Hey guys

Hey guys.

My plug finally came through so now I'm set. I've got a lot of housework to do today but it's hard to stay motivated when I'm so lonely so let's chat.

Ask me questions/advice, tell me about yourself, insult me, whatever.

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>nigger brand cigarettes.
kill yourself.

what pills?

oof those are the really shitty hydros. Bet half those do literally nothing.

only Hydrocodone pussy?


lol fag is proud of his 6 hydros. I’d eat those in one hand full and wash it down with a beer

All I got, all I need.

Well they're originally from the pharmacy so whatever.

Marlboros are weak and tasteless. Don't knock it till you try it.

Only 6? Are you a teenage girl?

I do the same to your mother

That's just what I have in my keychain thing. The rest of the bottle is inside.

oorhju lets dm

flush them down the toilet man people care about you

Tylenol is bad for you user

Mmm delicious, norcos are tasty.

Good luck with your house work! I hope you get everything done that you need to.

What would you say is one influential thing that's shaped you into being the person you are today?

Yeah, I'm aware of that. They're just the shitty manufacturer. Ask if they have the ones from PAR or SUN pharmaceuticals.
I don't take mine recreationally, but taking the ones you have made me keep jumping in dosage since half never worked.

sharpie in pooper

Kinda wanna set myself on fire

Wow, an actually good question.
Hard to pick just one so here's a couple:
[After being raised exclusively on shitty country and Western] hearing Stadium Arcadium really opened my mind to what music can be. I like all music, nothing against country.

Being poor made sure I know how to fix any home/auto problem that comes up.

Owning pets.

how much are they? i pay 10 a piece usually, but $8 when my friends dad gets his once a month. i take about 100mg a day most days but its a ton of money i spend. i make well over 100k and my wife does too, but I'm personally broke and she doesnt know it. also, I've had suboxone for 6 days now, working out great, low 1mg a day dose.

I don't notice a difference, personally, but then again I'm not in a place to be picky.

Uh, why?

Gimmie a bit

>My plug finally came through
>Well they're originally from the pharmacy so whatever.
nigger every dealer will sell you cheeto dust made into pills with a $300 pill press as str8 pharma grade fire bro

They will still do the job if your tolerance is low.

I get them free. Long story short I'm a handyman so I do simple shit for the guy and he gives me about 100-120/month. Nearly his whole script.

Shit I get my 10MG norcos for 5$ lol

Y not just do kratom and save money

Trade them for heroin

Thanks for answering! Let's see what else...

If you could have one super power, what would it be?

Burrrr im so lonly hurrrrrrrr

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i used to and stayed off a long time. problem with that, getting off kratom gave me EXTREME anxiety. I've never had it before, but had constant panic attacks, even taperee too. i like the subs i get for free. i can get off subs, i never take them for more than 2 weeks, problem is usually when i get off i start buying hydros again.

i used to by a kilo of kratom from virginia botanical for like $70, great deal

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Nice butt!

i still have two hydros left too! the subs havent even had me crave them one bit.

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>white hand
what the fuck am I looking at?

>hard drugs

it's like you never want to make more than $12.50/hour.

I've tried hydros and its really nothing special to me. albeit I didnt take them long enough to get hooked

you're white and smoke newports
fucking hang yourself

Yeah my only problem with kratom is it made me angry. Getting off it wasn't that bad, I did hydros recently, about 120mg roughly. Snorting and eating them. Didn't really notice a high, if that makes sense. I mean I got tired and was tripping at one point, just laying there. But I felt dumb for doing them and it just doesn't seem worth it after the experience. I do crave kratom, maybe I'll do it again, hopefully not. Just not the same anymore

True but I know for a fact these are from Walgreens because I picked them up myself. See
To die without upsetting anyone.

I'm happy with what I'm on now, but horse is on the horizon.



I'm from Memphis if that helps it make sense.

I only smoke when I'm stressed. Also
>Hard drug
Nigger please.

Fight me bitch. I like what I like.

Oh dear. That's depressing. Don't die. :c I'm sure you're a wonderful person.

I already have anxiety so I'm not gonna push it. But I was hit by a truck when I was 16 (hence the addiction) but I really only take them to help with pain and to give me energy so 20mg a few times a day is fine for me. I don't try to trip. I don't even do weed.

Actually I'm pretty shitty. Only thing good about me is the animal fostering, but even then my wife is the real hero.

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Thank you both for taking care of animals! Do you have more pictures of the fur babies?

i think hydrocodone has a limit to a point for awhile. like, id use to take 2, they wear off a bit and i get sleepy, take a couple more, but i never really get that same energy back. so i just chase the surge all day staying tired. what i found to help, just take more, so maybe 3-4, and actually make yourself hold off for at least 4 hours. you will get sleepy and maybe a bad mood as they wear off, but when you dose again with say another 3, you will get the same strong surge again. it also makes me take less. taking 2 every hour adds up quick $$

Hundreds. Spammed a thread with them last night.

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Talk to me. Tell me about yourselves.

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ill bump for your dubs. just snorted half of a 5mg hydro. kinda shit but all i can find

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Is this just me anons but does Yea Forums only smoke newports?

>i like drugs (xanax/codone and newports)
>i wanna kill myself (gun and newports)

Well a lot of people here are depressed. What did you expect?

I've been there bro. Come over and help me paint and I'll share.

Does anybody here know how to get naloxon out of your pills? In my country these niggas always put some naloxon into the pills so you can't get properly high


I don't think anyone knows dude.

Where you live

DFW Texas

lucky got my wisdom teeth removed yesterday and got the same ones