in office

The inner cities are almost entirely the responsibility of Democratic failed policies.

dont get me wrong,there are racist pieces of shit in every political party.but its obvious that america only cares when the white republicans are doing it

its why you hear all about nazi's,fascists and white supremacist trump supporters when nobody gave a fuck about black lives matter and antifa for the past 8 years

>democratic failed policies

so thats why the flint water crisis was blamed on the republican governer and not the democrat city?

>I'm the real victim and here's why

I didn't clap and cheer, I thought it was appalling. The expansion of the NSA under Obama was terrible, and the fact that nobody seemed to care when Snowden revealed the extent of the spying was a terrible sign.

The fact that you assume anyone who criticizes your side for the evil things they do means they support the other side when they do the same type of appalling things is reprehensible. Apologists like you are awful people.

Because they think its what their base wants.

I don't know much about the specifics of Flint, but politics and the media in general are fairly divorced from reality.

>hurr durr the media

here's a challenge,trump supporters go a day without blaming something on the liberal media

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The media on the right is at least as bad. Stop assuming peope's politics, it just proves you're an idiot.

why is op a huge retarded faggot?

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that's just cringe

>stop assuming people's politics

lol,the only people bringing up the media are trumptards.i dont have to assume anything,you guys are the ones who created the term "fake news".not the democrats,not obama,not bush.YOU and your president are responsible


Is 4chinz fucked up for anyone else is it just me?

I didn't vote for him. You're the one who clearly wants to suck his dick.

Because if they hated any other color or nationality it would be racist.

why do republicans hate poor people so much?

They hate asians too.

go figure the libtard brings up sucking dick,you guys sure do cater to the faggots

You seem to be under the delusion there's a significant difference between the two parties.

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because white people invented homo-sex that's a fact.

Go on, you know want to. Suck his cheetoh flavored dick. It's all you can think about, all you can talk about. You're a fag for Trump.

They arent able to hate anyone else and get results


your the one suggesting to suck another man's dick.so your the faggot here,thanks for further proving why the democrats are the party of faggots and fag lovers


They don't.

Wow, that was easy.

Yep, love the surveillance state. It's really easy to blame Obama for that expansion, however, that would ignore the facts. Obama for well over a year called for either the removal or at the very least limitations to be put on the act before Congress was set to renew it. Congress nigh unanimously voted for the expansion and continuation of the act over his objections.

And of course, the source of this was Bush Republicans and Clinton Republican-lite Democrats.

At least is an understatement. There is a difference between what CNN, MSNBC and the like do (partisan biased sensationalism) and what Fox/Sinclair are doing (state sponsored propaganda).

Why is this lettering all crazy?